Chapter 162 Explain

The group set off again, the car drove for half an hour, and the "boom" tire blew out again. Lin Tu noticed the abnormal moment, and used vines to hold the car to prevent it from rolling over.

The car stopped, and the expressions of everyone outside the car were solemn. Everyone clearly noticed that the car's tire blowout was man-made, and the only person who could cause this kind of damage was Shi Yan, who was not discovered. Lin Tu didn't understand why he do it.

"Why did you destroy the tires, please explain." Xu Hao pulled out the car key and looked at Shi Yan with scrutiny and puzzlement in his eyes, "Or you didn't want to damage the tires from the beginning to the end, but you wanted to hurt the car behind you." We are behind," Zhou Fang looked at Shi Yan with a sullen face.

Lin Wei stood in front of Shi Yan, looking at everyone with confusion in his eyes, "Is there some misunderstanding, Shi Yan is not the kind of person you said."

"Isn't it? You'll know if you don't see it," Zhou Shuai looked at Shi Yan as if he was looking at a dead person. If it wasn't for Lin Tu, what would have happened to them was unimaginable.

Lin Tu looked at Shi Yan, "Why did you do that?" Although she had lost her memory, she didn't feel that there were any ups and downs or intrigues in the team. It was obvious that everyone got along very harmoniously all the time.

"Why, you still have the nerve to ask why, you don't treat us as your own people at all," Shi Yan looked at Lin Tu with pain in his eyes.

Hearing this, Lin Tu stretched out his hand to pull Lin Wei away, and directly greeted Shi Yan's arm, "Do you have some serious illness? I don't treat you as my own. I will take you all the way and provide you with food and supplies. If you hit the crystal nucleus and share it with you, I think it’s because you are too kind to you, so you have the leisure to deal with it, and some don’t.”

Shi Yan didn't hide and let Lin Tu beat him, the dog covered his face and didn't look at him, "Let me just say, the eldest sister just lost her memory, she is not stupid, her brain is better than the boss's."

Hearing Goudan's words, Lin Tu let go of Shi Yan, frowned and looked at Goudan, "Tell me, why didn't you treat you as your own when you made such a fuss?" Lin Tu cast her eyes in disgust and rubbed her arms. Shi Yan with a relaxed face.

"We just want to show our presence," Goudan said with dodge eyes, not really wanting to tell everyone what they really think, "You are not being manipulated by unknown voices, are you?" Mu Bai looked at the two with an affirmative tone.

Although the two didn't answer Mu Bai, the expressions on their faces told everyone that Mu Bai's guess was right, "It seems that the other party is a spiritual system. The two of them, plus Ye Feng and Qian Duoduo, have something to do with my spiritual system for them." Special training," Mu Bai waved his small hand and stopped the mission directly.

The other party's explanation did not dispel Lin Tu's suspicion. She still didn't trust Shi Yan. The act of releasing the wind blade backwards during the driving process of the car was intended to hurt people, and the person behind the car was her teammate.

Xiao Bai took Lin Tu's hand, looked at Zhou Fang, Zhou Shuai, and Zhao Bin, "Find an opportunity to solve it," the three nodded in unison, and Mu Bai smiled and winked at Lin Tu while standing in the car.

The corners of Lin Tu's mouth turned up. Although the two of them didn't speak, they both understood the meaning expressed in each other's eyes, "Third Uncle, do you want some fruit?" Lin Tu broke free from Xiao Bai's hand and walked towards Lin Wei.

Lin Wei and Lin Mo originally planned to watch Mu Bai's special training, but when they heard Lin Tu's words, they immediately turned their attention to Lin Tu, "I haven't seen other wood-type supernatural beings like you, who actually provided fruits and vegetables along the way." ,” Lin Mo complained, reaching out and taking the apples and oranges from Lin Tu's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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