Chapter 139

Lin Wei looked at Lin Tu with a smile on his face, "Girl, this water is so delicious." Xiao Bai used his bag as a cover, and handed him a gift bag for washing and a roll of toilet paper, "Go now .”

Lin Wei clearly heard a smile from Xiao Bai's tone, but before he could refuse, the pain in his stomach made him have no time to take care of it, and hurried to the toilet.

Although Shi Yan was very grateful to Lin Tu for helping them deal with Zhao Yaner, but seeing his boss's distressed look just now, Shi Yan was a little uncertain whether Lin Tu was a good person or a bad person, "Are you really our boss's niece?" Shi Yan watched warily. Lin Tu.

Lin Tu helplessly looked at Shi Yan who only remembered to be on guard against him now, and instead of answering his question, asked instead, "Do you know why I handed you the knife instead of him?"

Shi Yan frowned, and didn't understand why Lin Tu asked, "You said that when the woman killed your brother, the hatred value was very high. It must be your brother who was killed by the woman. After you killed the woman, your hands kept shaking." , it means that your brother protects you very well, it is true that you are kind, but in the last days, you are too kind and easy to die," Lin Tu knew that good words should not persuade a damned ghost, but the two of them will follow her third uncle in the future, and she can't help it. Two more words of reminder.

"If my third uncle is willing to go with me, where do you plan to go?" Lin Tu looked at the two of them, focusing on Goudan. After all, as a spatial ability user, there are many teams to choose from.

"We will follow you, even if you don't recognize us, we will follow. Before the end of the world, the two lives were saved by the boss, and we agreed to follow the boss for the rest of our lives. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we will follow him," Goudan used to be a gangster. Although he hangs out and drinks all day long, he has never done anything illegal.

But just like this, he was targeted by Taoist people, who asked him to help deliver the goods, and he refused to be tied to the boat by a few tall and burly men, so he was beaten up, and when the other party saw that he would not let go, they threw him directly. into the sea.

It's also because of his good luck. He happened to meet Lin Wei who was going out to sea. Lin Wei rescued him, but he was targeted by those people. The two of them were hunted down and surrounded by those people. Weidu never gave up on him.

"What about you?" Seeing that Goudan's words came from the heart, Lin Tu turned to look at Shi Yan, "He gave me and my brother's life." Seeing that Lin Tu didn't believe it, Shi Yan continued: " My brother and I have been looking for a job after school, but we met a scammer and were tricked into a fraud den, and my waist was almost cut," Shi Yan couldn't help shaking when he thought of himself lying on the cold operating table one time.

"My brother was beaten and bruised all over to save me. The boss saved me and my brother." The admiration in Shi Yan's eyes did not seem to be fake, but Lin Tu heard something strange from the conversation between the two.

For example, Lin Tu couldn't figure out the occupation of her third uncle before the apocalypse. He turned to look at Xiao Bai. in the same company."

Lin Tu's eyes lit up at Xiao Bai's words, those two words lingered in his mind for a long time, if it was really that profession, it would also explain why he was not at home all the year round, why his family never took the initiative to contact him, Said that he is bohemian and loves freedom.

"Xiao Tu," Lin Wei called Lin Tu with excitement in his voice. At this moment, he felt his body was light and full of inexhaustible abilities. When he just took a bath, the shrapnel on his chest that experts couldn't take out happened to him. Getting out of the body, all the hidden wounds on his body healed for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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