Chapter 409 Final Chapter ()
"I'm a madman..." His scarlet lips were still curved in a soft arc, but they made people feel cold in their hearts, like a wooden sculpture doll with a carved expression.

Zheng Quchi held his face with both hands and wiped the blood from his lips and neck carelessly: "I know you are going crazy, but please don't go crazy first and bear with it a little longer."

This is so true that it makes people dumbfounded.

However, her words of warning were still a step too late. The next moment, his eyes changed in vain. The redness became deeper and deeper, almost swallowing up the remaining clear pupils in his eyes, and the gaze staring at her was creepy.

Zheng Quchi was angry, anxious, speechless and choked.

Even though he was seriously injured, he still handled her like a chicken. Regardless of the blood flowing out, he reached out and clamped her shoulder with one hand, preventing her from escaping, just like a wolf catching its favorite prey. To prevent it from escaping, bite its throat first.

Before he grabbed her wrist with her other hand and completely turned into a plucked chicken, she threw something into her mouth in time and was then pushed heavily to the ground.


He showed no mercy and knocked her to the ground like a sack. The pain in her back made her face wrinkle into a ball.

Yu Wensheng opened his mouth and leaned down.

"You want to bite me again, don't you?"

She sneered with a white face, it was once raw and twice cooked. After experiencing being bitten madly by him several times, she already had a certain prediction.

When he was about to bite her shoulder, she tilted her head, and then she was caught off guard and stood up. She tilted her head to cover his bloody lips. Before his lips and teeth could close, she quickly put the thing in her mouth into her mouth. past.

Yu Wensheng didn't have any charm or feelings in his mind at this time, only the irritable eagerness of being blocked and bitten. Until a sweetness awakened his bitter taste buds, he remained motionless.

He often smelled this sweet smell on the person next to him, so every time he couldn't help but want to bite open her flesh and blood and drink in the sweet taste to fill the hole in his heart. , feel the aura that can make him feel a little calmer.

But this time, it was a real fruity sweetness, very familiar, as if he liked it very much before and would often let it linger between his lips and teeth...

Seeing that he was stiff and motionless, Zheng Quchi relaxed his hold on her. She took the opportunity to take out a hand and wiped the blood stained from the corner of her mouth with her fingertips: "You have suffered enough, let's eat something sweet." , from now on... live a more comfortable and happy life."

Yu Wensheng frowned, and his body's memory told him to chew up the food in his mouth and swallow it. For a moment, his perverted expression eased, and the murderous redness in his eyes also faded a little.

Zheng Quchi did not miss the change in his expression at this time, and she breathed a long sigh of relief: "This is the last bit of Shenmu Meng. Every time I feed you, you frown, and you think it is bitter, so I mix it into sugar and carry it around." On my comes in handy in emergencies."

He seemed to hear her voice, and she spoke in a dull and hoarse voice.

"Qi Chi... I often miss our life in the farmhouse in Fu County. At that time, you would go to work to make money, and I would wait for you at home. You would cook for me, add clothes, and carve portraits. Every time I came back, , you will also bring me candy... I have lost all five tastes, and everything I eat is like chewing wax, but the candy you brought made me taste "sweet". Later I tried to buy it myself, but what taste? nothing……"

Having said this, he paused, stood up straight with his body propped up, and then held his hand empty, holding the sword firmly in his palm.

"This is the first time I've ever had a home."

He tilted his head slightly and slashed vertically with his backhand sword. His sword technique was as fast as lightning. The horse that was rushing towards him was torn apart. The fallen cavalryman rolled over in fear. Before he could escape, his neck was wiped by the sword.

"I never thought about how long I would live. After I took revenge on the people I wanted to kill, after I completed what I promised, and when I hated everything to the extreme, I could fall down anywhere."

His figure was looming in the smoke, but it made the enemy tremble with fear.

"But now, I can't bear to die."

"No, not now, it was a long time ago. When you appeared in my world, I wanted to live more and more day by day."

"I once said that people in the Yuwen family will only marry one person in their lives. There is no reconciliation, only farewell. As long as I live, you will always be Mrs. Yuwen, but I can give you a choice. So what do you hope? Should I live or die?"

His expression was calm, but in fact, those deep and swirling eyes were already tinged with madness. He stared at her shocked eyes, as if trying to find the answer he wanted in her eyes.

Zheng Quchi was lying on the ground. Before he could get up, he was overwhelmed by his question. Seeing that he was asking such a thing at an inappropriate time on the battlefield, he really wanted to call him crazy: "Behind——"

He was like a pair of eyes on the back of his head. He coldly swung his sword backwards, and immediately another group fell down.

Zheng Quchi took a deep breath. Even with such a serious injury, he was still so tough and abnormal. He really deserved to be called the "Living Yama". In his current state, how could he look like he was going to die?

"Go ahead."

He just wanted to force her to give an answer.

Life or death, he left his life to her decision.

Zheng Quchi was so irritated by him that he became rebellious and said indiscriminately: "What nonsense, I want you to die, will you really die in front of me?"

Yu Wensheng didn't say anything. He thought he had the patience to wait for her to give him the answer, even if it took him a lifetime to wait. But at that moment, when he felt that he would never have a chance to wake up, he changed. Idea, he didn't want to wait any longer.

Everything in his life is empty, but she is truly engraved in his heart. In this case, why should he let go? He won't let go until he dies.

But...he was still reluctant to destroy her after all, so...he had no choice but to destroy himself.

"Cang Dang", he smiled with a smile on his face, let go of his hand, and the sword fell straight to the ground.

Seeing that he really gave up resistance and allowed the dangerous sword to pass through his body, Zheng Quchi was almost driven crazy by him.

She is indifferent to emotions by nature. To put it bluntly, with her temperament, in her previous life, she might not have gotten married even if she had been busy with her career all her life, because she felt that having a family would be too restrictive. In addition, she had not met any Mr. Right. I really have no hope at all when it comes to relationships.

After time travel, the country forced her to get married, and now he is forcing her to have a relationship... Can she not do it?

Obviously not.

Zheng Quchi asked herself, if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Yu Wensheng, would she be disgusted? If she had just traveled to this world, she might, but now she doesn't seem to have much resistance.

Anyway, career, marriage and life prospects are all inextricably entangled with him, so we might as well just let him go. The knots are all over anyway, and the reputation of a widow is too unpleasant...

Besides, he died...what would she do? She didn't have three heads and six arms, so she had to be chopped into pieces by the Beiyuan Army.

"Live, Yu Wensheng, I want you to live!" Zheng Quchi gritted his teeth.

When Yu Wen Sheng heard this, he moved very quickly. He rushed over and picked her up from the ground. At the same time, with the long sword in his hand, he jumped up and killed a Beiyuan Army cavalry, grabbed his horse, and then grabbed her. He crossed her waist and sat on her.

Zheng Quchi only felt that he was tossing and turning, and he was sitting firmly on the horse's back, with Yu Wensheng behind him.

She was still a little confused, but she heard him say: "I only give you this one chance to choose. You can't go back on your word."

He tightened the reins and pulled, the horse's head turned around, and the black armored cavalry behind gathered in formation. On the chaotic and vast battlefield, the wind howled and the snow fell, the golden-armored general rode a majestic war horse and held a sharp sword, leading the cavalry. The steel rushes towards the enemy formation like a torrent.

The sound of their horses' hooves resounded through the sky, and Gongshu Jiruo looked at it. Because of Yu Wensheng's presence, the Ye army's morale was high again and they responded to his call.

Seeing with his own eyes that Yu Wensheng and Zheng Quchi formed a friendship on the battlefield, his heart felt like it had been severely scratched by some sharp weapon, and the blood flowed out, but it was forcibly clenched by a strong force to keep him standing. Body, he closed his eyes tremblingly.

"Don't worry about them, use all your strength to break through the Ye army's trenches."

At this time, Hou Feiqing had brought Pu Jiadi's body back. It was very tragic and split into two, which was unbearable to look at.

"I didn't expect him to be so impulsive. Even if Yu Wensheng is poisoned, he is still a formidable and terrifying opponent. How could he be able to sneak attack easily? Now he is defeated by him. It is really sad."

Hou Feiqing didn't feel too sad at all. To put it bluntly, the relationship between the two was just average. No, maybe it was worse. However, Hou Feiqing was not happy to see his death affecting the entire battle situation.

The soldiers currently fighting are from Pu Jiadi, and they have no tacit understanding and trust with him. Therefore, before panic and uneasiness spread, the best way is to speed up the attack and win this war as soon as possible.


On the other side, Fu Rong was anxious about the battle situation on the front line, but Fu Rong still forced himself to calm down and arranged the catapult on the slope like a mountain ladder as his wife had instructed.

The choice of this location is still very particular. First, it must be close, second, it must be safe, and third, it must have a clear view.

Catapults have been equipped in the army for a long time. They are only used for the follow-up of the ballistae. They are also used to assist the soldiers in attacking and disrupting the shooters in close combat.

Fortunately, the catapult designed by Zheng Quchi was improved compared to the traditional ones. It was lighter when moved, but the throwing distance was longer. It also had a locking position and exchangeable loader for the catapult.

Now that the catapult was moved to a high place, he arranged the personnel and began to aim in the direction of the "iron horse". The soldiers below carried water up one by one with oilcloth, and he then used the wooden ladle arranged by the catapult to throw it out.

The water brought from the rear camp had to be boiled again in a pot to make it scalding hot. This process did not take much time, after all, it was hot water that was brought in from the beginning.

The purpose is to splash the "Iron Horse" with hot water.

At first, Fu Rong thought the lady was joking. She could deal with the "Iron Horse" with water. Are you kidding me? They can't use artillery or arrows and spears, so just pouring some water on them will help?
He didn't believe it...but he did it anyway.

...Because he has doubts about his own judgment and he doesn't understand it, it doesn't mean that it can't be done.

But the timing of splashing is very important. Zheng Quchi mentioned that it must be more watery, and finally splash it repeatedly to try to get it thorough.

So Fu Rong asked the soldiers to disperse and evacuate without blocking them, while he patiently waited until the opponent's "iron horse" arrived near the trench before taking action.

To be honest, this decision was very risky. It was like hanging my head on my waist pocket and dangling back and forth.

If this method does not work and the opponent successfully crosses the trench and reaches the equipment area where they have set up defenses, the next thing they will face is a rout and a panic escape.

Fu Rong encouraged himself: "It will definitely work, it will definitely work. If you don't try, it won't work. Only after you try can you have hope!"

Everyone raised their hearts and held their breaths, waiting for the Beiyuan Army to take out the planks and lay them out. When preparing to pass, Fu Rong saw the right moment and quickly sent out a signal to have all the catapults fired at once.

Patapapapapap... The water balls falling from the sky were like falling down from the rapid rain. When the Beiyuan Army touched it, it was hot and wet. Was it water?

They were stunned, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

But soon they were shocked by the cold. One moment, the water was hot, and the next moment, the cold water penetrated into their bodies.

Could it be that Ye Jun wanted to freeze them to death with hot water?

Because the projectile was from a short distance, and the opponent had to be careful when crossing a wide ditch, the water bubbles on Ye Jun's side were almost always hit. When the hot water fell on the "Iron Horse", they didn't take it seriously at first, and each one of them was hit by Ye Jun. The whimsical ideas made me laugh "haha".

Everyone in the Beiyuan Army thought that Ye Jun was crazy, or maybe their brains were sick, and there would be no threat if they poured water on them. However, they didn't expect that slowly, the "iron horse" that was moving forward steadily and steadily, suddenly disappeared. It creaked like rusty iron and could not move.

When they saw that they had stopped inexplicably, they hurried forward and banged vigorously to ask, but found that the people inside were even more panicked and shouted: "What's going on? We can't open it!"

"What do you mean? Why are you not moving?"

At this time, someone inspected and found that there was a reason why the "iron horse" was motionless. Its joints were actually covered with a layer of ice, which was frozen. Not only that, all the metal gaps in the iron horse were also white with frost. No matter how stupid they were at this time, they finally understood Ye Jun's conspiracy. They were so panicked that they hurried forward to use their knives to chisel away, trying to rescue the "iron horse" from the freezing state. However, in such an extremely cold world, How can it be so easy?
"Huh? Look, the Beiyuan Army's iron horse has stopped moving!"

"Yes, I really stopped moving!"

"Oh my god, it's really useful. Our hot water is really useful!"

Ye Jun was pleasantly surprised. His dejected and nervous expression suddenly changed. After seeing that this method was effective and that the majestic "iron horse" was no longer a threat, Ye Jun threw away the weapon in his hand and came from behind. They took out their own lives from the weapon boxes one after another, and this time they charged forward with all their strength without reservation.

This battle can be described as a real duel between the two armies, without any clever equipment.

In the distance, Gongshu Jiruo and Hou Feiqing had their faces blown by a gust of orangutan wind, and their robes were flying. They also looked stunned at this time, which was unexpected.

"...I didn't expect that the iron horse I made had this fatal flaw." Gongshu Jiruo almost lost his voice.

Hou Feiqing's whole body was trembling: "Who could have imagined such a thing? I knew it, I knew that as soon as this Zheng Quchi appeared, nothing good would happen. I was lucky that she didn't come to the battlefield to cause trouble, darling Hiding to save his life, I never thought that she was not a trouble-free person at all. She didn't come out because she was planning all this behind her back!"

"Why are you so sure it's her?" Gongshu Jiruo asked back.

Hou Feiqing was stunned for a moment, and he was also surprised. He immediately thought it was her.

"Is this... is it difficult to guess? Just like a soldier who knows weapons, she is the only person in the entire Ye army who is familiar with and proficient in all machines. She can discern and peel off the flaws in the iron horse and accurately destroy it. The most likely motivation is her." Hou Feiqing became more and more excited as he spoke, and became more and more certain as he spoke.

Gongshu Jiruo felt a lump in his throat. After being silent for a while, he said, "Yes, it can only be her."


Yu Wensheng led Zheng Quchi to fight and run all the way, and finally broke through all the restrictions and obstacles, and successfully returned to the Yejun territory.

After he put the person down in a safe place, he turned around and planned to return to the battlefield, but Zheng Quchi was surprised: "Your injury..."

He smiled disapprovingly and said: "I can't die. As long as you are here, I will return to the human world even if I go to hell."

It's already very cold here, so why are you telling scary stories?'s not an injury that won't die.

Zheng Quchi paused for a moment and then said: "Yu Wensheng, you always say that you went to the battlefield for me and for the promise you made back then, but I don't think that's entirely true..."

He stopped his movements and looked into her eyes quietly, as if listening to what kind of truth she was going to say.

"Every time you are on the battlefield, you do not respond with a childish and frivolous mentality. You have a thorough layout and mobilize your troops like a god. This is something that everyone has praised and praised. This is not something that can be done casually. And when you do something seriously, it shows that you want to protect your soldiers and that you care about the lives of these people. Although you have no intention, there is strength in your heart. "

Yu Wensheng seemed unable to understand the meaning of these words in her mouth for a moment, until she finally concluded: "You don't live for yourself, but you have lived for these soldiers these years, and for the suffering people of Ye State. If you don’t have faith, you can still live by becoming someone else’s faith. Therefore, Yu Wensheng, your existence has long since become very valuable and meaningful. You are far more important and indispensable than you think.”

Don't stop thinking about living, and don't erase your own existence. Dwelling on the past will only lead to depression and degeneration. You are no longer the "evil" you once were, but have become the general of Ye State and the patron saint of Ye State. Yu Wensheng.

...Take care of yourself more.

Finally understanding what she wanted to say, the murderous intent on Yu Wensheng's face quietly melted away. In the end, he didn't have anything to say. He just said "hmm" to express that he heard it, and then led all the soldiers to devote themselves to this battle. During the battle.

Zheng Quchi saw that after he left, although her body was stable, her mind was uneasy. She caught a glimpse of the drummer not far away who had been shot to death at some unknown time, so she quickly walked forward, climbed up and set up a drum about one meter high. In front of the drum.

The snare drum is a specially made cowhide drum. It requires soldiers with extraordinary arm strength to beat the drum to make a deafening and majestic sound.

She raised two drumsticks as thick as her arms and began to beat them.

The snow was still floating under the sky, and she stood upright in the wind, mastering the passionate rhythm from slow to fast, hitting the drum head hard, dong dong dong dong dong dong... amidst the black and white waves, she The light-absorbing silver armor is so conspicuous and bright.

When Ye Jun heard the drum beat impassioned again, he turned around and a general said unexpectedly: "Isn't that Madam?"

More and more people noticed that Yu Wensheng, who was fighting the enemy bravely, turned around and saw the slim figure standing in front of the tall military drum and beating hard on the tall military drum behind the sergeants.

This was another way of telling him that she was always with them, fighting side by side.

Yu Wensheng finally felt that his heart, which had always been empty, seemed to be filled with something.


"If that's the case, let's go -"

As a general who has experienced hundreds of battles, Hou Feiqing has a thorough analysis of the outcome of the battle. With Yu Wensheng's meticulous layout and Zheng Quchi's genius cooperation, he understands that the outcome of the next battle has been decided.

The opponent is full of momentum, but they are exhausted and defeated, their ambitions are broken, their self-confidence is gone, and this battle has been lost.

He wanted to lead Gongshu away, but when he saw him taking out a bamboo tube, he immediately said in shock: "No--"

"Why not?"

When Hou Feiqing looked at Shang Gongshu, who looked calm but was actually full of dark and fierce eyes, his heart suddenly lurched.

Although I had known that he was not a good man or woman, I had never seen him so angry that he completely lost his mind.

"You plan to use the public loser's secret team, right?" Hou Feiqing asked.

He said nothing.

"You know that King Beiyuan is openly dissatisfied with your government and military affairs. Your use of iron horses this time without reporting it has put yourself and the public in a dangerous situation. If you continue to use the secret army, you will Do you want King Beiyuan to be completely murderous towards you, the loser?"

He understood the truth. Gongshu Jiruo looked at him with shaking eyes: "But if you let me go this time, I will never have a chance again..."

Hou Feiqing understands that some people are just fine if they don't have emotions. Once they become emotional, it's like a dead tree blooming with spring, and they will remain there until death.

"You are stupid. As long as you are alive, you will always have a chance." He could only advise.

Even if the public loses, he laughs at himself.

"In the past, she was behind me, and I knew there were always opportunities. Later, when she walked alongside me, I knew there were always opportunities. From now on, she will only go further and further away, and she will never look back."

Now Hou Feiqing just wants Gongshu Jiruo to leave with him quickly, and for this he can coax him to be the "mistress" for love without conscience.

"Actually, even if you can't become husband and wife, as long as you still give in, she will always treat you differently. You can take a step back first and then fight for it later. It's okay to be a confidant."

Gongshu looked at him with confusion and repeated: "Lan Yan's confidant?"

"Yes, I am sure that in this world, you are the only one who can keep up with her in the future in terms of craftsmanship. If you compete, you will become the person who understands her best."

Even if Gongshu had never considered this line of thinking, now that he thought about it, he suddenly became enlightened, and his lifeless eyes gradually regained their luster.

His advantage is something that Yu Wensheng will never be able to achieve. As long as he is still the leader of the craftsmen, he will always have a chance.

"Let's go."

After taking back the communication tube, he no longer looked as if he had no interest in life and died together.

After Hou Feiqing persuaded him, he looked at Yu Wensheng on the battlefield and said calmly: "Yu Wensheng, we... have a long way to go."


In this battle, Ye's army won.

The Ye army invaded for legitimate reasons, and in exchange for the prisoners of war held by the victor, Hou Feiqing was asked to hand over the hidden Zhu Zhu people.

It's impossible not to make friends, because they are a foreign tribe and a barbarian that is hated by all seven countries. Compared with them and the Beiyuan Army, the lives of these people are not worth mentioning.

Zheng Quchi also succeeded in getting rid of the "Phoenix Tears" poison in Yu Wensheng's body on the eldest son of the leader of the Zhuzhu tribe.

Just to be cautious, she went to the prison to interrogate leader Zhu Zhu.

This time she was fully prepared. Not only did she tell him everything about them and Beiyuan, but she also told him that all the Zhu Zhu tribe was now in her hands. In addition, the Beiyuan army was defeated and Pu Jiadi was killed in the battle. After being informed of the incident, his psychological defense collapsed, and he finally gave up the resistance and told everything.

Although there are ways to understand the poison, laymen like them still lack the skills. Therefore, in order to completely disarm the time bomb of "Phoenix Tears" for Yu Wensheng, he has to stay in Wubao for nearly half a year, and leader Zhu Zhu will come in person. Lift it for him.

Yu Wensheng could stay for half a year, but Zheng Quchi was dying. The projects that had been delayed because of her were still there, and she was recalled to Shengjing by a series of deaths.

Before leaving, she told Yu Wensheng: "After the Phoenix Tears are resolved, I will return to Beijing on my own."

She made a special confession just to make him understand that the self-punishment of "exile" was enough, and she would not care about him anymore.

Yu Wensheng once again put on the scholar's Confucian robe that they first met, with light and smooth fabrics and smooth lines. He stood gracefully like an immortal: "I will obey my lady's words."

Seeing him so beautiful and noble, she couldn't help but think of the "Phoenix Tears" record.

From this, she understood why Yu Wensheng wore a mask all year round, never showed his face in front of the world, and cared about and firmly hid the secret of "Phoenix Tears".

When you hear the name "Phoenix Tears", you would think that it is sad and moving, but in fact it is dark and filthy. The process of its poison is simply inhumane and can destroy the psyche of a normal adult, let alone a child.

After she read the relevant content, she felt her blood surge all over her body and her stomach became even tighter.

Just reading the words on it made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't know how Yu Wensheng, who was so young back then, survived that period of time.

No wonder he is world-weary and crazy, because he has never been treated fairly in his life, and everything he encounters is sick and twisted.

But he should be trying to learn to trust her, learn to let go of the past, and learn to accept himself. Otherwise, he will not let her see the hand-pricked content of "Phoenix Tears".

She sat on the carriage, raised a curtain, and the sun shone down from the side, covering half of her face with a layer of golden powder. She grinned at him: "Yu Wensheng, when you come back, I will give you candy."

He was slightly startled when he heard the words. The wind blew the green belt around his waist fluttering, and he smiled like a flawless white myrtle flower under the morning light.

"it is good."

 Originally, this chapter was supposed to come to an end, but Jing still had some content to finish, maybe one more chapter... or two (I lack confidence in my own calculations, so be conservative)

  (End of this chapter)

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