Chapter 269
Some tsk tsk said regretfully: "It's such a big venue, why don't you hold on?"

From time to time there were excited noises from the Taekwondo club, and the students were also heard talking about celebrations. In the evening, everyone pooled money to play hosts and invited those taekwondo coaches to the restaurant for dinner.

The coaches agreed, and the laughter became even louder. Wave after wave, the students in the teaching building were so noisy that they were not in the mood to study, and the teacher was a little absent-minded in his lecture.

Not many people paid attention to the departure of the Baduanjin teacher.

When he got into the taxi, the driver looked up at the customer quickly, then quickly lowered his head to look at the mobile phone in his hand, with a smile on his face, and greeted Baduanjin teacher, "Where are you going?"

where to?Baduanjin teacher doesn't know either.

He sighed, leaned on the seat, his eyes were confused, "Let's drive first."

The driver understands, this one is not in a hurry, handed over his mobile phone, and introduced to him very enthusiastically: "This live broadcast is really a treasure live broadcast, take a look! Just be happy..."

Baduanjin teacher looked up passively.

Originally, I just glanced at it, but I didn't know that after such a look, the whole person was completely frozen.

It took a long time for my soul to return to its place, to find my voice, and even snatched the driver's mobile phone into my hand, lowered my head, and my voice was no longer low but high-pitched, "They...they are live, live eight Duan Jin?!"

The driver was taken aback.

Almost thought the old man robbed his cell phone.

"Yes, yes!" The driver followed and continued to watch Gu Banxia's live broadcast of survival in the wilderness. The clock in the taxi showed seven o'clock in the morning.The big wilderness family happened to have practiced Ba Duan Jin's moves.

The Baduanjin teacher didn't see the front, but only saw the young faces of a group of men and women in the live broadcast room. They got together and live broadcasted the eight moves of Baduanjin in a mess.

Teacher Baduanjin frowned so tightly that it could kill a big mosquito.

How did you learn it?It's too messy!
His eyes fell on Gu Banxia who was at the back of the line.

Especially this girl, who is uncoordinated even in the most basic postures.

Do you have the nerve to broadcast it live?
Isn't this misleading the audience?
"Nonsense!!! It's hard to be elegant——!"

The driver's eardrums were buzzing.

He paused with a happy expression, snatched the phone back, "You don't understand!"

The driver held his mobile phone like a baby. Unfortunately, Baduanjin was over at this time, and the guests took a rest. Seeing that everyone was comfortable, the driver was also satisfied.

Seeing it means practicing it yourself.

I am extremely envious in my heart. As a passenger driver, most of the time every day, I can only nest in the limited driver's seat, and my stomach is boiled like a pig. If I can exercise like these people every day, I will be in good health I'm in a good mood, how good it is!
Teacher Baduanjin had a serious face, and said solemnly: "The one who really doesn't understand is you, it's them!"

He pointed to the live broadcast on his mobile phone, "If you don't understand, pretend to understand. Half a bucket of water will only make things worse. You, them, and everyone should reflect on it!"

The driver raised his head and wanted to refute, he was angry when he met such a guest in the early morning!
But as soon as he saw the other party's gray hair, the vicissitudes of the years were engraved on his face.

Forget it, if you don't get angry with an old man, you won't be angry that the other party is sick, and you have to pay for the hospital by yourself.Not worth it.

He put away his cell phone and fastened his seat belt, "Old man, have you figured out where to go?"

"Turn off what? Turn on your phone again."

The driver was stunned. What's the matter with this old man?
But turn the phone back on.

"What was the live broadcast just now? Open it."

Also urged.

The driver held his breath, feeling emotional ups and downs, at least two or three times.

Forget it, who made you an old man?Who makes you a guest?The driver resigned to his fate and reopened Gu Banxia's wilderness survival live broadcast room.

Inside, everyone communicated while resting, and the atmosphere was relaxed, as if a group of like-minded young people gathered together, and it was still lively.

The driver once again expressed envy, it's nice to be young.

Unlike him, the middle-aged uncle has a beer belly, there are old and young, and he has a lot of worries.

"It's open, what do you want to do?" the driver asked.

He felt that something was wrong with this elderly guest today.

The Baduanjin teacher stretched out his finger and pointed at the live broadcast room: "Where are they live broadcasting now, do you know how to get there?"

The driver's eyes doubled in size, and his tone changed, "What? Don't you think that taking my car can send you to the live broadcast?"

If he could, would he be crazy about it?Every day he goes there to pick up passengers, and he can still watch the scene by the way.

"Are you crazy or am I crazy?" Teacher Baduanjin looked at the driver seriously, "It's obviously in the wilderness, at least it must be a place far away from the big cities, I didn't let you drive me directly, besides, you can do it directly not."

Well, I let you say everything.The driver had nothing to say, "Then, then I don't know. Otherwise, you can make a decision after inquiring clearly." He felt that the old man ran away from home and had a conflict with his family.

I was about to persuade, but I met it anyway.Just do a good day.

Baduanjin teacher said: "That's fine. There are hotels nearby, three-star hotels are fine."

"Okay! You are done." The driver turned off the phone again and started the car.

The taxi drove farther and farther away from the school where Gu Ruo was, and when it entered the traffic flow, it was no longer visible.

The few students who chased out from the school gate could only sigh.

They all had mobile phones in their hands, and a live broadcast was playing on their phones, the same live broadcast.

There is also a mobile phone playing a short video that was purchased and edited for a fee, and the content played is Gu Banxia's morning practice of Baduanjin.

The BGM sound inside is mixed with various sounds at the school gate, such as the sound of business and breakfast, the sound of cars and people, the sound of campus security calls, the sound of electronic announcements at the school gate entering and exiting checkpoints...

Everyone is busy with their own business.

A few students at the door failed to catch up with Baduanjin teacher, so they had to go to have breakfast regrettably.

Originally, I wanted to recommend Gu Banxia's live broadcast room to the teacher.

After eating halfway, a student suddenly said: "I have a bold guess, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Some of his companions kicked his legs, "Everyone close your ears, I see him talking nonsense."

The people at the table laughed and staggered.

The student stopped playing tricks, coughed, and straightened his voice: "I think the teacher should see Gu Banxia's live broadcast in the wilderness, and see Xia Xia working hard to learn Baduanjin."

"Xia Xia played so badly, the teacher must not be able to bear it anymore. Maybe he is already asking people everywhere how to get to the scene, criticizing and correcting Xia Xia, and other guests."

(End of this chapter)

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