Chapter 161 Do You Understand?

Zhou Fang rubbed his nose, withdrew his hand to pick up the strawberries, and left with a face of reluctance. Xiao Bai tapped Lin Tu on the head, "What you like can't be easily shared with others, understand," Xiao Bai said. Emphasizing the three words "understand it", Lin Tu realized the meaning of Xiao Bai's words after a while.

She thought that there was no secret between her and the team, but now it seems that it is not. On the contrary, the man beside him may know more than others.

In the evening, everyone took a simple bite, and everyone continued to adjust and absorb the crystal core. Xiao Bai's position was always beside Lin Tu. Lin Tu woke up and opened his eyes, and saw Xiao Bai's sleeping face that made her feel familiar.

Unconsciously, his hands were attached to his eyebrows, and his mind recalled the scene of the abandoned factory back then. Perhaps because of the common experience, Lin Tu's guard against Xiao Bai was not as strong as before.

Xiao Bai felt hands stroking his face, opened his eyes and saw Lin Tu, and stretched out his hand to pull him into his arms, "Daughter-in-law, you have recovered your memory," Xiao Bai kissed Lin Tu on the lips, his head resting on Lin Tu's neck. Nest rubbed.

Xiao Bai's lazy voice and coquettish behavior made Lin Tu slightly stunned. The image of himself touching his abdominal and pectoral muscles flashed in his mind, his face blushed unconsciously, and he stretched out his hand to push Xiao Bai away, got up and walked quickly to the bathroom.

Xiao Bai scratched his head, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, if his little girl hadn't pushed him away, he really would have thought that the other party had recovered his memory.

After three days of adjustment, everyone recovered their strength and adjusted their state to the best. Even though they knew they were being watched, they still chose to travel in the RV. In the past, the co-pilot was always empty, but now no matter who is driving, they always follow others to observe the surroundings.

Seeing the time passed in the morning, the driving all the way was very smooth, so smooth that even Lin Tu and Xiao Bai wondered if they had hallucinations before.

The car stopped in the open space to rest, and a group of people sat around eating together. When Lin Tu sideways avoided Xiao Bai to feed him, his eyes inadvertently saw Shi Yan and Goudan sitting in the corner, who were silent and had no sense of existence.

The two lowered their heads and seemed to be eating seriously, but if you look closely, you will find that the panic emanating from their bodies seems to have done something that they don't want people to find out.

Lin Tu didn't take the strange feeling between the two of them to heart, avoided Xiao Bai's hand, frowned and looked at him unhappy, "Let's leave Province R completely in a short distance. Squeezed, you can sit down, what do you think," Zhou Shuai looked at the crowd.

Seeing that no one objected, Xiao Bai raised his hand to put the car into the space, "Boom," the car parked beside him suddenly had a flat tire, Xu Hao and Lin Tu looked at Shi Yan at the same time, and Shi Yan took Goudan to help change the tire.

Xiao Bai noticed Lin Tu's gaze looking at Shi Yan, his brows were slightly frowned, and the tire was quickly changed. Shi Yan asked to drive, and Goudan sat in the co-pilot, "I want to ride a snowmobile, is there anyone with me?" Confirmed If the other party wants to do something and cannot stop it directly, then she can only use an alternative method. After all, as long as she is arrogant enough, she can destroy the other party's plan.

Zhou Qian looked at Lin Tu and saw her standing outside the car as if she didn't want to get in the car. She reached out to hold Zhou Fang and Zhou Shuai, "Big brother, you and second brother take me, I want to play snow surfing."

Xiao Bai stood beside Lin Tu, needless to say he wanted to play with her, Zhao Bin and Xu Hao hit it off, and they sat on another snowmobile.

(End of this chapter)

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