Chapter 124 I Know

There was some anger in Wei Zhen's hoarse voice, Lin Tu turned to look at Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai rubbed her head, motioned to continue listening, "Try again in 10 minutes, if they still don't open the door, let's smash the door, "Wu Feng only saw four or five people in the room. He didn't believe that all four or five of them were supernatural beings. As a power-type supernatural being, one person could control at least two of them.

"Brother, where are the four (ten) of them?" Wu Haoping couldn't tell the difference between the tongue and tongue, and when he heard Wu Feng's ears, he was more sure that he could solve the other party. "I know," he said casually, and turned back to their room. house.

Wu Hao followed Wu Feng with a complicated expression on his face. Wei Zhen looked back at the closed door, quickly followed Wu Hao and Wu Feng, and returned to the not-so-warm room. Not much food.

"The fire is out, go and burn that sofa," Wu Feng looked at Wei Zhen, Wei Zhen looked at the living room that had been changed beyond recognition, and ordered to light the only single sofa left.

"Boom," Wei Zhen didn't expect that there was a lithium battery hidden in the armchair. She was the closest, and was blown out directly, her body was scorched black, and her whole body was in severe pain.

Wu Hao was no better than her. When he was blown away, he hit the wall and fell to the ground and passed out. The only Wu Feng who was not affected put the food in the house into a bag, resisted Wu Hao and left.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, Wei Zhen smiled self-deprecatingly, and forced her body to move out of the room little by little, thinking that Wu Feng would rather carry the unconscious Wu Hao away than take her with him, and it would be fine if he didn't take her with him. They took the food bag with them, as if they hadn't thought about whether she would starve to death later.

Just when Wei Zhen was about to turn black, he saw Wu Feng running back in a hurry, "Hurry up, it's not safe here," Wu Feng said, picking up Wei Zhen and rushing downstairs quickly.

The fire spread quickly. Lin Tu and the others sensed the abnormality and reacted very quickly. Lin Tu and Xiao Bai shot at the same time, put away the things in the house, and everyone ran downstairs quickly.

"It seems that we are going to proceed according to the original plan," Zhou Shuai didn't expect that the other party would give them such a big surprise because he was soft-hearted and didn't drive them away.

"The original plan may not be implemented. The snow outside is almost down to the second floor, and it can't stop those who want to enter. It's better to wait here for the fire to go out and find a well-preserved house that hasn't been burned." Xiao Bai didn't expect that the snow would fall so heavily. Instead of going out to face unknown dangers, it would be better to solve the problems in front of him and stay.

Everyone stopped when they heard Xiao Bai's words. They lived on the twentieth floor before, but now they were standing on the tenth floor. In order to prevent the fire from spreading downstairs, Gao Feng, Zhou Qian, Zhao Bin, and Zhou Shuai went upstairs to put out the fire. Bai and Lin Tu are responsible for choosing the house they will live in.

Zhou Shuai gathered all the flames in the palm of his hand, Zhou Qian was responsible for extinguishing them with water balloons, Gao Feng directly used the ice wall to open the way, and Zhao Bin changed the previous earth wall, earth thorns, and directly released a pile of sand to put out the fire.

The four cooperated very tacitly, and put out the fire within half an hour. Lin Tu and the others chose to live on the [-]th floor, which was not affected by the disaster. In order to avoid similar incidents, Zhou Fang directly sealed the doors of other houses. Fortify their doors to avoid being forced into.

Lin Tu ate the yogurt and watched Zhou Fang's actions silently. Xiao Bai took the spoon from Lin Tu's hand and tasted the yogurt in Lin Tu's hand. Following Lin Tu's eyes, he saw that she was looking at Zhou Fang, and smiled. He said, "Looking at your expression, I know you despise him."

(End of this chapter)

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