Chapter 148 Love Strategy
Whether it's the Tokyo Tower or the Japan Trench, Qianli is trying her best to save everyone.

Needless to say Chu Zihang, he himself could hardly imagine Qian Li killing innocent people indiscriminately.

The corners of Qian Li's mouth curled up slowly, and he looked straight at him: "Senior, don't you really believe me? After you really understand me, you will find that I have done something a million times more terrifying than this."

Caesar glanced sideways at the thoughtful Chu Zihang, and smiled: "Perhaps now is really not a good time to discuss."

Qian Li shrugged: "If you only know me by eyes and ears, then all the time is not a good time to discuss me."

Caesar pondered: "The layman can only know people by eyes and ears."

"But the most important thing is the heart, your own heart." Qian Li pointed to his chest: "Whatever you think of him in your heart, you will involuntarily assimilate his surface into what you are. We say that we know others, but it is better to say It is to know yourself. No matter how simple a person’s life is, another person’s life is an endless tome. Your various annotations and readings of me do not constitute a ten-thousandth of me, but you can see yourself in a glance .”

"San Mao's book?" Caesar asked.

"Yes, Sanmao's book, but why do you know about it, senior? Is it such a wide range of reading?"

Caesar shook his head: "The first contact was because I wanted to see from another angle how a Chinese woman gets together with a foreign man."

This reason is funny to say, but he really studied this kind of female writer with such a mood at that time.

Unexpectedly, I found that certain traits coincide with Nuo Nuo, of course only some of them. Nuo Nuo is the most special self in this world.

Qian Li was noncommittal about this behavior, and looked at the clock on the wall: "It's time to go to bed, brothers, or if you continue to stay up late, I'll go back and catch up on sleep first, caring for the injured elderly is everyone's responsibility."

"I'll accompany you." Chu Zihang said.

"I declined." Qian Li blinked, avoiding Chu Zihang's extended hand without a trace.

Chu Zihang withdrew his hand in despair.

Caesar kicked him with his toes: "Now I know I'm sad, what were you doing just now?"

"Just now?" Chu Zihang was puzzled.

Caesar stared wide-eyed, clapped his hands and laughed, and left without forgetting to pat him on the shoulder, giving his brother one last instruction: "You should read more books by those female writers, and understand the inner world of girls. They really They are glaciers on the sea, but they are the huge and unfathomable ice body below, and they are also the snowdrifts exposed above."

Chu Zihang carefully reviewed the conversation between Caesar and Qianli just now, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and hurriedly chased after her leaving figure.The chair was thrown back and forth by his movements, making a loud noise, but he had no time to worry about it.

Like a scholar who has studied hard for many years and finally found the answer, he grabbed Qian Li at the last second when she entered the room.

"But in my eyes, Qian has always been kind."

Qian Li was stunned for a moment, but didn't react too much. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Chu Zihang: "Thank you for the compliment, senior. Is there anything else?"

Chu Zihang shook his head.

"Good night, brother." Qian Li closed the door without hesitation.

Chu Zihang, who had the door closed after a soft nail, realized that he had found the wrong answer, and it was very likely that the correct answer was the opposite. He pursed his lips and said to the door: "Good night, Qian."

He walked to his bedroom, his room was the innermost, just passing Caesar in the middle.However, he saw that Caesar was not in a hurry to close the door, leaning on the door frame of the bedroom with his arms crossed, his legs and right foot pointing to the ground.

"What did you say?"

With such a big commotion just now, he thought he was enlightened.

"I said, I believe she is kind." Chu Zihang didn't intend to hide from him.

Caesar choked for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion: "You are not suitable for dating, give up, honestly want to save the world."

"What's wrong." Chu Zihang grabbed Caesar, his eyes full of thirst for knowledge.

"Have you ever thought that her self-deprecating self-deprecation as a villain is actually a kind of irony that she hates herself as a kind person?" Perhaps because he had a premonition that tomorrow would be the end of the world, Caesar was always in love with this big dye vat who fell headlong into love. The old enemy who had no way to deal with it felt a little sympathetic for no reason, so he patiently guided him.

Chu Zihang was taken aback.

"At this time, it is better for you not to speak than to say that you are the kindest in my heart. What she always wants to hear is 'you are free, good and evil are good, and I love you who are free'." After Caesar finished, Once again, he patted Chu Zihang's shoulder earnestly: "But congratulations, you have taken the first step, even though you went in the wrong direction."

He could hardly stop laughing at the last sentence.

"Because I expressed my opinion to her?" Chu Zihang humbly asked for advice, thirsty for knowledge.

"Wrong again." Caesar said: "The first step refers to that no matter the external environment is falling apart or the gods are fighting, you have the courage to use them as your background board and fall in love with the girl you love."

Chu Zihang: "..."

What Caesar said was exaggerated and outrageous, but he unexpectedly understood the logic.

For the one you love, you will be desperate for anything.

"Don't make such an expression that I understand. To be honest, I feel that you have misunderstood." Caesar is almost PTSD with his expression, and now Chu Zihang is very easy to understand, what is he thinking in his heart? It was all written on his face, and he only felt a dull pain in his temple: "Don't force yourself if it's really impossible, we can choose to overtake on a curve."

Chu Zihang was confused: "I don't understand."

"You have a good appearance. At least your liar lady likes it very much. We can be sure. Don't think about love skills that you don't understand. It may be faster to maintain your face and rely on sex." Caesar stroked his chin.

Honestly, it's a bad idea.Even though Chu Zihang hadn't practiced it before, he clearly understood how eccentric it was.In his eyes, Caesar's image instantly changed from a love expert wearing a doctor's hat to a pimp standing guard at the gate of Gao Tianyuan.

Caesar watched the expression on his face constantly changing, and finally maintained a strange hesitant state, and closed the door with a big smile.

"I can only help you get here, and the rest depends on your own understanding." He left the last sentence as a summary of this extra-curricular practice: "It's nothing more than crying, making trouble, and hanging yourself. , not to mention that your liar lady doesn't seem to be so firm in her position, and she is easy to soften her heart, maybe if you give it a try, it will really have a miraculous effect?"

Chu Zihang stood silently on the spot for a long time.

He could see that Caesar was really explaining it to him seriously at the beginning, but the idea he came up with later was really too strange, and he felt that if he didn't use it well, he would be doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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