Dragon Slaying, From Enrollment in Kassel to Mastery

Chapter 163 Letter from Little Monster

Chapter 163 Letter from Little Monster
However, Ange's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he yelled at the person operating the projector, "Pompeii bastard! Does the opening need to be so long? Fast forward!"

Tokyo is now flooded with fire and fire, and the situation is extremely urgent. They may be buried here by the awakened god and thousands of Japanese people in Tokyo at any time. This guy still has time to talk about the mystery of the birth of the universe here!
If he said that the birth of the universe is so great, there shouldn't be such a fool!
He believed his evil!

Caesar was indifferent.

He knew from the first second that the film was broadcast that it was made by his father, Pompeii Gattuso. The favorite thing for this kind of psycho is to bring a beautiful woman in a mink coat back home and watch it in a private movie room. A short film of his own making.It is also a grand opening chapter, starting from the birth of the universe, showing the arduous evolution of creatures for billions of years, and then he will stare into the eyes of the beautiful woman and say, the ancestors have worked so hard to evolve to make us what we are today, why not put this How can greatness reproduce?

The picture below goes from the direction of serious scientific research to galloping on banana peels all the way to unplayable third-level movies.

The screen suddenly switched, the stars, sea and biological evolution were gone, replaced by a house on the water of a small island in the South Pacific. Pompeii Gattuso in a white suit adjusted the camera and showed them in front of the screen. A bright smile.

Ange took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said, "It should have jumped over."

"We didn't have time to fast-forward, but the film suddenly jumped here." The researcher dared not take the credit.

The voice of his words fell, and Ange didn't like to find out what it meant, when he heard the voice of Pompeii Gattuso: "Okay, well, I guess at this time, Angers, your character should be Want to smash the projector in rage, right? Let's get straight to the point."

He clearly calculated that Angers' tolerance was good, and this knowledge made Angers' heart full of old blood.

That is to say, he has always suspected that Qian Li is the bastard's illegitimate daughter, and there is a reason for it!Ah no, it shouldn't be an illegitimate child, the two of them should be one person!

On the contrary, Caesar's child looked much more normal.

Thinking of this, Angers couldn't help but take a look... the corner of the mouth twitched at the gorgeous Mr. Cesar Gattuso.

Well, not much better.

The same thing is over!

"When you open this video, you are already in great trouble, right? I deeply regret this, because I am thousands of miles away in the South Pacific, even if Japan sinks, it will not affect half of it here, and you The land beneath them is falling apart."

Subsequently, a Japanese block model is simulating the current state of Japan and what is about to be faced.

Deputy Minister Carl's eyes were staring straight, and he didn't hear anything outside the window. He was only engaged in research. He didn't know the education and background of the school director in front of him, but he was also a top expert, and he could tell at a glance that Pompeii gave The model is very accurate,

The whole of Japan is facing the danger of falling apart, fortunately they thought they came to Japan to save the suffering!

Pompeii continued to explain the impending difficulties in Japan. Volcanoes erupted intensively, tsunamis swept across the city, and the incomplete White King woke up in purgatory, bringing about even greater crises.

"Of course, God must die. We are the secret party, and the only goal of the secret party is to slay the dragon. But this time is different, you are going to face the White King. I know you must have brought the seven deadly sins, but Those small knives are useless this time. According to Norton, their maker, the White King has long since died, so his alchemy tools did not consider the situation of the White King at all." Pompeii Gattuso paused when he said this Dun: "So what is the real weapon that can destroy the White King? Let me introduce to you the ultimate weapon jointly developed by the Gattuso Research Institute and the Russian Federal Space Agency. We named it—— Damn it!"

"Don't be in a hurry to throw your shoes. I promise you won't be furious after watching the starry sky this time." Pompeii explained the power of the scourge without any ups and downs: "At this moment, the scourge is running a thousand zeros above your heads. On the track at [-] kilometers, he carries the sword of Damocles that can save everyone. When the sword falls from the sky, the earth will be cut, let alone God? No matter how ultimate creature he is, he is still just This creature, in the face of the punishment from the vast starry sky, every cell of him was suspected to be burned to death!"

Pompeii Gattuso is indeed born in Gattuso's family, and his speech ability is more skilled than his own son Caesar.Even Lu Mingfei, who was watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but start to feel a surge of emotion, with the urge to single-handedly challenge the White King with a bazooka in the next second.

However, the mobile phone in the pocket made a faint sound, which was the notification tone of the software.

Lu Mingfei looked east and west, and after making sure that no one noticed this place, he turned the brightness of the phone to the darkest.

He is very experienced in doing this kind of thing. In the past, when the lights were turned off in the class and a movie was playing, he would sneak to the corner of the last row and look at his mobile phone with the faint light. other people.

Lu Mingfei originally planned to close it after just one glance. After all, it is a time of life and death. Even he understands the importance of Pompey's speech.

But that ID made him stop and poke open the chat box with his fingers.

"Little Monster" sent him a message on Line.

Line's status in Japan is equivalent to China's WeChat, and Lu Mingfei only has one friend in his Line account, which is "Little Monster".The little monster has only one friend, that is "Sakura". Line was used by Lu Mingjiao Erika, and the ID was given to her by him.When the two were shopping, they received a mobile phone as a gift, and Lu Mingfei thought of using this extra mobile phone to send messages and chat to Erika.

It's romantic for two people to chat on the notebook, but it's a waste of time.However, Erika is more used to using paper and pen than this, so I only tried a few times to chat on Line.Usually when Lu Mingfei was sleeping in the bathtub late at night, he would receive messages from the little monster.

The little monster asked him if he was asleep, and he replied that he was already asleep, and the little monster said that I fell asleep too.

Erika was more obsessive than the average girl, although there was only a wall separating her, she seemed to be afraid that he would run away suddenly.

But at this time Lu Mingfei was in a mess, because he had already made plans on the day he sent Eriyi away, and persuaded Eriyi not to leave with that mobile phone, saying that there was no signal on the road, and it would be white belt if he took it.In fact, he just didn't want Erika to take that mobile phone back to Sheqi Bajia, and didn't want to leave clues for Yuan Zhisheng to find them.

(End of this chapter)

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