Chapter 147 The Tram Problem
I haven't had the strength to lift it for too long.

Lu Mingfei quickly sent Ling to the room, sat on the edge of the bed and stared at her face.

He was a little tired, but he was very clear-headed, and he kept replaying Chu Zihang's words in his mind.


After entering an unfamiliar space, animals will find a place they are familiar with before falling asleep, perhaps an old cardboard box, or a dark and damp corner.Those places that seem strange to humans are safe to them.

Now Zero feels safe by his side.

Lu Mingfei couldn't help thinking that a few days ago, there was another girl who was like a little beast and kept away from others. She also felt that he was safe, and she could sleep soundly without any scruples and no image by his side.

But he sent her home.

He can't protect the other party, but he can't just watch her become a victim under the pressure of justice, so he can only do his best to send her to a safer place.

It's strange, during this period of time he thought of Erika so much more.

That glamorous face will be squeezed into her mind every time she is in a daze and when she sees something related to her, together with her unique liking.

I am not completely unfeminine.

Lu Mingfei thought to himself.

He can really feel at a certain moment that Erika loves him more than she depends on him, even though it sounds narcissistic to say so.

But he can't feel it from Zero, and he doesn't have any thoughts about Zero.

During the Three Gorges mission, he only cared about taking care of the other person's body, and he must not be reduced to the water by himself. Later, when he occasionally ran into each other in the school cafeteria, at most, he silently handed over his share when Zero clearly expressed his favorite food. go up.

He knew that this had nothing to do with liking, and that he would take the initiative to make an offering mainly stemmed from the inexplicable fear deep in his heart.

Yes, fear.

He felt as if he was longing for contact with Zero, and at a certain moment in a specious dream, they seemed to support each other to escape; but he was afraid of contact with Zero, which was an instinctive resistance and trembling from the soul.

It's completely different from when I got along with Erika.

In fact, he was tempted once or twice, and Lu Mingfei never told anyone.After all, with his identity and strength, facing a princess of the extreme north like Erika, "like" seems to have turned into an inferiority complex that he is ashamed to say.

What does he like?
So he concealed it well, and showed exaggerated resistance when others wanted to match him with Erika.

After learning about the little devil's arrangement, his first reaction was actually secretly happy.Finally someone in this world can admit that they are a good match, and after the secret joy, there is a disguised struggle with thunder and rain.

In this way, all his actions are forced, to go shopping with her to buy clothes is to be forced, to accompany her to go to places he likes to do what he likes is to be forced.

In this way his love appears to be costless and without trace.

He is a person who loves to death. When he meets someone he likes, he will only withdraw the hand he wants to touch, even if the other person likes him too.

The sky was getting brighter, and the morning light shone on Ling's face through the gap between the curtains.The advantages of her facial features of foreign origin are infinitely magnified in the light, with deep eyebrows, deep eyes, and fair skin.

It's obviously a heart-wrenching appearance, but Lu Mingfei can't always explain why he doesn't feel anything at all.

He has never been a person who has a natural resistance to beauty, except for Qianli.

It's just that Ling and Qianli give him very different feelings. He will forget Qianli's gender when getting along, and treat her as the same sex - he is not gay.

And zero?
He couldn't tell.

It's like he couldn't tell why he liked Nuonuo in the first place, maybe it was just because when he was so cowardly, a girl who was so beautiful as to die appeared in front of him against the light, like a thunder and lightning piercing through the darkness, and an angel descended.

It would be fine if it was Erika or Zero who appeared in front of him at that time, even if it was Qianli, it would be fine, but it was Nuonuo who walked in at that time, so everything was not good.


Qian Li rested her forehead on the bar counter.

Too many people died today, and the eight masters of the Snaki Eight Family lost three in one day. These people who usually tremble three times in Tokyo disappeared quietly in this silent night.

People are sleeping soundly, unaware of how terrible things are waiting to wake up in the underground of Tokyo.

They will regard tomorrow as a good start, because the continuous torrential rain has finally faded from Tokyo, and the fresh morning light and cicadas have restored a little calm to the heavy heart.

"Have you nothing to say?" Caesar asked.

"You want me to explain a lot again, don't you?" Qian Li said beautifully, "But you know, the wrong information you got from me will only be more logical and self-consistent than last time."

Caesar felt helpless at her blunt words, smiled and shook his head: "Tell me about yourself, I have always been curious about what you are like outside of those introduction sheets and us."

"It's an evil monster." Qian Li made a grimace: "It's all based on one's own preferences, a tyrant who is destined to be beheaded and hang on the city wall-the above are comments made for me by others, to be honest, I quite like it .”

"It's really surprising, we all thought you were a little angel." Caesar joked.

"That's also an angel disguised as a devil." Qian Li didn't take it seriously: "How will the senior solve the tram problem?"

Caesar thought for a moment: "Follow your heart, if the worldly justice cannot provide us with direction, then follow your heart."

"Where's Fengou?" Qian Li turned around.

"Hey, hello, what's your name? I'm also your senior anyway, and I'm still a lot higher, can I have some basic respect?" Fingel yelled, but soon he put off the engine: "I will jump out of the car. "

As for what to do after jumping off the car, he didn't say.

Qian Li shifted her gaze to Chu Zihang again.

Chu Zihang said, "I will stop the train, or rescue those people before the train arrives."

"Look and see, this is the real little angel." Qian Li waved his hands: "I am different, I will control the train to turn and kill everyone. I can't decide who should survive, Then they all die."

She used a joking tone, like an innocent child, but said the most pupil-shocking words.

They were shocked.

Because they knew in their hearts that Qian Li was not joking, but would implement it seriously.

That's the scariest thing about this answer.

"The executioner on earth." Fingel swallowed.

"So you'd better keep your eyes on guard in turn when you sleep these few days, or you will be attacked by my dark shark." Qian Li made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Fingel trembled, drank the wine glass in his hand, and fled back to his bedroom in a panic.

"But what you've been doing lately is totally different from what you said," Caesar said.

(End of this chapter)

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