Chapter 153 Let's move to a safe location first
Mu Bai stood still, Lin Wei's expression was a bit tangled, "Goudan took out the car in the space, put that guy away, and then used that guy's skin to make a defensive armor for Xiaotu," Goudan looked at the car in surprise. Lin Wei took out the car with extreme reluctance, and put the big guy into the space.

"Boom," the ground trembled and the mountains shook. Everyone huddled together on the car without caring about other things. The few people sitting on the roof held the racks with their hands and struggled to control their balance.

"I never thought that a seven-seater commercial vehicle can accommodate 13 people. How are you friends upstairs?" Zhou Qian reached out and knocked on the roof of the car.

Gao Liang sat beside Xiao Bai to help him heal. Xiao Bai's wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, but his face was still pale. Lin Wei had seen Xiao Bai's strength. Afraid of encountering similar dangers, Lin Wei took it out of his bag. Let Xiao Bai drink the bottle of water that Lin Tu gave him before leaving.

Facing Goudan and Shi Yan's puzzled gazes, Lin Wei explained with firm eyes, "He can find Lin Tu faster when he wakes up." When there was no danger before, everyone got along very happily, but after encountering trouble, Lin Wei could tell that most of these people accepted Lin Tu for Xiao Bai's sake.

If Xiao Bai remained unconscious, they would probably take Xiao Bai away first.

After filling a bottle of water, Xiao Bai's frowned brows loosened, and his face gradually became rosy. Zhou Shuai and Zhou Fang looked at each other. They didn't expect that Lin Wei had that magical water in his hand, let alone that Lin Wei I will take it out for Xiao Bai to drink.

"Let's move to a safe location first, and wait for everyone's powers to recover a little bit, and then go back to find Lin Tu," Zhou Shuai's explanation made Lin Wei feel more comfortable, but Lin Mo kept his face dark all the time and remained silent.

Seeing his senior brother like this, Ye Feng knew that he blamed himself, knew that he was hurting and didn't protect his sister well, so he reached out and patted his shoulder comfortingly.

The next day Xiao Bai woke up and looked at everyone with scrutiny and consideration, "Who are they?" Zhou Shuai and Xu Hao looked at each other, and they both saw shock and puzzlement in each other's eyes.

"Boss, don't you have amnesia? They are also our partners. This handsome girl is called Mu Bai, and she is a psychic power user. These two are brothers. My brother Gao Feng has an ice power, and my younger brother Gao Liang is cured. He is a person with supernatural powers, and he helped to heal your wounds. He is Xu Hao, a person with supernatural powers of wind department. This is Lin Wei, a person with supernatural powers of fire department. Lin Tu’s third uncle. His partners are dog eggs of the space type and Shi Yan of the wind type. Next to them is Lin Mo, a metal-type supernatural being, Lin Tu's twin brother, Ye Feng is Lin Mo's junior brother, an earth-type supernatural being, Qian Duoduo is a temporary The hitchhiker is the son of the head of the Flying Base, he is a supernatural being with both fire and power elements," Zhou Fang pulled that person towards Xiao Bai every time he said someone, seeing Xiao Bai with a sullen face, looking strange A bad premonition suddenly rose in Zhou Xin's heart.

"Boss, do you still remember Lin Tu?" Zhou Qian clenched her fists, her body tensed, for fear that Xiao Bai would say that she didn't remember.

Xiao Bai looked at Zhou Qian with indifferent eyes, and did not answer her question. Zhao Bin tugged at Zhou Shuai's clothes, "It's over, the boss's memory probably stays before the end of the world."

"I just temporarily lost some memory, not deafness." Xiao Bai looked at the unrecognizable commercial vehicle, raised his hand and released two nearly new vehicles.

(End of this chapter)

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