Chapter 140 What Are You Doing With You?

Lin Wei looked at Lin Tu, and his eyes unconsciously fell on the other bottle of water in Lin Tu's hand, "Will third uncle come with us?" Seeing Lin Wei staring at the water in his hand, Lin Tu deliberately handed the water to Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai took it with a chuckle, but didn't put it in the bag.

"What are you doing with you? Do you want to eat dog food? I don't want it. Wouldn't it be nice for me to take them freely?" Lin Wei glared at Xiao Bai, and walked to the previous chair like an old man, stretched out his hand to help the chair up and sat down Down.

"Third Uncle, there are ten people in our team, and each of them is very powerful." Lin Tu wanted her Third Uncle to stay by her side, after all, there were not many relatives related to her by blood.

"Girl, third uncle is used to being free," Lin Wei said with a clear refusal, and the reason why he refused was because he didn't want those people to know about his relationship with Lin Tu, let alone cause trouble for Lin Tu.

Lin Tu had expected that Lin Wei would say this, and reached out his hand to Xiao Bai, "Third Uncle must have known what is in the bottle," Lin Tu handed the water to Lin Wei.

"In such a cold day, Third Uncle shouldn't be in a hurry to leave, why not go upstairs with us, so that we can take care of each other," Xiao Bo looked at Lin Wei and invited him from the bottom of his heart.

Afraid that Lin Wei would not agree, Lin Tu took out an orange seed from his pocket, "Third Uncle, I am a wood-type power user with many seeds." The moment the words fell, a fruit tree full of small oranges appeared on the ground. In front of everyone.

"Boss," Shi Yan and Goudan said at the same time, who knows how long it has been since they had eaten fruit, "Excellence," Lin Wei glared at the two of them, and stretched out his hand to take the entire fruit tree from Lin Tu's hand.

Shi Yan and Goudan looked at each other, and hurriedly squatted down next to Lin Wei to eat oranges, "We live upstairs. Although there is not much meat, we are full of vegetables." As soon as Lin Tu finished speaking, he saw Lin Wei Wei threw the orange tree to Goudan, stood up seriously and straightened his clothes.

When the group went upstairs, they happened to meet Zhou Fang and Zhao Bin who were looking downstairs, "Boss, who are they?" Zhao Bin raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Wei, "My third uncle," Xiao Bai replied confidently, scaring Zhao Bin to step forward I'm going to touch his head.

"Boss, aren't you an orphan? Why don't I know where the third uncle came from?" Zhou Fang stood beside Zhao Bin, obviously asking Xiao Bai, but looking at Lin Wei.

"Do you think he looks a bit like Lin Tu?" Zhao Bin bumped into Zhou Fang, the two looked at each other, and said in unison, "Hello, third uncle."

Goudan and Shi Yan, who were watching a play while eating oranges, were shocked by their actions, "Ahem, cough," "Look at your useless looks, you can choke yourself if you eat an orange," Lin Wei looked at Zhou Fang and Zhao Bin, who were neatly dressed and handsome in front of them, looked away with disgust at their two younger brothers who were dirty and had injuries on their faces.

"Eat oranges," Lin Wei looked at the two with a smile on his face, and handed them the oranges. "My third uncle, Lin Wei, the two behind him are his partners." Lin Tu didn't know their names, and motioned for them to introduce themselves , "My name is Goudan, a space-type superhuman," Goudan said, looking at Shi Yan, "My name is Shi Yan, a wind-type supernatural power," the two introduced straightforwardly, which surprised Zhao Bin and Zhou Fang .

"I'm Zhao Bin, a user with earth-type abilities." "I'm Zhou Fang, a person with metal-type abilities. There are a few more upstairs, and I will introduce them to you later," Zhou Fang pointed upstairs, signaling everyone to go Chat upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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