Chapter 145 Hate

People support their foreheads.

"Wait, that's not right, junior sister, can you contact the principal?" Lu Mingfei's mind flashed, and he grasped the point.

He asked this question more than once, but every time Qianli denied it flatly, saying that he couldn't contact the principal and dared not contact him, for fear of revealing his location and attracting the siege of the Eight Sheqi Family.

But it is clear that from the beginning to the end, the eight Snake Qi families did not offer a reward to Qianli, she shuttled around Tokyo like nowhere, and there were even many people who came to her convenience.

She can go to Genji Heavy Industries to get in touch with Angers openly. Even if Angers has something to delay and can't get away for a while, she can at least guide them in the right direction of the next road.

So what brand of fake Qianli is it?
Lu Mingfei went crazy.

After Qianli realized that she had leaked her words, she subconsciously covered her mouth and refused to admit it. However, under the persecution of everyone, she could only move her hands away from her lips, with a heroic and righteous face, and angrily clenched her fists: "Since Ange is not benevolent, then I will Unrighteousness, to tell you the truth, Ange has been looking for me since the first day I arrived here, but don't let me tell you that he thinks this is a good opportunity to temper you, it's simply too hateful!
"Failing a test is also abominable. I obviously took him seriously and worked hard for him, so I almost fed him. In the end, he still wanted to cross the river, tear down the bridge, unload the mill and kill the donkey. I can't bear it. I have been doing it for so many years. It is absolutely impossible for my college career to be stained at this time! If he dares to fail my subject, I will report him for lax education!"

It's a pity that only Fingel shared her righteous indignation, and the others had mixed feelings after hearing the news.

Brothers and sisters hugged and loudly accused Hilbert Jean Angers of crimes, trying to pull them into the same front.

However, everyone else could see that they were actually playing tricks, so they silently changed the subject after a few casual echoes.

Yuan Zhinv stood up: "Although there is no evidence, I will try my best to convince my brother. This is my only chance to reconcile with him. He has always wanted to be a friend of justice for so many years, while I am a wicked ghost. So I have always hated him for so many years. We are the closest people in this world. Is there anything that can override our family relationship? Is the justice he insists on is the real justice? This world really exists Is there justice? Is there any justice that can kill the closest person? But he always firmly believes that he can give up everything for justice. Is this kind of person just or ruthless?

"I dare not face him, I am afraid that he will see my eyes, as if seeing something disgusting. I can no longer be his fellow traveler, I have become his enemy. Not only what happened back then, but also Afterwards, I became the dragon king of the fierce ghosts, with countless blood in my hands.

"The only bargaining chip I can reconcile with him now is to kill the general, but I failed. Kazama Liuli may be useful to my brother, but Yuanzhinv is not. But I still want to try, this time I want to stop avoiding to face him directly. Tell him everything I know.

"If he still chooses to kill me in the end, I have nothing to say. After all, I have killed others, so I should have the consciousness to be killed."

"Okay!" Qian Li applauded: "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Yuan Zhinv shook her head lightly: "No need for sister, I want to face him alone. Only in this way can he be the truest thought in his heart."

Qian Li stretched out her hand, Yuanzhinv obediently bent down and let her touch his head.Then he stood up and bowed deeply to everyone: "Thank you for your care, you didn't treat me as a different kind. For so many years, except for my sister and strangers passing by, there are only you."

Everyone was moved when they heard these heartfelt words.

Not only Yuanzhinv felt that she was a monster, they all thought they were monsters too.Monsters and monsters should be together and pity each other.

"Have you thought about it, if the tortoise decides to execute you, Cassel cannot provide you with shelter," Caesar said.

"Think clearly." Yuan Zhinv nodded: "There are always a few people in this world who will reconcile with him no matter how much you hate, because without them, your life would be impossible to talk about."

You hate them and think it was all the wrong time.But after throwing those away, wouldn't even the life with him be thrown into the trash can?

"I'm very glad that you can grow up to be such a sensible child, and I'm sorry." Qian Li looked at his back: "Cassel's spring enrollment plan will start in June, so go sign up then."

Yuan Zhinv's footsteps stopped.

"At that time, everything should be settled. When the time comes, bring Erika, the principal has agreed to your enrollment plan in advance."

"What did you say?" Yuanzhinv looked at the relaxed Qianli in disbelief.

"I don't want to be a white job for Kassel College with all my heart and soul. The principal promised me a proposal, and I changed the admission qualifications of the two of you. But Yuanyuan's plan is to take Miss Ying to France to buy sunscreen, I hope The money he earns can cover your tuition."

Yuan Zhinv cried and laughed.

"You are really... How can I hate you when you are like this."

"? No way, do you still hate me?" Qian Li was dumbfounded.

"Yes, I hate it. In fact, I can't kill my brother much. When my brother threw me into the well, I was thinking, where have you been? If you were still here, I would definitely not be like this. You abandoned me. My brother and I, that's why we're on opposite sides."

At that time, he was trapped in the well alone, helpless and hesitant.The elder brother Yuanzhisheng cannot be called by his first name, so he is called Qianli.

But his screaming became hoarse, and he lost consciousness, but Qian Li couldn't save him.

Later, Meimei recalled this, even though he knew that this kind of thinking was wrong, but he still inevitably hated Qian Li.This hatred is deeply rooted in the nightly nightmares, and it grows together with the hatred for Yuan Zhisheng.

What about the person who clearly promised that if there is danger, he will rush to it as soon as possible?fraud……

"You actually thought that way back then, and since then there has been another sad person in Tokyo." Qian Li exaggeratedly covered her chest, paused for a moment, and explained in a low voice: "I was doing something very important at that time, I'm sorry The original one left without saying goodbye."

"I'll forgive you if you pay the tuition fee and say something."

Qian Li vomited blood: "Kassel's tuition is expensive for a year, and I have to pay for four people, isn't it too scary?"

"Four people?" Caesar looked sideways.

Qianli herself, Yuanzhinv, and Eliyi, there are three of them, and who is the other one?
"Keep your identity secret, I'm going to make it the biggest surprise." Qian Li gave a wink.

"I always feel that with the character of my junior sister, there is a high probability of being frightened." Lu Mingfei rubbed his chin.

(End of this chapter)

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