Chapter 117 Do You Have Something?
Mu Bai watched Xiao Bai leave before he dared to go back to his room. Early the next morning, as soon as everyone opened the door after eating, they saw four people standing at their door. "What do you want?" Zhou Fang frowned and looked at the four faces Bad old man.

"We want to ask you to give us something to eat," Wang Erhu and the others were attracted by the smell of their food, otherwise, according to the past, they hadn't woken up at this time.

"You are quite straightforward, but why do we give you food?" Mu Bai recognized the other party's voice and knew that he was the one who was shocked by Xiao Bai yesterday.

"In addition to today, we haven't eaten for three days. You pity us, okay? If you can, please take me and leave Province R with you," Peng Tao told him with a voice from the bottom of his heart when he saw a few people. People, you can take him out of R Province, if you miss them, his life may end here.

"Just because you are pitiful, we want to help you. Are you kidnapping morality? It's a pity that after the end of the world, we lost morality," Zhao Bin looked at Peng Tao and rolled his eyes. Theirs, just a word of pity, wants to take food from them, and it may not be too easy to get food.

"I said you old men, you won't be hungry if you search for it casually," Zhou Fang looked at them in puzzlement. Although the zombies are a bit difficult to deal with now, as long as they are ruthless enough, the four old men will It won't fall into this category.

"Hearing what you said, I know that you just arrived in Province R. It's not that we didn't work hard to find food, but that all the food was controlled by those people. We just didn't want to join them, so we ended up in this situation today. If You have extra food, no matter what it is, we are willing to exchange it," Li Daniu's attitude was obviously more acceptable to Zhao Bin than Peng Tao, seeing him take out a few crystal nuclei from his pocket.

Zhao Bin turned his head to look at Zhou Shuai and Xiao Bai. Before Xiao Bai and Zhou Shuai could speak, Lin Tu looked at Li Daniu and asked, "One crystal nucleus is exchanged for one steamed bun, shall we?"

Li Daniu sincerely wanted to exchange the crystal cores for food, and when Lin Tu said to change, he just nodded regardless of what she said, and handed all the crystal cores to Lin Tu.

The reason why Lin Tu agreed to change was because the crystal nuclei in Li Daniu's hands were basically all wood-type crystal nuclei, all of which she needed, "There are twenty crystal nuclei in total, and I'll give you twenty steamed buns," the weather turned cold, Lin Tu was not worried about whether he could let it go, so he turned around and went to the house to get him twenty warm steamed buns.

"I have it too," Wang Erhu saw that Li Daniu got the steamed buns, and took out thirty crystal cores from his pocket and handed them to Lin Tu. Although Tu didn't say no to change, that's what he meant in his words.

Peng Tao and Shi Feng looked at each other, but didn't say anything, "Well, I have a thunder crystal nucleus, can you give me some chocolate?" For those who are capable, they want to exchange the crystal nucleus with them for something that can quickly replenish energy.

"Okay, but you can only exchange five Snickers bars for the Thunder Element Crystal Core." Lin Tu can give five Snickers Bars for one Thunder Element Crystal Core, but he can't stop some people from being greedy. Want more.

"Yes," "Ten," two voices sounded at the same time, Lin Tu and Wang Erhu frowned at Peng Tao who said ten.

(End of this chapter)

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