The country of Ye has been in the limelight recently, forcing several countries that were ready to take action to temporarily suppress their impulses and watch the truth.

It is said that there are "artillery" in Ye State, and there are horrifying rumors such as "spring thunder comes and the artillery invades", and "ballistae", which "attacks with a battery of ballistae, and there is nowhere to escape".

Oh, maybe it's not a rumor, but it's real. After all...the 30,000 Ye army fought against the 100,000 Beiyuan army, and they were still in the Beiyuan territory. They finally killed a general and won a comprehensive victory. This is true.

It is true, but only some people who know the inside story know it. The common people, the people in the streets, counties, towns and villages all over the country simply don't believe it. It takes an opportunity to make a comeback. How come the State of Ye suddenly went from bad to worse?

Their inherent thinking was difficult for them to accept for a while. Some people spread rumors outside that Ye Guo was bragging, and it even turned into a conspiracy theory——

The Ye State has only a small amount of ability, but they insist on bragging about 2,580,000. They are so arrogant. When Ye's army fought in Beiyuan, they could have carried out sneak attacks and plots, or they might even have made it out of thin air. Otherwise, they would have relied on him. Even the country of Ye cannot defeat Beiyuan.

When Zheng Quchi heard these rumors, he was so angry.

She knew very well that if they ended up arguing and arguing with these people, they would only be considered guilty and quibbling by everyone. In addition, she had to make everyone aware of the changes in Ye country, otherwise they would not be able to deter the surrounding invaders and the disaster would continue.

After much thought, Zheng Quchi finally made up his mind, wrote a letter and sent it to Gongshu Jiruo.

——The leader of the Jichun Craftsmen Guild made a promise, but can it still count? If you count, do one thing for me. I will let everyone in the world know the truth about the battle at Shuangfeitou Duantou Cliff.

Although the letter was received very quickly, he read it quietly for a while and then said calmly: "Without a word of greeting... I really don't understand the world at all."

The resentment in this sentence was so deep that even Saw, who was always dull about emotional matters, was aware of it.

"Master, then let's find an excuse not to help her." He said angrily.

But she didn't want Gongshu to win. Jiruo raised her eyebrows and said, "Why don't you help? She is young and not smooth and transparent enough. I should be more tolerant. Besides..."

Moreover, he wanted to ease the relationship with her and become her lifelong confidant. This matter was just the "pillow" to break the deadlock. How could he let it go?
Master, he has changed.

When Saw Zi heard this, he felt extremely distressed.

He was not like this before. How wronged he was to take something by force and turn it into warm water to boil a frog.

He didn't know if Gongshu was wronged or not. He only knew that he wanted Zheng Quchi to remember his love, and she would smile at him the next time they met.

When is the next time? The "Jichun Craftsmen's Guild" is about to be held, why not choose it in Ye country this year.

Soon Zheng Quchi received good news. Gongshu mentioned the battle of Shuangfei Pass at an important crafts meeting. The general meaning was that Beiyuan was indeed defeated by Ye. The Ye country is different from the past, in terms of equipment, In terms of weapons and equipment, his combat power was not inferior to that of Beiyuan. He also focused on dismantling the weapons used in this battle against Ye Kingdom.

And the "facts" he spoke out were spread to ten, one hundred, and one hundred, and received enthusiastic responses from everyone. This time, they no longer questioned whether it was true or false, just because of these The words came from Gongshu Jiruo's mouth, and they were simply words of wisdom.

Zheng Quchi hurriedly asked the diplomats to go to public relations to ensure that the dignity and image of Ye State were well maintained. Don't be afraid of exaggeration, just be afraid of not being exaggerated enough.

Before returning to Shengjing, Zheng Quchi was worried about the security of the border, but Yu Wensheng told her that he had not done anything in these years, and that he would be there to keep things safe and let her do what she should do.

But Zheng Quchi was used to worrying, so she still felt uneasy. As soon as she returned to Shengjing, she simply contacted the convoy and distributed all the Zheng family's savings dug out from the Nine Provinces Eight Wastelands, such as weapons and armor, to the border garrison.

She didn't believe it. When their Ye army also had high-end equipment, could they still lag behind and be beaten as before?
After a crazy outburst, Ye State's border defense suddenly changed. Not only the people noticed it, but also the spies from other countries who had been keeping a close eye on the sentries.

Just when I was about to raise troops, I found that the opponent had become difficult to fight. How difficult could it be to fight? For example, before, they were a group of rural soldiers wearing commoners and holding old embroidered guns. But in the blink of an eye, they were upgraded to brave warriors with cast iron armor and steel swords. To put it bluntly, none of their soldiers had yet to wear them. This is great stuff.

No one wants to be the leader. After all, the premise of the alliance is profit, but if the prey is too ferocious and the counterattack is too powerful, it will be troublesome.

Their plan to destroy Ye was forced to suspend. The failure of the Beiyuan Army was an example and a warning. They thought that they did not dare to provoke the Beiyuan Army yet, but the Ye State was so bold, but... won .

Thinking of the extraordinary potential shown by the Ye Kingdom in the previous Six Nations Trials, the powerful javelin soldiers, artillery, cavalry, crossbowmen, and all kinds of powerful weapons emerging one after another, the most important thing is... Yuwen Sheng, this made the top leaders of all countries... I had to hesitate.


A year later, earth-shaking changes took place in Ye. The water conservancy project led by Zheng Quchi was successfully completed. This great cause of turning water hazards into water conservancy for the benefit of the people was so majestic that it shocked the seven countries.

All countries secretly presided over the study of all technical issues related to the design during the construction of this project. However, repeated setbacks and confusion made them discover that Zheng Quchi had overcome many incredible technical problems before he built the water control system in Canling County. Dayan.

This one project alone is enough for Zheng Quchi to be touted as a god.

Zheng Quchi didn't know how scary the comments and public opinion against her were, and her fans were growing day by day. She just silently did her job, organizing craftsmen from all over the country to build villages according to local conditions and solve various "difficult and complicated diseases" in the local area. ". She allocates money vigorously. In short, as long as the local research has results, she will not be stingy with the expenses.

She is so generous because her business empire has been established. If you ask who is the richest in Ye country now, it is definitely her Zheng Quchi.

The major commercial banks that Zhang Qinan has inspected over the years include not only car dealerships, agricultural equipment stores, and furniture stores, but their businesses have also expanded abroad, and they have cooperated with business partners from seven countries.

Not long ago, when she went to the countryside to inspect the progress of the hydraulic irrigation system project, she naturally thought of her hometown of Fu County. In order to improve the drought situation in Fu County, she had already sent people to deal with it, and she would leave there soon. I'm afraid she will have to stay in Fu County for half a year to a year, and it will be a good time to get together with her eldest brother and sister.

While she was preparing everything to go on a business trip, Yu Wensheng was almost ready for his enthronement. He planned to proceed with the title of queen at the same time. When he ascended the throne as king, she could be by his side as the queen. People jointly accepted the blessings and kneels from the courtiers and the people.

This was against the rules. Zheng Quchi didn't agree at first. She had to be busy with work, but Yu Wensheng was stubborn. If she didn't, he would not be the king, and the two would continue to be husband and wife in their current status. Bar.

Afterwards, a large group of courtiers came over to cry and persuade. Zheng Quchi was so noisy that his head was buzzing, so he could only agree to this troublesome matter.

Just seal the queen, keep everything simple, do everything quickly, and don't delay her business.

All the officials had never seen such a career-minded queen. The previous queens were all happy and excited before the canonization, but she only thought about her own work.

But before telling the world about him, Zheng Quchi had one more thing that particularly troubled her.

Before she could think of a countermeasure, Yu Wensheng had already brought her relatives to Shengjing. When she saw Brother Sang and Sang Yaomei appearing in the General's Mansion, Zheng Quchi's first reaction was to rub his eyes.

"Second sister——"


Zheng Quchi heard their shouts and saw Sang Yaomei and Brother Sang running towards her excitedly and eagerly, only then did she confirm that they were really in front of her.

When the three brothers and sisters met, one of them burst into tears. They looked at each other to see how the other had changed recently.

"Yao Mei, have you grown so tall?"

"Yes, second sister, I have grown up very fast in the past few years, and I will be a big girl in a few years."

"Yeah, my youngest sister is beautiful and will become a big girl in the future. The person who proposes will definitely cross our threshold."

Zheng Quchi proposed to reform the marriage system of Ye State the year before last. The previous mandatory "lalang match" was completely abolished. With the support of Yu Wensheng, her proposal succeeded with overwhelming momentum.

At this point, although it is not possible for men and women in the world to marry the person they love, at least they have a certain right to choose and wait for their marriage and love, instead of having only one way.

"Second sister, I miss you so much." Yaomei's thin arms hugged her waist tightly and buried her head in her arms.

"I miss you too." Zheng Quchi hugged her back and looked at his brother who was standing there with restrained emotions.

"Brother, how are you doing lately?"

"Okay, okay." He answered her with the word "ok" two times in a row.

"Did you receive what I sent? Is your leg feeling better?"

"Everything is fine. I don't have to worry about food or clothing. My legs are getting better with the treatment of the miracle doctor you invited."

"That's good."

She had relied on a lot of connections for this matter, and she had spent a lot of money to hire people from the Kingdom of Qiuci. If there was no cure, she really... wouldn't give up. At worst, she would continue to look for it.

"You wrote a letter saying that you want to hold a new wedding. I think it's very good for me. Your marriage to Liu Fengmian was too simple. He is a descendant of the same family, so he should give you some dignity in front of family members and friends... However, I didn’t expect that he didn’t die.”

What did she write to... Oh, it must be Yu Wensheng who did it! Kill him first and show him later, he is dead!
"Yes, yes." Zheng Quchi smiled dryly with a guilty conscience.

It's over, it's over, she never told Brother Sang the real situation before. He didn't know that the "Liu Fengmian" who was weak and couldn't take care of himself was actually Yu Wensheng, the "Living Yama" who could make children cry, and he didn't know that this was going to be a... At the wedding of an emperor and empress, they will usher in a grand enthronement and canonization in the presence of the whole country celebrating.

She must have known that she had concealed such a big thing from him for so many years, so she would not have been exterminated by her eldest brother. (End of chapter)

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