Chapter 163 You Can't Feel It
Shi Yan sat next to Goudan, his face full of remorse, "I told you before that you wouldn't let you do anything, but you didn't listen. Although they didn't say anything, you can't feel the embarrassment in the surrounding atmosphere. Go!" Goudan looked at Shi Yan with helplessness in his eyes.

He understands Shi Yan's feelings. After all, those who are not needed in a team are often the first to be abandoned. He just uses the wrong method to keep them. "I'll explain things clearly," Shi Yan didn't really want to Hurt people, otherwise they wouldn't have done something on the tires before the car started.

But when he saw the group of them happily driving the snowmobile, the moment he threw the wind blade out of jealousy, he regretted it. Fortunately, no one was injured, otherwise he would really have no face to stay.

Mu Bai walked up to them, looked at Goudan and Shi Yan, "You have never been attacked by mental power before, the reason why I helped you to hide it is because I don't want Lin Tu to be sad, after all, strictly speaking, you are Uncle Lin Those of you who have problems, indirectly explain that Uncle Lin is not good enough."

Mu Bai's words made Shi Yan's face even more ugly, Goudan looked down and lowered his head, Qian Duoduo looked at the two indifferently, without any sympathy in his eyes, Ye Feng frowned tightly, with a serious expression, no one could see what he was thinking.

"I just want to stay," Shi Yan said as he turned his head and glanced at Xu Hao's position. Mu Bai did not deliberately lower his voice during the conversation with several people.

Seeing that the other party was still defending himself, Ye Feng stood up and looked at the other party irritably, "If you want to stay, you can hurt people with the same attributes as you. What kind of brain circuit are you doing? Do you think you can accept this method to keep you? Or did you want to be in the team before?"

Shi Yan was stunned by the question. He only wanted to stay, but he never thought about what would happen to the team if everyone stayed by the means he used. "I'm sorry, my thoughts were too extreme before. I promise it won't happen again in the future," Shi Yan looked at Ye Feng with flattery.

Although they haven't been with Lin Tu's team for a long time, he can be sure that Lin Tu's team is the most comfortable among all the teams. He can't leave, and he doesn't want to leave.

"If you did something wrong, you have to admit it. If I were you, I would apologize to everyone now, and then leave the team." Mu Bai looked at Shi Yan indifferently.

Shi Yan scratched his hair irritably, and Goudan hung his head. He knew all of Shi Yan's actions, but he didn't persuade him to do it. Go where they are.

Shi Yan stretched out his hand to stop him, but when he saw Goudan's determination to leave, he withdrew his hand again, Goudan walked up to the crowd, and bowed to them, "I'm sorry everyone, I shouldn't have hidden like everyone that Shi Yan wanted to do something to Xu Hao Even more, I shouldn't have tried to hide it for him after the accident, betrayed everyone's trust in me, and I'm even more sorry for everyone's care for me during this time," Goudan lowered his head and his eyes were slightly red.

"Why didn't you say it in advance," Lin Wei stretched out his hand and slapped Goudan on the back of the head, "I thought he wouldn't really take action," Goudan looked up at Lin Wei.

"Do you really regard me as your boss?" Lin Wei was very distressed by what the two subordinates did, "I'm sorry, boss, I promise there will be no next time, can you please don't drive me out of the team, I don't want to leave you Beside," Goudan said, putting all the matter in the space on the ground, looking at Lin Wei with eyes full of helplessness.

(End of this chapter)

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