"Because, I know very well in my heart that if she saves me, I will repay it with points. There is a settlement between us."

Some netizens and viewers were confused.

[Why are you clearing up? 】

【? ? ? 】

[Compare life-saving grace to a little points, what are points, and they are both clear?Have you asked Gu Banxia himself about this?She agrees? 】

[Is saving people utilitarian or a good thing?What weird idea?It's the first time I've heard of it. 】

【Sorry, my cultural level is not stable, now it’s at a low level, how can I be cleared?That was a life-saving grace, or two life-saving graces!The rescued are so indifferent, after that, who is willing to save others? 】

[Xu Yong is a white-eyed wolf! 】

There are also audiences who shallowly enter the state of thinking.

[I seem to understand something, but I don't seem to understand. 】

[The grace of saving life is too great, I can't afford it, it will indeed feel a lot of pressure. 】

【To be honest, I never thought that when I was watching the live broadcast, I was totally shocked, because Gu Banxia saved people, but actually asked people to pay back with points, how indifferent and impersonal.Now, after hearing Xu Yong's words, I suddenly realized, dare to say, what she did was to reduce the psychological burden of the rescued! 】

[It's not just the psychological burden, the burden in all aspects has been reduced. 】

[No problem, sister, you know how to think. 】

[I'm the kind of person who treats me a little better, and I can't wait to return it with all my heart and soul.I often feel tired, out of breath, and feel that life is a bit boring.But if you don't return it with all your heart and soul, you will feel bad and always feel guilty. 】

[Sister or brother, I feel that your description belongs to the flattering personality.hug. 】

[Don't feel guilty!Guilt is to stab yourself with a weapon stretched out by others.People who really treat you well will not make you feel guilty.People who really help others don't care about rewards, because when they help others, they have already received rewards.And those who make you feel guilty, they are using your guilt to demand the little investment return and benefits that helped you in the first place. 】

[Thank you brothers and sisters upstairs for explaining.I feel much better.But I still couldn't help but envy Xu Yong. The savior I met was Miss Gu. 】

[Same envy. 】

[I'm not envious. When I help others in the future, I will directly learn from Xia Xia's approach. 】

[Looking at the same problem from a different angle, I didn't expect it to be completely different, and the pattern has been sublimated. 】

At the same time as the barrage exchange discussion and display, Xu Yong's short video [-], Xu Yong is still continuing:
"There is a historical story, I don't know if you know it or not. It probably says that in ancient times, there was a man who felt that a prisoner was pitiful and couldn't bear to have him sentenced to death, so he let the prisoner go away secretly.

"Later, when this man went to the place where the prisoner was, the prisoner discussed with his wife. He took such a big risk to release me and saved my life. How should we repay his life-saving grace?"

Before Xu Yong finished speaking, the barrage couldn't hold back, [Of course, it's a life-saving grace that should be repaid by the spring!Needless to say? 】

[Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. 】

[If I were a prisoner's wife, I would definitely try my best to repay her. 】

Here the barrage is talking, and over there, Xu Yong is also continuing:

"The prisoner's wife said that the life-saving grace is too great. With our family situation, there is no way to repay him. It is better to kill him, so that there is nothing to repay."

The barrage is crazy and boring, [Divorce wife! 】

[Ah, this ruins my three views. 】

[Don't listen, poisonous wife. 】

[The grace of saving life is indeed too great, what happened later?Did he listen? 】

"The prisoner, together with his wife, killed his savior."

Xu Yong spoke calmly.

In order to express these clearly, he also consulted friends with better writing skills, changed the copy several times, and recorded several times with his mobile phone.

But most of the netizen audience listened to it for the first time, and to them, it was like being struck by lightning.

Shock, shake!

The barrage disappeared for a while, leaving only the barrage in front wandering on the screen.

No one thought that the rescued person would kill the savior in the end!

Everyone is subconsciously unwilling to accept it, and subconsciously wants to escape.

Some bullet screens subconsciously said, [Xu Yong is quite good at making up stories, and it has a BE ending. 】

[Scared me, in order to attract people's attention, deliberately sensationalize, this kind of short video should be banned. 】

【what story?You can't even joke, it sucks. 】

Some bullet screens expressed fear and pessimism, [scalp tingling. 】

[In the future, I will never dare to rescue people casually again. Who knows if I will be hurt by the rescued person in the end? 】

[It feels like this society is about to end, and people's hearts are getting colder and colder. 】

【how so?The grace of saving life should be repaid by springs!My perspective was completely turned upside down. 】

Some bullet screens are still rational, with an optimistic and positive attitude, [It turns out that there have been such selfish people in ancient times. It seems that whether it is ancient or modern, everything is changing, only the human heart has not changed. 】

[It is wrong for him to release the prisoner without permission, it is against the law.On the other hand, he still doesn't know people clearly. The prisoner obviously has low moral character. Letting him go is tantamount to misusing his kindness on the bad guys. 】

【Uh, this man is too stupid. He is soft-hearted and pity others, but others won't think he is pity. 】

[This kind of person is not worthy of sympathy at all. 】

[Such cases are too biased. From the perspective of probability, the probability of occurrence is very low. It can be used as a wake-up call. It is really my own problem. 】

[Kindness to kindness, a virtuous circle.Good versus evil, a vicious cycle. 】

[You need vajra means and the heart of a Bodhisattva.It's already hard to do. 】

[So at the very least, everyone must abide by the law and discipline, and don't be a good person. 】

There are also bullet screens that have been improved in internal cultivation.

[It is only now that I know that Gu Banxia's method is actually very clever, and he is very well-measured.So lucky to be a fan of her!Woohoo. 】

【She didn't save Xu Yong in vain.In the future, if you want to save or help others, but you don't know how to handle it properly, you can refer to Xia Xia's practice. She is simply a textbook example. 】

[Great loyalty is like treachery, great treachery is like loyalty, great wisdom is like foolishness, the ancients were honest and never deceived. 】

[Swiping short videos every day can also enrich the vocabulary of the Chinese language. This wave of onlookers has earned money, hehe. 】

[Darkness accumulates virtues, brightness accumulates fame, foolishness accumulates enmity. 】

[Before taking care of others, you must take care of yourself first, my God.If you can't even protect your kind self, wouldn't that be the greatest blasphemy against kindness? 】

[It is also the greatest indulgence to evil! 】

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