Chapter 121 Those People Are Really Shameless
Seeing that Lin Tu was about to charge with a Tang saber, Zhou Qian stretched out her hand to grab her, "It's just over 200, they can take care of it, and if it doesn't work, there are my second brother, Zhao Bin, and Xu Hao." If it wasn't for Zhou Qian, Wei Wei With trembling hands, Lin Tu might believe what she said.

Sensing Zhou Qian's nervousness, Lin Tu didn't shake off her hand, and let her pull him aside. Xiao Bai and Zhou Shuai dealt with those zombie bats, and the fireball in Zhou Shuai's hand gradually turned into a fire dragon under the continuous attack.

Thunderbolt was like a pair of big hands in Xiao Bai's hands, and the two cooperated very tacitly to kill all the zombie bats, "Those should be eel blood, which attracts bats," Xu Hao said his guess while watching the crowd.

"Those people are really shameless, they used such shameless tricks to deal with us," Zhou Fang was indignant, but they didn't see the person in the car, and they didn't know who the other party was.

"Leave here first," Lin Tu raised his hand, and a brand new RV appeared. As for the car that can still attract zombie bats even after cleaning, Lin Tu planned to give it back to those who cheated them, after all, courtesy is reciprocated.

After going around for a while, the group returned to the place where they lived temporarily. In order to save charcoal, Xiao Bai put the bed in the living room, and everyone slept in the living room at night.

"It feels colder today than yesterday, isn't it going to snow?" Zhou Qian still felt cold after eating a hot meal, "Drink something hot," Zhou Fang put the hot soup by Zhou Qian's hand.

"Bang bang bang," the eager knock on the door made everyone frowned in displeasure. Lin Tu put away the bed and threw a few sleeping bags on the ground. Xiao Bai put away the charcoal and put some table legs on the ground.

Zhou Shuai pointed to the food on the table, Lin Tu put the things away and threw a few packets of crispy noodles on the table, opened the door, and saw three people they had never seen standing outside the door.

"What's the matter?" The three of them were not frightened by Zhou Shuai's impatient tone, but because they saw someone in the room, they deliberately moved forward. A cluster of small flames shot out from Zhou Shuai's fingertips, full of threats.

The three of them took a step back in unison, but there was no fear in their eyes, instead they became more excited, "You are a team, right? We are also supernatural beings, and we want to join your team," Wu Feng looked at Zhou Shuai Li is full of self-confidence, as if as long as he says, Zhou Shuai will definitely agree.

"We don't need it," Zhou Shuai gestured to close the door, but Wu Feng held it down, "You refused too quickly, I think we should have a good chat."

"We don't think we have anything to talk about with you," Zhou Fang walked up to Zhou Shuai, reached out to close the door, but found that he couldn't close the door at all, "Why, we disagree, are you planning to forcefully join?" Zhou Qian pointed the wooden warehouse at the three of them, as if she would directly deal with them as long as the other party made a slight move.

"Boom," "Can we leave now?" Lin Tu shook the wooden warehouse in his hand. Wu Feng thought that the other party was just using the wooden warehouse to scare them, but he didn't want to actually do something to them.

Wu Feng led the other two reluctantly back, Zhou Fang cast a provocative look at the other party, raised his hand and closed the door, "Fuck," Wu Feng glared at the closed door, he thought that as long as he showed his strength, the other party would Allow them to join.

"Brother, no one lives next door, we might as well live here," Wei Zhen knew that Wu Feng didn't want to leave, after all those people had wooden warehouses in their hands, it would be safer to follow them.

(End of this chapter)

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