Chapter 204 Xu Yong is grateful
As Xu Yong was talking, the man who still looked tall and strong suddenly choked up.

"It was her, she was the one who snatched me back from Lord Yan..."

The barrage also paused for a while.

[Although I don't like you, thank you for speaking up for Xia Xia. 】

[Woo, Xia Xia has been wronged!Thanks for rectifying her name. 】

[From the Internet storm Xiaxia's illegal practice of medicine and violent treatment of guest contestants all the way to this point, to be honest, until now, I have completely let go of it. 】

[Me too, I was really afraid that Xia Xia would be splashed with dirty water by those who rescued her in the end, but luckily she didn't. 】

[I admire Xu Yong for telling the truth. If it were me, I wouldn't dare to stand up for fear of being bullied by the Internet. 】

[Tears. 】

[Hug Xia Xia. 】

[If you are touched, this is the spirit of helping others, which is always worth promoting. 】

[The cost of saving people is too high, which is why, more and more people become egoists, and this society becomes more and more indifferent. 】

[Good reflection, you must manually like it. 】

Xu Yong adjusted his breathing several times, but still couldn't help choking up several times.

After a while, he went on:
"I was still unconvinced. I thought to myself, if you save someone, you choose it yourself, and I didn't force you to beg you to save me. Why do you want me to give you points? Why?

"Didn't you save people just to earn traffic, gain a good reputation for saving people under the live broadcast camera, so that you can clear your name, get more resources, and make more money?
"When you save people, you are no different from other people. You are thinking about yourself. You are selfish. So, why do you want me to give you so many points?
"But that night, when the typhoon hit in the middle of the night, the entire shelter collapsed. My roommates escaped separately, and I was the only one who was buried alive and lost consciousness.

"Everyone, everyone ran to take refuge in the bamboo hut. No one, at that time, no one found me, I disappeared.

"Only her, she braved the howling wind and rain outside, crossed the extremely harsh wild environment, single-handedly rushed to the shelter, dug me out of the ruins, and rescued me back to the bamboo hut.

"You know, at that time, the entire shelter was collapsing, and it was very dangerous. If it were me, everyone knows, I am a fitness instructor, and I would not be so bold as to run to rescue people in a collapsing building by myself.

"She could have been like everyone else, even if she found out that I was missing, most likely buried in the ruins of the shelter, she would pretend not to know.

"Or, after she finds out, she can call on Best Actor Pei and everyone to discuss what to do.

"But she didn't.

"Some people may think, why is she so arrogant, who does she think she is? Just go through the typhoon and storm, break into the ruins to dig people?
"Since it was found that someone was buried, why didn't you find someone to ventilate and discuss it? It's the smartest way to save people together and share the risk."

When he said this, Xu Yong shook his head slightly and paused for a moment.

Some of the netizens in the audience said, well, they really think so.

That Gu Banxia is really stupid.

We should tell everyone about the fact that Xu Yong is missing and is likely to be buried under the shelter.In this way, everyone discusses together and saves people together, maybe she doesn't need to put herself in danger.

Now that Xu Yong said it clearly, these netizens and audiences immediately blushed and their hearts burned.

"I am very grateful, thankful that she did not discuss ventilation with others, and wasted time and opportunities to save lives.

"I am grateful for her bravery, grateful for her decisiveness, grateful for her, and not seeking advice from others just to show off her strength.

"You don't know that if she spends time ventilating and discussing with people, for every minute she delays, the people who are crushed in the ruins of the shelter will be in danger for one more minute!"

Some of the netizens were ashamed by what they said, but for some reason, they were reluctant to click close and exit.

Xu Yong continued:

"Saving people is like putting out a fire. I'm very glad that she made such a wise choice at that time. I can't imagine that if she stopped at that time, she would turn around to ventilate and discuss with people. In the end, those people together How will the guest contestants who participated in the competition face the harsh environment and weather? How will they push each other, and in the end, waste the life-saving opportunity in vain?"

The barrage became quiet.

Xu Yong, you are right.

Everyone quietly listened to Xu Yong's review.

"From then on, I knew that what I did before was wrong, and I was a bastard, bastard!"

Xu Yong's voice became a little passionate, but the overall sound was still choked.

"Some netizens, I didn't know until I quit the program, how hateful their remarks are!
"You are not me, why should you speak for me, saying that she is asking me to exchange points, that is because she is too much? Isn't it you who are too much?
"Do you know, if it wasn't for her, I would have died in the wilderness a long time ago!!! I exchanged those points willingly with her, why do you guys say that about her?!"

Speaking of excitement, Xu Yong's whole body twitched.There was also a ho-ho bellows-like tone in the voice.

Netizens and viewers once thought that his old illness had relapsed, and they were genuinely worried, [Stop talking, call 120 first! 】

Everyone has forgotten that the second short video of Xu Yong is recorded and edited, not a live broadcast.

Xu Yong pressed the Tanzhong acupoint for himself, then rubbed the lower acupoints and stomach, and his convulsed body gradually recovered.

Seeing this, the netizens and audience heaved a sigh of relief.

I almost thought Xu Yong was about to burp!

Xu Yong continued: "To tell you the truth, the first time she exchanged points to save me, I was not convinced, and I also thought why this person is like this?

"Saving me is a choice you made voluntarily, why do you ask me to use points to pay back?
"The second time, she asked me to exchange points for life-saving grace. I suddenly figured it out and stopped being angry."

Netizens and viewers are all curious, how did Xu Yong figure it out?What did he figure out?
After all, some of them didn't figure it out.

Saving people should not ask for anything in return, but Gu Banxia did the opposite. Unlike them, he saved Xu Yong. Not only did he get points rewarded by the program group through the live performance of the rescue, but he also found the rescued Xu Yong got double points.

How can she do this?
Xu Yong didn't hold back, and continued to say:
"Exchanging life with points may sound very utilitarian, but it made me breathe a sigh of relief.

"Because, I suddenly discovered that from now on, I don't need to feel breathless because I owe her life-saving grace, and I don't need to feel guilty when others scold me or her.

(End of this chapter)

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