Chapter 62

When the well-armored army arrived at the shantytowns, the wind roared, and the wild sage shook off the frost, as if a patch of blooming heroes fell like snow. Everyone was startled, like a hundred birds facing a phoenix, kneeling on the ground in surrender, show respect.

This scene actually made Zheng Quchi have a kind of time flow, returning to the scene when he first met Yu Wensheng in the camp.

An officer looked down at the crowd below and asked sharply, "Where is the person in charge of the city wall fortification?"

The heart of a person kneeling on the ground seems to be strangled by an invisible force.

The county magistrate should have actively stepped forward to answer, but under the high-pressure momentum like a storm coming, he shrunk shamefully.

Anyway, his name was not named, and he will never be the first bird.

Forced to be helpless, Yuan Sui and Yin from Fangjixia Academy looked at each other, seeing anxiety and nervousness in each other's eyes, and then stepped forward with palms.

Originally, according to normal times, the two of them were master craftsmen who had been invited by Fu County after thousands of requests. Their status was so high that they didn't have to kneel before officials like ordinary people.

But who can hold back the airs in front of Yu Wencheng, who is like a big devil, he glanced lightly, and they "plopped" to their knees as soon as their knees softened.

Damn, the moment their eyes met, they seemed to see Wang Chuan Huang Quan waving at them.

Zheng Quchi swears that she definitely heard the crisp "click" sound when her knee hit the ground, her teeth gritted, and there was a kind of pain called sympathy pain.

They are cruel enough to themselves.

"Yuan Sui (Yin Xiao) met General Yu and General Yuwen."

Yu Wensheng had blood on his face, but his tone was as gentle as that of his parents: "When will the city wall from Guijialing to Xiya Mountain be repaired?"

There was a voice in the ear, low and hoarse, the breeze was blowing, but what it brought them was not like a spring breeze, every word was like a soul-destroyer that could kill them.

Plop, plop, plop... This is someone's heartbeat that exceeds the load, so loud that the people next to him seem to be able to hear it.

Yuan Suishan unconsciously gripped the sand and stones on the ground: "This... Now the foundation of the city wall has been severely damaged by the barbarians. Although the fire has been extinguished, it has to be rebuilt by digging ditches. This requires a review of the previous construction drawings..."

Yu Wensheng said lightly: "The original city wall drawings have been burned long ago, so you have to re-plan a new design, and come up with arrangements for the amount, materials, and time spent on the project."

But Yuan Sui and Yin Xiao were dumbfounded by his casual arrangement.

They thought that Yu Wensheng was just a layman, so he didn't know the difficulty he would face. The re-planning and design of the city wall could be done by closing his mouth and shutting it down?

The two rushed to tell each other eagerly.

"No, it's not the general. You probably don't know much about this. Firstly, the materials used to build the city wall are important. Secondly, the complex terrain of Guijiaoling is no better than the flat area of ​​the plain. If it is completely demolished and rebuilt, it will take..."

"Difficult? How difficult can it be?" he asked.

The two hesitated for a moment, and said, "It is still difficult for us to determine the situation."

"It's been a full month since you arrived in Fuxian County. For such a long time, it's hard for you to even determine the situation on Guijiao Ridge, is it?" Yu Wencheng's eyes were cold and dark.

The two felt guilty, but they still forcibly argued: "It only takes half a month. We have already arranged the fortification plan. Once the construction officially starts, we can get a glimpse of the whole picture."

When Zheng Quchi heard the two people's lies about the delay, he knew that they should both be novices in engineering projects.

Maybe they have the technology and ability, but they only focus on small or auxiliary fortifications, and they know nothing about construction technology, construction materials, prefabricated components, labor organization, construction site and off-site preparation for construction.

For Yu Wensheng, who was short on time and required to complete the project as soon as possible, it might be difficult for them to hand in a satisfactory "answer sheet" within the specified time.

In fact, she had seen it before.

These two master stonemasons from Jixia Academy are simply half-baked.

The masons were responsible for quarrying and chiseling the stone, and the laborers worked with some experienced masons to build it. It seemed to be proceeding in an orderly manner, but its efficiency was extremely slow.

Because of the high failure rate, especially the difficulty of fortifications has not yet been overcome, they chose to start work blindly.

The previous collapse of the city wall was caused by the fact that they did not assess the bearing capacity of the damaged city wall in advance and forcibly built a high wall on the original foundation, causing a disaster.

In addition, there are difficult mountain roads, how to solve the transportation of building materials?
If the city wall continues to be built with stones, if there is no corresponding reinforcement, how will the secondary collapse or loosening be solved?

They could turn a blind eye to such problems as they were imminent, and still only adopted the most convenient traditional method, performing simple and rough pasting and copying on the old fortifications, just to complete the superficial tasks.

However, these estimates cannot be realized now, even if they process it in time, it will be difficult now.

Because she went to check, according to the construction method decades ago, the mud-like adhesive needs enough time to solidify, but now that the situation of various aspects is pressing, they must use a stronger, firmer, and faster drying method. Material.

Just as she was thinking about things, Yu Wensheng's eyes passed through many figures and landed on top of her head, and he gave an ultimatum to Sui Yuan and Yin Xiao.

Yu Wencheng smiled lightly, and fell into their ears like the murmur of a ghost.

"Then let's take half a month, starting from Guijialing and Zhishan Mountain. This general hopes to meet you next time, and we can see the initial results."

The sound of the wind was like cutting, and the cold air came unexpectedly, making people shudder.

Yuan Sui and Yin Xiao's hands and feet were numb, and he couldn't help nodding his head.

Yu Wensheng came and went like the wind, in a hurry, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zheng Quchi didn't find a chance to talk to him until he led the troops to leave.

But she heard people say that all the government soldiers and garrisons in Guijiao Ridge were evacuated and replaced by the Iron Blood Qisu Army, including cleaning up the corpses killed by the barbarians, counting the number of remaining craftsmen, sweeping up the remnants, and deploying garrisons.

For others, this news is reassuring, but at the same time can't avoid feeling restrained and wary.

It's just because the government soldiers treat the fortifications with whips and urges, but it's different when it's changed to the Qisu Army. I'm afraid they will be harsh. With their hand strength trained for many years in beating the enemy, wouldn't it be just a random whip? To kill them?

Scared, weak, pitiful.

But Zheng Quchi didn't think too much about it. At night, she planned to go to Weiyao first.

But he ran into Yuan Sui and Yin Xiao by accident. They were dressed very eye-catchingly, and when people saw them, they had to respectfully call "Master Yuan" and "Master Yin".

They nodded arrogantly, but when there was no one around, they broke down and said, "What should I do, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come to this poor place."

"That's right, I came here to repair such a rotten city wall, a rough and low-quality thing. I thought it would be fine to build it up casually, but I didn't want Yu Wencheng to get involved in this matter. Yu Wencheng is amazing. come."

"Okay, stop talking, be careful if someone overhears you, that's a living hell, you're not afraid of death."

"What do you think we should do now? Since Yu Wensheng has intervened, there is no way to fool this matter as easily as before."

"The time is so tight, even if we redesign it, we don't have the time. Besides, Guijiao Ridge is rugged and dangerous, and it is not easy to walk. Not to mention the wall is erected. It is ridiculous just by the two of us."

"What kind of good craftsmen do you expect Ye Kingdom to invite? You and I are the only ones out of luck. In my opinion, we have to find another way."

"You mean..."


After the two made eye contact that you understand and I understand, they left in a hurry, and Zheng Quchi, who was hidden in the dark, listened for a long time, but did not hear any specific clues.

Think of another way, what secret method are they planning to use?

She couldn't figure it out for a while, so she didn't think about it anymore. She still had to find someone.

Zheng Quchi came to the campsite of the Qisu Army, and the front was heavily guarded. She tried to go up to appeal directly, but as expected, no one answered her.

So she didn't give up, and just wandered around the camp near the camp, like a wandering soul without an owner.

At night, her face was so dark, and her whereabouts were so sneaky... As expected, she was caught as a suspect.

When she was escorted to Weiyao like a caught chick, he was stunned for a while, and then laughed like a fool, but he didn't know to save her arm that was about to be broken first.

"Brother Wei!" She gritted her teeth and shouted.

Only then did Weiyao clenched her fists and stopped laughing, and gestured to the side: "Let her go, I know her."

The stern-looking defender immediately let go of her arm, and retreated silently, but the look in her eyes when he left was still full of scrutiny and suspicion.

Zheng Quchi felt that her back was about to be shot through, and she really wanted to turn her head and prove to herself that she is really a good citizen, and judging someone by their appearance is not good.

"Why are you here? You were arrested as a spy?" Wei Yao asked with a smile.

She said angrily, "I have something important to do."

"Could it be that you want to practice soft bone technique? But I've been a little..."

Zheng Quchi quickly denied it: "No, no, I do have something I would like to ask brother Wei for, but it's not about kneading bones, it's like this..."

After talking to Wei Yao, he looked at her speechlessly.

Zheng Quchi said solemnly: "The city wall built before has its own disadvantages. Even if it is not blown up or burned, it will not last for a few years at all."

Wei Yao saw that she was big and funny, and couldn't help but wanted to touch her fluffy head, but Zheng Quchi quickly blocked her: "Don't keep touching my head, the president is not tall. of."


He withdrew his hand resentfully.

He folded his arms and looked at her lazily with a smile: "Ah Qing, it's good to be ambitious, but one has to be down-to-earth and follow steps step by step. How can you take off right away?"

"Why should I take off? Brother Wei, you believe me. Although I am a carpenter, the work of a stonemason is not difficult. Really, you believe me, just follow the current operation of the original teacher and the silver teacher, and you will never be able to fix the order General Yuwen filled the city walls." She persuaded him sincerely.

Wei Yao also persuaded her sincerely: "You see mountains as mountains, it's as simple as stepping across the line, this matter is now in charge of the general, and I can't be around, and even if I ask the general to let you participate, Can you convince the crowd? Who will listen to you?"

Zheng Quchi knew early on that he would not agree. She understood that qualifications and experience are the only criteria for testing a craftsman. She, a white man, changed careers from carpenter to stonemason. Unless Weiyao was her father, she would not be dizzy. The head agreed to her request.

At the beginning, she just reported the mentality of giving it a try, to see if she could rely on her relationship to airborne and intervene in the construction of the city wall, but obviously Weiyao's background relationship is not strong enough.

But it doesn't matter, her real purpose is not this.

Psychologically, when a person rejects you once, he will subconsciously apologize. At this time, if you make a request that is not too excessive, it will be difficult for him to refuse a second time.

"Brother Wei said, I won't embarrass you about this matter, but can you let me borrow the kiln in the military workshop?"

"Huh? A kiln?"

"I know this place belongs to the government, and ordinary craftsmen are not allowed to enter, but I recently had an idea, I want to forge a material with strong adhesion, so I need to borrow an official kiln, brother Wei, can you Can't you help me?"

Wei Yao naturally has this kind of authority, but because of her extraordinary request, he also remembered the unstable factors that still exist in her... Other secrets.

Thinking of the earthenware she built before, but it was used in the country of Ye, Wei Yao hesitated for a moment, and finally agreed: "Okay, I will send someone to talk about it, but you can only wait to do these things in your free time, don't think about it." be lazy."

The last sentence was purely joking, he was worried that she would run around frequently and be gossiped about, if he withdrew his troops in the future, her reputation of being selfish, lazy and not doing business properly would be notorious among the craftsmen.

"Of course, am I the kind of person who takes money and doesn't work?"

Before she left, she thought of one thing: "Brother Wei, is there a man named Liu Fengmian in your barracks?"

Wei Yao was taken aback.

He said nonchalantly, "Why do you ask that?"

"When I was in the camp, General Yuwen once sent a man named Liu Fengmian to bring me a message, but I never saw him again, so I was a little curious."

Wei Yao remembered that he was the one who abducted her from the camp back then, but he had disguised himself with a mask at that time, so "Sang Xuanqing" probably didn't recognize her.

But as soon as he touched her pair of clear and bright eyes, he was inexplicably guilty.

He rubbed his nose: "Oh, he's from our barracks. Recently...the general sent him on a mission recently, so he's not here."

Zheng Quchi frowned when he heard this: "What mission? Is it dangerous? His eyesight is bad, did you send someone to follow him?"

Somewhat surprised that she cared so much about the general named "Liu Fengmian", Wei Yao thought about what "his eyes are not good", and replied calmly: "It's not dangerous."

Even if it's dangerous, it's someone else's danger.

Knowing Liu Fengmian's whereabouts, Zheng Quchi let go of his worries. When he asked Adjutant Wang earlier, he had an expression that he had never heard of before, making her think that Liu Fengmian had never worked in Yu Wensheng's camp.

After Zheng Quchi left the Qisu Army's garrison, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from the side of the road blocking the way, which startled her greatly.

(End of this chapter)

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