Chapter 268 A New Venue
The live broadcast is still going on, and you can clearly hear the narration played by the wilderness live broadcast, as well as the BGM that touches people's spirit and heartstrings.

Everyone wanted to go or not, and heard the sound of the live broadcast——

"Baduanjin is a kind of traditional fitness guidance technique in our country. It condenses the culture and wisdom of our ancestors for thousands of years. As the name suggests, Baduanjin includes eight moves in total, and each move is its own style. The move formation system..."

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, "Principal, if there is nothing wrong, we will go to work first, and you are also busy."

The principal didn't look up at any of them, as if he was immersed in the live broadcast room.

If he hadn't looked at the principal seriously when the last person went out to close the door, he wouldn't have known that the principal waved at their leaving figure with extremely complicated emotions on his face.

It seems that there is no expectation, and it seems that hope has been found again, and it seems... comforted?
The person who left last couldn't guess what the principal was thinking, shook his head, followed everyone, and returned to his post.

Someone was sitting in his office and secretly turned on the live broadcast of Survival in the Wilderness pushed by the principal again.

Someone went to teach with handouts, and before he even got close to the classroom, he heard a strange noise coming from the classroom.

The teacher paused, it was the voice of the live broadcast!
The BGM is so unique, it hits the bottom of my heart very touchingly, and it is easy to recognize.

Seeing the unexpected through the open or half-open windows of the classroom.

Usually at this time, if the students come early, they are either eating breakfast, the smell of food is wafting in the classroom, or they are holding books to sprint for research and postgraduate entrance examinations, or they are playing games and chatting.

And sleep.

It just has never been like it is today.

Almost all the students stood in the aisle or even on the podium and in the surrounding open space. Everyone seemed to have reached an agreement with each other, and they were separated by an arm's length.

In front of the young students, there are mobile phones or tablet computers, as if they have been called by someone, and there is a unified live broadcast on it, the live broadcast of the wilderness survival program that the principal pushed to them in his office.

The students stretched their legs, stretched their waists and supported their palms, followed the narration in the live broadcast room, prepared, held the sky with both hands to manage the triple burner, opened the bow from left to right like shooting a vulture, and adjusted the spleen and stomach with one lift...

Everyone is very dedicated.

Occasionally, if some students can't keep up or their posture is wrong, other students who see them will remind them.

The students who were reminded were not angry, and adjusted accordingly, and some became more and more funny, and there were bursts of laughter in the classroom from time to time.

No one noticed that the teacher was coming soon.

The start time of the first class in the morning is [-]:[-], and the bell rang loudly for the first time, which disturbed everyone following the live practice. Only then did the students let out a sigh of relief.

But it was also a breath of comfort, and someone with sharp eyes spotted the teacher who had already bypassed the front door and was about to come in through the back door.

The atmosphere of the whole classroom was tense.

All eyes and ears are filled with the news of the live broadcast of Survival in the Wilderness.

The students looked at the teacher holding the handouts, walked to the podium expressionlessly, looked through the thick glasses, glanced at everyone coldly, and said expressionlessly: "Students, we are starting class, please put the rest Pack up the relevant things."

The live broadcast devices were turned off one after another.

The teacher's serious warning sounded in the classroom, "Live broadcast is the same as games. Once you get addicted, you will find it hard to extricate yourself. Please cherish your youth and don't waste it on meaningless things."

While speaking, he pushed the handout, turned around and pulled down the projection screen on the blackboard.

The classroom was so quiet that there was only the sound of the projection screen being pulled down.

In the minds of the students, the Baduanjin that was just broadcast live still lingers.

Everyone has learned Baduanjin very well. I wonder if Gu Banxia has learned it later?
After a class of 10 minutes, the students feel very tormented, and they can't wait to end the get out of class immediately.

Finally, when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the students heard the voice on the podium as if they were being pardoned.

"Students, the classroom is a very sacred place. It is a place where you and the teacher complete the teaching and learning process together. If you let me see a classmate next time, playing live broadcasts in class, or other things that have nothing to do with learning matter."

At this point, every student was scanned and given a warning look.

"Sorry, ask him to drop out."

On the contrary, under the leadership of Mingyu, the taekwondo club applied to the school for a new venue, a space almost as big as half a stadium.

In a big city where every inch of land is expensive, the school can make such a large space dedicated to Taekwondo training, which in itself represents the school's emphasis on Taekwondo.

Ming Yu happily shouted to the students surrounding him: "In the future, everyone can recruit more juniors and lead them to learn Taekwondo in new venues."

The students applauded happily: "Good!"

Someone asked Mingyu: "Brother, can we also train Taekwondo in the new venue?"

Mingyu raised his eyebrows with a smile, pointed to a random student beside him and said, "What do you think? You answer it!"

The junior was very smart, and replied loudly: "Of course! The juniors and girls can do it, of course we can, and we are the first batch of people to use this venue!"

Everyone immediately became lively like boiling soup and oil.

Mingyu saw several men and women at the back of the line, and immediately became excited.

The leader at the back signaled him to be calm, and then Ming Yu calmly said to all the students: "Do you know? The relevant leaders and departments of the school, in order to show that they attach importance to Taekwondo as a compulsory course, who did you invite everyone?"

Who was invited?
The students showed curious and confused expressions, followed Ming Yu's gaze, turned around and turned around.

I saw the back, and I don't know when, three or four people came over, some men and some women, wearing uniform Taekwondo costumes, with red and black belts.

Everyone recognized the black one immediately after seeing it.

The crowd screamed with excitement.

People passing by couldn't help but poke their heads in this direction curiously.

Someone asked his companion: "What's wrong over there? It seems that a new teacher has come?"

Knowing something inside, he replied: "Yes, the teacher who came to teach Taekwondo, I heard that the school spent a lot of money and specially hired it."

The person who heard it next to him stopped and interjected: "I also heard that the site was originally planned to be reserved for Baduanjin, and it has been planned that way since the establishment of the school."

More people joined in: "Hasn't the teacher who taught Baduanjin resigned?"

Those who listened were surprised.


Most people think it doesn't matter, anyway, it has little to do with them.

(End of this chapter)

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