Chapter 118

Seeing that Lin Tu frowned, Wang Erhu immediately took out the thunder crystal core from his pocket and handed it to Lin Tu, "I, five." Lin Tu glanced at Peng Tao, took out five Snickers bars from his pocket and handed them to Lin Tu. Wang Erhu.

Peng Tao glared at the brainless Wang Erhu. Wang Erhu ignored him and walked towards Li Daniu. Of the four of them, two of them changed their food, and the other didn't. They were originally a temporary team, so there must be conflicts in the future.

Lin Tu and his party appeared near the back door of the prison in a new RV. Mu Bai used his mental power to detect without calling, and marked with a pen on the simple map hand-drawn by Zhou Shuai, where they stored bullets and supplies.

"Good guy, it's really the Three Cunning Rabbits. I thought they had emptied their supplies yesterday, but in the end they only took away a small fraction of their supplies." Zhou Fang was a little shocked and looked at the room where Mu Bai marked the supplies.

Lin Tu looked at the point marked by Mu Bai, his eyes sparkled, "Sister, I read in your eyes that you want to evacuate them," Zhou Qian put her hand on Lin Tu who was staring at the hand-drawn map seriously.

"Since you want to evacuate them, then I will reluctantly accept your suggestion." Lin Tu looked at Zhou Qian with a bright smile, "These people are so inhuman, they even kept zombies in captivity," Mu Bai pointed to the location of the playground , looking at everyone.

"About how many zombies are there?" Xiao Bai only felt that the prison was a bit strange yesterday, and he didn't think about keeping zombies in captivity at all.

"No wonder the four people who exchanged things with us would rather have nothing to eat outside than come here," Zhao Bin stood up, ready to go at any time.

"Lin Tu and I go in and act separately, and you set off smoke bombs outside," Xiao Bai looked at Lin Tu. Yesterday's arrangement put them in danger, and today's arrangement focuses on personnel safety.

"I'm in charge of the east, and you're in charge of the west." Lin Tu agreed with Xiao Bai's slapstick, and the two got out of the car and split up. Xiao Bo looked at Lin Tu's back with complicated emotions. She faced danger again and again.

"After the materials are collected this time, we should not need to collect things until we arrive in the capital, and then we won't have to separate," Xiao Bai seemed to be speaking to himself, or to standing behind him. Zhou Shuai, who had been silent all this time, listened.

Seeing Lin Tu and Xiao Bai entering the prison, everyone started to act separately, while Lin Tu relied on his space and mental strength to evade the monitoring skillfully and went straight to the point where Mu Bai marked the store with a lot of supplies.

In the corridor, Lin Tu originally thought that so many supplies would be placed on the first floor, so many people would be sent to guard them, but he didn't expect the other party to send only two people, symbolically guarding in front of a house. Lin Tu put on a gas mask and let the black thread release Pink hallucinogenic mist.

After successfully knocking down the two of them, Lin Tu opened the door to receive the goods in one go, but Lin Tu didn't expect that the other party's supplies were so much that she filled a storage box after collecting this floor.

Could it be that Lin Tu was in a good mood and speeded up the delivery when he encountered such a large supplier of supplies, until all the supplies from the east were collected, Lin Tu accidentally walked to the location of the zombies that Mu Bai had marked before.

Lin Tu didn't believe that the other party kept zombies in captivity just to deter those who came to defect to them. The other party must have other important things in such a dangerous place.

After going around twice, Lin Tu didn't find anything unusual, but she always felt that something was overlooked by her.

(End of this chapter)

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