Chapter 154 That girl is very ghostly, nothing will happen
The people who thought they were going to continue eating compressed biscuits saw Xiao Bai take out the car, their eyes lit up, but no one was asking where Xiao Bai's memory stayed. After eating and drinking enough, they adjusted and rested, and everyone drove back. Walk.

Xiao Bai looked at the familiar scene and frowned. Lin Mo got out of the car and ran to the place where Lin Tu should have fallen, but he still didn't see Lin Tu.

"That girl is very ghostly, nothing will happen," Mu Bai stood beside Lin Mo, with a tremor in his voice, if she hadn't sensed Lin Tu's sudden disappearance, she might be able to be persuaded by this excuse, but
"Wait for three days. If you don't find it, leave." Xiao Bai's words made everyone frown. "Boss, Lin Tu is the tip of your heart that you have been looking for for many years. Are you sure you want to leave?" Zhao Bin looked at it in disbelief. Xiao Bai, Lin Tu's kindness to everyone was felt by everyone, and he didn't want to just give up.

Xiao Bai heard a sharp pain in his heart, and pictures flashed in his head. He tried to grab but couldn't catch anything. Brother," Lin Tu stretched out his hand to hold Lin Mo who was stunned, his voice was full of excitement.

When he regained his senses, Lin Mo pulled Lin Tu to look him over, "Where did you go, did you get hurt?" Lin Tu smiled and patted Lin Mo's arm, "It's fine, you're fine," Lin Tu pushed The thick hat on the head tried to show his face.

It was only at this time that everyone realized that Lin Tu's clothes were very thick, not as light as the constant temperature clothes before. Seeing Lin Tu, Lin Wei hurried forward and grabbed her arm, "Xiao Tu," Lin Tu frowned slightly, examining the clothes After looking at each other for a minute, he said in surprise, "Third uncle, why are you with your brother?"

Everyone froze when they heard the words, "Get in the car and leave here first." Zhou Shuai stopped all doubts and motioned for Lin Mo to take Lin Tu into the car and leave quickly. Lin Tu was next to Lin Mo and Lin Feng, looking curiously at the other people in the car. A few people asked, "Brother, are they partners of you and third uncle?"

Mu Bai turned his head to look at Lin Tu, "We are your partners. I just met your brother and third uncle. Don't you remember me? My name is Mu Bai, and I am a person with spiritual abilities."

"Spiritual department, you are so powerful, and you are so handsome," Lin Tu looked at Mu Bai with bright eyes, and Mu Bai's ear tips were slightly reddened by Lin Tu's straightforward gaze.

Xu Hao turned around and was about to introduce himself, when he saw Lin Tu smiling at him, "I recognize you, you are Xu Hao, a person with wind ability, I am very glad to meet you here," Lin Tu held out his hand to Xu Hao.

The moment the two were about to hold hands, Xu Hao's hand was held by Xiao Bai who was sitting beside him. Lin Tu looked at Xiao Bai, saw that his face was not good, and thought he was sick, "Why are you uncomfortable? What? His complexion is so bad."

Zhao Bin, who was driving, suppressed a smile when he heard Lin Tu's words, and observed the expressions of the people in the car from the rearview mirror. He wanted to put people and Lin Tu together, but unfortunately, he was a step slower and let Lin Wei and Lin Mo sit next to Lin Tu.

Xu Hao rubbed his nose, pretended not to care and put down his hands, Xiao Bai frowned, he was very angry, but he didn't know what he was angry about.

Obviously, according to his current memory, they are not familiar with them, but the reaction of the body told him that he didn't like to see her have physical contact with other men, and he didn't even like to see other opposite sex sitting beside her. Kiss brother, kiss... Neither can uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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