Chapter 120
"Be tough with the other party directly, it's great," Lin Tu gave Mu Bai a thumbs up. Although Mu Bai's face was pale, his smile came from the heart. In the past, his first reaction when encountering danger was to run away and avoid it. Now he Can fight with everyone.

"It's really powerful. You don't know. At that time, the power was exhausted, and I was about to fight back with the Tang knife. The zombie was less than one meter away from me. It was about to catch me, because Mu Bai solved that zombie. Only zombies," Zhou Qian looked at Mu Bai with a trace of gratitude in her eyes.

According to the situation at that time, if it wasn't for Mu Bai, she might have died.

Back to the place where they lived temporarily, everyone obviously felt that the temperature had dropped again, Xiao Bai took out two boxes of charcoal from the space, "I'll go, they even have this, is there an oven, if there is meat, it would be great , we can eat barbecue and drink a little wine," Zhao Bin looked at the charcoal on the ground, and suddenly wanted to eat meat and drink.

Lin Tu saw Zhao Bin, who looked yearning, and snapped his fingers. Immediately, what Zhao Bin just said appeared on the table, "Lin Tu, I love you so much," Zhou Qian stretched out her arms to hug Lin Tu. Although it is not a bad mouth, there is not much time to sit down, eat meat and drink.

"The things are ready, please start your performance," Lin Tu looked at Zhao Bin with a smile, and prepared some fruits and snacks along the way. Seeing this, Zhou Shuai lit up the charcoal fire with great insight.

Although everyone wanted to have a drink to their heart's content, everyone also knew that now was not the time to get drunk. After all, there might be danger at any time in the last days.

Early the next morning, everyone noticed that there were significantly more cars driving on the road than before. The moment Lin Tu and his caravan appeared, it attracted everyone's attention, and many people regarded them as fat sheep that could be robbed.

Sensing that someone was following him, Zhou Shuai deliberately drove the car to a place where there were few people. "It's rare to meet someone who is rushing to deliver supplies to us. You all rest later, and I'll meet them," Zhou Fang looked at the car. Outside, fingers gently brushed on the wooden warehouse.

"Boom," the people in the car didn't expect the other party to attack without waiting for them to stop the car, "Boom," the car was hit again, Zhou Fang and Zhao Bin shot directly.

"Boom," the driver was killed by Zhao Bin, and Zhou Fang blew up the opponent's tire. Everyone watched the opponent's car hit a tree and sped away. Those who witnessed the tragic situation of the car immediately distanced themselves from the RV. Anyone can get it.

Some people are afraid and others are unwilling, "Bang, bang, bang," the smell of blood filled the air, and the car that attacked Lin Tu and the others drove away quickly. Zhou Qian released the water system ability to clean up the blood on the car. If anything goes wrong, there must be a demon. Everyone put up all their energy to be on guard.

In the evening, just as Xiao Bai and the others were about to set up the tent, they heard buzzing noises from around, "Something's wrong," "Woo~" Mu Bai was disturbed and couldn't determine what was coming towards them.

Seeing Mu Bai's uncomfortable look, Lin Tu thought of a possibility, "Bat." Without waiting for everyone to respond, Lin Tu put the car into the space, and turned to remind everyone, "Run."

Everyone heard Lin Tu's words and ran towards the residential area quickly, but their two legs couldn't fly as fast. Seeing the black zombie bats, everyone couldn't help but feel aroused. Zhou Shuai and Xiao Bai turned around at the same time, one set fire, the other Unleash lightning.

Lin Tu glanced at the vines on his wrist, then at the bare trees around him, and finally chose Tang Dao helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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