Chapter 61 Man Fighting (seeking tickets)

With Yu Wensheng's army coming to support them, the nomadic barbarians instantly lost their previous arrogance, and this small-scale war of aggression was quickly quelled.

But the losses caused by this cannot be estimated.

Human life, how to estimate?
Zheng Quchi was cautious, scouting the movement all the way, groping to return according to the original path, for fear that a barbarian would pop out from the grass or cracks in the stones.

I was worried, but I saw the artisans who were shot to death along the way, especially near the quarry, the scene of bloodbath.

Some of them she knew, chatted with and lived in the same hut, and some she didn't know, but occasionally passed by. Their faces were frozen with the fear of death, and they fell to the ground, and the blood on their bodies ran down the hillside The ravine flows downward.

It was clearly a scorching day, but it felt like standing in an extremely cold place from head to toe.

It was inexplicably sad and ridiculous. In such a short period of time, she seemed to have adapted to the stench of rust, and it was no longer as nauseating as it was at the beginning.

Her various encounters during this period are more ups and downs, thrilling and complicated than her previous life of more than [-] years combined.

Shan Bian tiptoed and came back from nowhere. He glanced around in surprise, then hurried to Zheng Quchi, and asked with concern, "Chizi, are you alright?"

It was too chaotic and nervous before, Zheng Quchi completely forgot about him, and he didn't know where he went at the critical moment.

She glanced at him, her whole body was neat and clean, as if she had escaped from a disaster.

Suspicion suddenly crossed her mind, but she had learned some scheming from these people, she shook her head without showing any emotion on her face.

"I was not injured, it was Qiu who saved me."

Shan Bian believed it as soon as he heard this, he breathed out, his brows furrowed: "I didn't expect these savages to send someone to test them so soon. I saw just now that the city wall on Guijiao Ridge was completely burned down. , it seems that Yu Wensheng will hurry up and build the city wall, so that he can send troops to defend Guijiao Ridge."

city ​​walls?

Zheng Quchi looked contemplative, and seemed to be talking to himself: "Tell me, if the city wall of Guijiao Ridge is strong enough to resist the barbarian's cavalry, bows and arrows, wouldn't this disaster not have to be so tragic?"

Shan Bian had no sense of morality and said, "If they didn't know that the city wall on Guijiaoling was destroyed, why would these barbarians come to test it? But Ye Kingdom is like this, sooner or later it won't be able to hold it."

"Why can't you keep it?" She looked at him suddenly, her brown pupils greeted the sun, as if injected with light, under the sparkling brilliance, she was thrilling: "I think it can keep it."

Throwing him away, she walked up the hill quickly, she looked at the ruined city wall, the flames climbed up the wall, burning thick smoke billowing, this part was burnt and collapsed, the remaining part was like a crooked earthworm, The mountains are covered with brown soil and lush trees.

Due to the ups and downs of the terrain, its subsidence and subsidence were serious, and she even saw a part of it leaning to the point of collapsing.

She roughly estimated possible problems.

One of them is that the foundation is not strong enough.

Insufficient strength is the second.

Not knowing how to adapt to the situation is the third...

According to the guess in her heart, she went to the city wall for field investigation and inspection.

Although the surface of the wall is built with stone or bricks, it is obviously not suitable for certain areas. Their craftsmanship is not rigorous enough, and the gaps are not close enough. She has seen that grass roots and tree roots grow in the gaps, which is easy. cause loosening.

She continued to check in sections, and some flat areas could be built with stone brick walls, but some areas were inconvenient due to various reasons, so a different type of wall could be used.

Fuxian County has always had little rain and drought. In fact, another more suitable wall will speed up the project, such as rammed earth or a combination of earth and rock. It is also more absorbent to the ground, and it is not easy to find the collapse.

It would be a big mistake to blindly use only one material or process to go global, and it is most suitable to adapt measures to local conditions.

Zheng Quchi probably had an idea in her mind. Today she just came to explore the ground roughly. If she wants to implement the project in detail, there are too many things to prepare.

When she returned to the shanty town, she saw the county magistrate who had returned to the county to heal his wounds came to Guijiaoling. He was wiping sweat with panic and anxiety, followed by a team of government soldiers and garrison soldiers waiting at the entrance and exit.

After a while, a group of elite cavalry rode up to the horse, with banners fluttering and thunderous thunder.

The incoming army and the county magistrate are completely in two levels of aura. Later, the army trained in an orderly manner, and they lined up neatly. Under the cold white light, they were dressed in black armor, glowing iron blue and scarlet. shocking.

Looking at the unique and conspicuous embroidered star map on the flag, it turned out to be the Qisu Army under Yu Wensheng's command.

The two groups of people joined together, and the county magistrate immediately stepped forward courteously, and gave a big gift to the Canglong leader of the Qisu Army.

Yu Wensheng didn't come, where did he go?

Zheng Quchi subconsciously found him in the army.

She wanted to see him for something, but after waiting for a long time, he never showed up in Guijialing.

I remembered what Wei Yao said - "With the general around, none of these animals can escape."

Could it be that he carried the sword himself...

Thinking of those nomadic savages, she clenched her teeth, but looking at the slightly trembling fingers after so long, she knew she was still afraid in her heart.

These barbarians are tall and big, one person is equivalent to two of her, they behave brutally and brutally, and they treat foreigners even more inhumanly, and they will carry out genocidal massacres when they are caught.

Thinking of Yu Wensheng, he seems to be more cruel and ruthless than these people. It is true that the wicked have their own torture, and those who have been humiliated and killed by the barbarians can only point at him to take revenge.

After experiencing it personally, she only now truly realized what Yu Wensheng meant to Ye Kingdom.

It is the peace of mind in times of crisis, the confidence to always have a way out, and the everlasting fire in despair.

Thinking about it this way, she seemed to have dissipated a little bit of her previous bad impressions of him, and felt that he was not so fearful——

Uh? !

When Zheng Quchi raised her eyes inadvertently, the sun was covered with blood, and the mountains stood majestically, with steep cliffs, cold and cold. She saw a galloping cavalry in black armor gradually appearing in the narrow mountain path, and they immediately It was as if he had just come back from a bloody hell where all bones were rotten.

Especially the leader of the army, he was wearing a mask of evil spirits, and his whole body was stained with scarlet blood, he looked like a brave Asura, and even more like the king of Yama who ruled life and death.

Everything was silent, she swallowed.

No, he is still as terrifying, especially now, it is estimated that just after killing the enemy, the life-threatening aura that has not dissipated is even more frightening.

 The past two days I ran outside for a spring outing, the update was delayed by how much it was affected, sorry, sorry, I will go home tomorrow, so I will update it at the normal time.

  In addition, it's not the end of the month, so I follow the usual practice and want to win some small votes to make it to the list. If we have some, I will vote for Jing, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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