Chapter 177 You Are So Smart
Zhou Fang and Zhou Shuai looked at each other. They always knew that Lin Tu's space was different from other people's, but they never thought that Lin Tu's space could store living things.

The snow wolf's whereabouts, which had been ignored by them before, seemed to be fully explained at this moment. Lin Tu deliberately ignored everyone's probing gazes, and led Lin Mu back to the dining table.

Seeing that Lin Tu didn't want to explain, everyone put away their probing thoughts. After eating, everyone walked to the entrance of the village. Lin Mu turned to look at Lin Tu when he saw the charred and withered willow tree.

Lin Tu noticed Lin Mu's gaze, and rubbed his head with his hand, "You're a smart boy, just by looking at the shape of this tree, you can tell that your sister did it."

Lin Tu seemed not to have heard the conversation between Lin Mo and Lin Mu, and let Xiao Bai pull him towards the RV. The car was driving on the snowy ground, and snowflakes were falling from the sky. Zhao Bin, who was driving, noticed something flashing in the woods not far away. And pass.

Mu Bai, who was sitting in the co-pilot, released his mental power and found that it was a large group of monkeys, "Be alert, we are being watched by a group of monkeys," Mu Bai turned his head to look at the crowd.

Zhou Fang felt that a lot of things had happened recently, so he wanted to find a safe place to adjust, "When we avoid this group of monkeys, I think we should find a base to stay first, and go to City B when the extreme cold passes."

"It's snowing so much outside, and when the snow melts, we'll either face heavy rain or floods. When do you think we'll be able to reach City B based on this guess?" Zhou Shuai didn't give any face to refute.

Zhou Fang touched his nose, he just wanted everyone to adjust, but ignored the natural disasters, Xu Hao stretched out his hand and patted Zhou Fang on the shoulder, "It's extremely cold, let's hurry up and get to the base in City B as soon as possible It's more appropriate to settle down than to stop and wait."

The atmosphere in the car was not very good for a moment, everyone looked out of the car cautiously, one or the other was talking, Lin Tu leaned against Xiao Bai to let go, Zhao Bin was just about to get rid of those monkeys at the corner, when he saw a dilapidated car The van rushed out.

"Boom," the van hit the wall, Zhao Bin avoided the other party with his superb driving skills, and walked away. Zhou Fang looked at the people who got out of the van through the window, and saw that they were not aware of the monkeys around him, so he couldn't help but feel sorry for them Squeezed a sweat.

"Fuck, brother, there are monkeys," the big man who got out of the car noticed the monkey running towards them, and jumped into the car one after another without checking the car, and left quickly.

City T was not far from City B. Instead of collecting supplies while walking as before, they rushed for several days, and finally arrived at the base in City B on the day the snow stopped.

There was a very long queue at the gate of the base, and Lin Tu's RV was particularly obvious in the queue. When Xiao Bai and his party got off the car, they noticed the base staff walking towards them.

"The car is stored over there, and the key is handed in. When you use the car, come to us to get the key," the man said, reaching out to Xu Hao who got off the driver's seat.

Xiao Bai looked at the other party's refusal indifferently, "No need," the man was about to say something when Xiao Bai raised his hand and put the RV away. The man didn't get the key, rubbed his nose, turned and left.

"Ordinary people and supernatural beings stand separately, the ordinary people's side," Xiao Bai suddenly regretted putting away the RV in such a ostentatious way, Lin Tu let go of Xiao Bai's hand, and walked straight to the ordinary people's side.

Seeing this, Mu Bai and Zhou Qian followed quickly. Lin Mo, Ye Feng, Xu Hao, Lin Mu, Zhou Shuai, and Zhou Fang all followed behind Lin Tu. Xiao Bai glanced at Gao Liang, Gao Feng, and Zhao Bin who wanted to follow. The corner of the mouth couldn't help twitching.

Gao Liang knew very well that his healing ability was too rare, and he couldn't be easily exposed in such a big base, so he deliberately ignored Xiao Bai's ugly face and followed Xu Hao.

Gao Feng glanced at Xiao Bai, and couldn't help but stand next to Mu Bai. Zhao Bin rubbed his nose, put his hand on Xiao Bai's shoulder, and exuded all over his body. I really want to leave, but I have to stay. Cypress has a black line.

(End of this chapter)

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