Chapter 178 The knife is good, I like it

To enter the base in City B, everyone needs to turn in [-] first-level crystal cores. Lin Tu's first reaction when he saw this request was that the base was not short of food, but lacked crystal cores.

After handing over the crystal cores, everyone filled out the forms and stood in their respective lines. Xiao Bai looked at Lin Tu who was standing in the line of ordinary people sadly. Because Lin Tu and the others had no luggage, the inspectors checked them very quickly.

It's just that when everyone looked at the simple isolation room, they were really shocked. Zhou Qian was a little worried looking at Lin Tu, Lin Mo, Ye Feng and Lin Mu who didn't have constant temperature clothes.

Lin Mo and Lin Mu sat next to Lin Tu, one on the left and one on the right. As the number of people in the room gradually increased, many people noticed that Lin Tu and the others had no luggage, and those with big bags hugged their bags tightly.

Everyone in the room has to stay in the isolation room for 24 hours. Lin Tu and the others are so many that most people dare not approach them at all. tea.

Lin Mu saw the big man stop in front of Lin Tu, and was about to stand up but Lin Tu pinned down his wrist. At a glance, Lin Tu noticed the saber on the big man's back.

"The knife is good, I like it," Lin Tu was about to get up, but was held down by Lin Mo beside him, "It's rare that my sister likes something, leave it to me," Lin Mo and Ye Feng stood up at the same time and looked at the big man.

The big man looked at Lin Mo and Ye Feng with sarcasm on his face. Just as he was about to speak, they stopped him. Xu Hao got up and untied the saber on the big man's body and handed it to Lin Tu who stood up. Lin Tu took the saber and stroked the blade gently. His movements sent chills down the spines of the men following behind the big man.

The big man thought that Lin Tu was just with the little boy beside him. Seeing Zhou Shuai, Zhou Fang, and Gao Feng standing up one after another, he couldn't help shaking, and begged for mercy, "I'm sorry, everyone, I'm heartbroken with lard. You take it as an apology, please let me go."

Seeing Lin Tu winking at him, Lin Mo exchanged glances with Ye Feng, left the big man behind and sat back beside Lin Tu, and the others in the room saw Lin Tu took a cloth from his pocket and wiped the saber carefully, subconsciously distanced themselves from them .

24 hours passed quickly. Seeing Lin Tu appearing in front of him with the Saber on his shoulder, Xiao Bai was really shocked, "Where did it come from?" Holding his saber, Bai stopped for a moment, but when he noticed Lin Tu's gaze, he rubbed his nose and walked away quickly.

Xiao Bai obviously noticed the abnormality of the few people. Lin Tu reached out to take the saber, and pouted at Xiao Bo, "Steal them." Lin Tu's attitude of course made the few people who hadn't walked far stagger.

Xiao Bai chuckled and stretched out his hands to rub Lin Tu's head, then pulled her towards the rental hall. Lin Tu and the others were so crowded that they ignored the single dormitory and bungalows.

Seeing Lin Tu and the others only looking at the villa, the renting staff kept smiling, "This is the last one, and there are enough of you to live there, but the price is a bit high, [-] first-grade crystal nuclei a month , you need to bet one to pay three."

Hearing what the renting staff said, Lin Tu's thought that the base lacked crystal cores came up again, "Take us to see the house, and if it's suitable, we will sign the contract immediately," Zhou Shuai looked at the other party and said.

Hearing the words, the rental staff hesitated for a moment. After all, the last villa he mentioned was far away from them, and the location was not good. There was no decoration in the house, otherwise it would not have been empty all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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