Chapter 149 The Real You
"Wowowo! What are you doing boss?" Qian Li woke up and looked at the completely new interior scene of Gao Tianyuan, and rushed to Su Enxi's side in three steps.

Su Enxi sighed: "Your friends are not going to leave, of course I have to stay here to deal with the aftermath for you."

"It's yours, it's them, how obedient I am, I'm sure I won't cause trouble, then you need to deal with the aftermath." Qian Li winked at her and raised her chin, with a rare bit of flattery on her face: "I'll help you. "

"You are the biggest scourge." Su Enxi mercilessly exposed her.

Qian Li choked.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do this time?" Su Enxi knew that she had guessed right when she saw her standing there as well as a chicken, and felt a pain in her head.

The boss didn't know why he insisted on recruiting a brat for them. She, who had been dealing with logistics at leisure, now also felt the mood of Mai Shutoku, who rushed to the front line and talked eight hundred times a day.

So sad, I wake up feeling like I'm a teenager again.

Time to file for retirement early, or today?
"It's just a small favor." Qian Li pinched his index finger and thumb before his eyes: "Our script today is The Sopranos, right? Can you give me an identity that can get close to everyone in this night show?"

Su Enxi raised her eyebrows: "Who are you looking for?"

"Oh, please, please." Qian Li clasped his hands together and waved back and forth, but he was unwilling to reveal his real purpose.

Su Enxi ignored her.

Qian Li went around and stood where her eyes were: "Please, please, sister."

At the end of the address, Su Enxi couldn't hold back: "You look so big, you should call me sister, it's creepy."

"Okay, big sister, I beg big sister, I swear I really don't make trouble." Qian Li continued to lie down and be a little girl.

At this time, she lost her usual cynicism, and she also lost the coldness and calmness she had when she was serious. She was like a little girl begging for sweets with her neighbor's sister, making people want to pinch her.

Chu Zihang, who had been watching her in the dark, thought.

"Okay, but I'm not allowed to spoil this good show of mine, do you hear?" Su Enxi couldn't hold back her offensive, so she let go, but at the same time she didn't forget to tell her.

"Affirmative." Qian Lina still had objections, and nodded like a pounding garlic: "Thank you, sister, I know that my sister is the best to me."

Su Enxi supported her forehead.

This scene was a bit weird to her, because she had seen the picture of Qian Li expressionlessly twisting a person's bones on the rooftop.The movements are clean and agile, as if it is not the first time to do this kind of thing.

And the man in her hands had his jaw removed before she could even cry out in pain, and felt that the bones in his body were broken inch by inch.

Not seeing any blood, Qian Li twisted the man into a weird twist, lying on the ground like a dead dog, tears streaming down his face.

This is not killing in the ordinary sense at all, this is killing.At that time, there was even a trace of divine compassion on Qianli's face, which made Su Enxi, who had seen countless bloody scenes, unable to restrain the chill from trembling all over her body.

What impressed her the most was that after the end, she greeted her and Mai Shikutoku with her usual smile. If it wasn't for the people lying on the ground, anyone would suspect that they had just read it wrong.

But now she actually appeared in front of her acting coquettishly, making Su Enxi feel a little confused, and even wanted to ask the classic "Which one is the real you".

Qian Li didn't know what she was thinking, or even if she knew, she didn't care, and ran to the table happily, picked up chopsticks and had breakfast.

Su Enxi suddenly understood where the weird contradictions in Qianli came from. She was like a baby, with both the innocence and the cruelty of a baby.

No matter how much she pretends to be an adult on the surface, deep down she still has the logic of a newborn baby's approach to things.

Straightforward enough, bloody enough.

Caesar looked up at the height of the stage. The waiter was building a bridge on the stage with the help of the designer and the construction team, and the stage was decorated as a night view of Shinjuku.

Just now Qianli said that this was the theme of the underworld, and he could vaguely guess Su Enxi's purpose. Caesar lit a match and stepped forward for Su Enxi to light the Moor cigarette in her mouth.

In the flames and smoke, Su Enxi's face was a little blurry.

Smoke looks charming.

Caesar thought of this word in China, and felt that it was the most suitable description for Su Enxi now.

"In Shinjuku District, there is no fair negotiation between you and the Sheqi Bajia." Su Enxi exhaled a smoke ring, and said slowly: "If I were you, I would have taken the injured girl and the half-dead girl with me last night. Ace Cowherd rushed out, and ran as far as possible. Although it is a bit difficult, it is not impossible."

"What are you going to do, boss?" Caesar smiled.

Su Enxi sneered: "If you really think about my safety, you should run away last night."

Caesar shrugged: "Escaping overnight is not in line with the honor of a nobleman. Judging by the boss's posture, it seems that there are already countermeasures to entertain the Sheqi family?"

"Of course." Su Enxi smiled and said, "Shinjuku is not our home stadium, but Gao Tianyuan is. We are the masters here. Gao Tianyuan has only one purpose all the time, and that is to always open the door with a smiling face to welcome guests. We have arranged a gorgeous stage , Let the parents sit down amidst the gorgeous singing and dancing, and negotiate calmly, the host and guest have a good time!"

Caesar found that the boss looked pure and pleasant, but he was really full of bad water.

But he still didn't show his face, and said with a smile: "Then what do we need to do?"

"Winning." Su Enxi threw the phone and the printed list to him and Chu Zihang: "Let's get to work and invite these guests to our party tonight."

Lu Mingfei and Finger came out of the bedroom stretching their waists. They had chicken nests on their heads.

"Hi boss, do you have any food?" Fingel's eyes lit up after seeing Su Enxi.

Su Enxi curled her lips in disgust: "What does it look like, we men in Gao Tianyuan should pay attention to our external image at all times, go brush your teeth and wash up, and change this pajamas. The breakfast is on the table over there, not enough for the chef to add."

At the end, Fingel's eyes glowed green, and he repeatedly said that he ran away to wash up.

Lu Mingfei looked embarrassed, and pointed to Finger's back: "Then I'll go too, boss."

"Hmm." Su Enxi nodded.

Lu Mingfei disappeared without a trace.

It took a long while to see this pair of suffering brothers and sisters appear glamorously, and went straight to the breakfast area, like a vicious dog rushing for food.

Qian Li was taken aback: "Damn, starving ghost reincarnated?"

(End of this chapter)

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