Chapter 125 No Dislike
Seeing that Xiao Bai liked it, Lin Tu handed the yogurt to Xiao Bai, who had an extra box of imported strawberries in his hand, "I don't dislike it, but I don't think it's necessary. After all, they are stronger than us. If they want to come in, we can't stop them. If we are weak, just fight out, they will not dare to come in the future, I just don’t understand why he still has to go to such lengths?”

The positions of Lin Tu and Xiao Bai were not far from Zhou Fang. Hearing Lin Tu's words, Zhou Fang stopped his movements stiffly. Before, he only thought about not letting others in, but he ignored the current world where supernatural beings are rampant, just like Lin Tu. As Tu said, even if he was strengthened a hundred times, he still couldn't stop someone stronger than him.

Seeing Zhou Fang stop his movements, Lin Tu thought he was irritated by his words, and tried to make amends, "It's good to practice more abilities if you have nothing to do, and besides, although he can't guard against people who are stronger than himself, he can always guard against those with more evil intentions." , Ordinary people who like moral kidnapping."

Zhou Fang rubbed his nose and turned his head to look at Lin Tu. He didn't feel that he had been comforted by Lin Tu, but when he saw her holding the imported strawberries that he was reluctant to buy, his eyes lit up suddenly.

"Lin Tu, do you have any more strawberries like this? I want to eat them too," Zhou Fang expressed his thoughts towards Lin Tu very straightforwardly, despite his temper.

"Yes, but not many, these are for you," Lin Tu said as he handed the box in his hand to Zhou Fang, and a bowl appeared in his hand, which contained redder strawberries than those given to Zhou Fang.

Zhou Fang looked at the strawberry in Lin Tu's hand, and was about to speak when Lin Tu frowned, scratched his head in embarrassment, thanked him and left quickly.

Xiao Bai rubbed Lin Tu's head, trying to comfort her. The reason why Lin Tu frowned was because the fruit in the space was in her bowl. Although she also used imported strawberries, both taste and efficacy It's all different.

Lin Tu stuffed the strawberry butt to Xiao Bai, and after Xiao Bai took a bite, he instantly knew why his little girl frowned, "If you don't want to give it in the future, just refuse it," Lin Tu frowned precisely because he didn't know how to say no, especially It is to face the people around you.

Lin Tu looked at Xiao Bai with some embarrassment, "If I reject him, he will be unhappy, and there will be estrangement, and later, because of the estrangement, differences will arise." Lin Tu wanted to say more, but Xiao Bai stopped him, "They won't, and they intend to embarrass you People who don’t treat you as friends at all, such people are not worth what you pay for.”

Lin Tu thought that she kept bringing out fruits and vegetables all the way, and everyone would take it for granted, just like when Zhou Fang asked her for strawberries, she subconsciously gave him a box, and in order to avoid disputes, she took out new ones herself. , She thought she did a good job, and Xiao Bai would not notice her unhappiness, but she didn't want him to say that he didn't want to reject it directly.

Although they found a lot of supplies along the way, they did not have vegetables and fruits. From the perspective of others, all the vegetables and fruits they ate were ripened by Lin Tu with his supernatural power. Seeing the imported strawberries, Xiao Bai realized that The materials Lin Tu collected before included fruits and vegetables, and the materials collected by Lin Tu herself were at her disposal, that's why he said that he didn't want to refuse directly.

"Actually, I also want to share these things with them, but I'm afraid," Lin Tu leaned on Xiao Bai's shoulder. She has too many secrets. Once a traitor appears among the ten people, she may be sent to the research institute slice.

"Since you are afraid, don't take it out easily, and don't take it out for the rest of your life," Xiao Bai rubbed Lin Tu's head. He thought farther than Lin Tu. Although they are ten now, there will definitely be more than ten in the future. It's the end of the world, but everyone will meet someone they like. Once the secret is revealed, what Lin Tu will face, he dare not think about.

(End of this chapter)

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