Chapter 164 Escape
He knew that if she lost that phone, Erika would no longer be able to log in to the account "Little Monster", because Lu Mingfei didn't tell her the password.

"Where is Sakura?"

A line of words like this appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

Lu Mingfei almost frightened his phone, and replied in a hurry: "Are you Eriyi? Where are you?"

"I'm on my way to the airport, I'm going to fly to Korea." Erika replied.

Seeing this, Lu Mingfei had roughly confirmed Eliyi's identity in his heart.Because her tone of voice is different from other people's, any emotion is laid out straightforwardly, without modal particles and expressions, and she answers whatever she asks.

Like a child who has just learned to speak, he is stubborn and serious, with well-behaved punctuation marks.

"Take a video." Lu Mingfei said.

He still wanted to make a final confirmation of how she was doing during this time.

However, as soon as this concept emerged, Lu Mingfei was stunned.

She has returned to the Sheqiba family where she has lived since she was a child, and has become a little princess there. How can she not live well?Going to South Korea at such a critical moment, there is no second possibility except that the tortoise can make such a decision.On the surface, the tortoise can sacrifice anyone for the sake of righteousness, but on this occasion when Erika is most needed, she is prepared to send her abroad for her safety, which is enough to show that his love for Erika is not pretended on the surface.

He should be happy for her, but Lu Mingfei couldn't be happy no matter what.

He didn't know what kind of mentality he was in. When he knew that she was doing well and would be safe, his first reaction was to feel relieved, but he couldn't resist the sourness that followed.

He suddenly remembered the time when Senior Brother Killing Embryo and Junior Sister Qianli quarreled, Chu Zihang was obviously relieved at first sight, but he was able to say such accusatory words later.

At that time, he didn't understand what kind of mentality this was, but now he empathized strangely.

It is a kind of panic and anger that you will live better if you see her leave you-of course, this anger is directed at yourself, angry at your powerlessness and incompetence.

And a little distressed.

When the video invitation popped up, Lu Mingfei hurriedly organized his thoughts.

He was thinking wildly again, it was because Chu Zihang liked Junior Sister, and he didn't like Eliyi.

The reason for this is because of the natural envy and hatred for capitalists. After all, he is still here to live and die with Japan. The real little princess is ready to run out beautifully in a pumpkin carriage.

Taking a step back, it is normal for him to care about Erika's well-being from the perspective of a friend.It's normal to have that kind of mentality. People often say on the Internet that "I'm afraid that my brother will suffer and also be afraid that my brother will open up the road".

Her mind was in a mess, and Erika couldn't wait for a response, so she tilted her head.

The ribbon bow on the top of the head slipped down the smooth long hair, revealing a bit of innocence that doesn't know the world.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and immediately began to feel flustered, and asked casually, "Didn't you bring your mobile phone when you left?"

He remembered this very clearly, and he was never sloppy when it came to his own safety.

Could it be Lu Mingze's trick again?
"Sakura sent it to me in the box." Erika bowed her head to type, and a short while later came such a text message.

It turned out that it wasn't Lu Mingze, but the boss and senior brother.The two of them helped to pack the box sent to Erika. I still remember that Chu Zihang was so meticulous that he even smoothed out the ribbons that tied his head. Temperament, how could you miss a mobile phone?

After identifying the culprit, Lu Mingfei gritted his teeth.

Such a low EQ deserves to be single!
Chu Zihang glanced at Lu Mingfei in the corner in surprise.

From the very beginning, he found that Lu Mingfei's eyes looking at him had changed from guilt towards him to a strange feeling similar to sympathy, and now it has turned into annoyance that hates iron and steel.He didn't understand the logic of this transformation, so he could only give him a questioning look.

Being caught straight, Lu Mingfei hastily looked away.

"Where is Sakura? I'm looking for you, I'm scared." Erika sent the message again.

Lu Mingfei's mind moved slightly.

At this moment, he clearly felt Erika's fear.The shoulders of Erika who was sitting in the back seat of the large car were trembling slightly. Outside, there were lightning, thunder, squalls and showers, and sea water flowed and volcanoes spewed out. She wanted to go to another completely unknown country by herself.

She can't even speak well, and she can only write Japanese, so communication in South Korea is a problem.What's more, she was unfamiliar with the place there, and she didn't know how her physical condition was recovering. What if something happened again in the future?Even if her physical condition is stable, what if she is not used to eating Korean kimchi dishes?

The tortoise is also true, since they are all going to send her away, why don't they find a few more people to take care of her along the way?Every simple thing like this can't be done well.

Lu Mingfei subconsciously began to complain about Yuan Zhisheng.

Automatically ignore the possibility that the other party may have arranged in South Korea.

"Don't be afraid." Lu Mingfei lowered his voice and approached the phone's sound hole: "This is a tsunami, just a natural disaster. Have you never heard of a tsunami?"

"I know tsunami, I'm not afraid of tsunami. I'm afraid of something, I heard his cry, it's scary. Where are you, Sakura? I'll pick you up and we'll go to Korea together."

Lu Mingfei said in his heart that it was not a loss that he loved her so much at that time, and it was worthwhile to think about taking him to elope with him in a private jet at such a moment.

But he sighed: "I can't go with you now, you get out of here first and take care of yourself."

He also couldn't explain why he didn't want to go with Erika, but in the end it could only be attributed to his meager awakening of conscience.He doesn't like Erika, he doesn't like Erika enough, so he can't let the other party take such a big risk and change lanes to pick him up, he can't afford it.

The city may sink below sea level every minute and every second, and there is no delay for a minute at this time.He knew that as long as he asked, no matter how difficult it was, Erika would find a way to pick him up, but he couldn't be so selfish.

There is another reason, which is here...or to put it bluntly, there is something about Qian Li that has been attracting him.

He abandoned Qian Li and left in instinctive resistance.

This has nothing to do with feelings, but something mysterious like blood.

"Then will Sakura come to Korea to find me?" Erika asked again.

She gave up persuading Lu Mingfei to escape with her, but she still held the hope of being with him.

Lu Mingfei helped his forehead.

Girl, do you know that Koreans are all very handsome guys, and you can be fascinated by the street every time you go there. At that time, it is not a question of whether I come to you or not, but me Go to you and ask me if you want to meet me again!
(End of this chapter)

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