Chapter 61 Delaying Rescue
The director's heart was already on the line. This little Gu, since he caught the snake with his bare hands and opened it, has never made people feel at ease.

Seeing the barrage reminder at this moment, he hummed.

An afterthought.

The brothers and sisters of the rescue team all went to Hu Lanlan's side.

She pressed the siren for help and used up the remaining [-] points.And today's points are still stored in the program group, and have not yet been counted and distributed.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Hu Lanlan knew that the rescue team she was waiting for had arrived, and the crying became even louder: "Whoa, why did you come? I can't even see, am I blind? "

He also grabbed a little brother from the rescue team who was approaching, and pinched him with his sharp nails... Considering that Hu Lanlan was injured, good men don't fight with women, the little brother of the rescue team endured.

[Blind?Is it so miserable? 】

【It's obvious that they came so quickly, but they still despise the slowness of others.Hu Lanlan, are you hypocritical? 】

【The monkey just now was so vicious and the scratch was so deep and painful. 】

[Looking back at the live broadcast of Gu Banxia and Monkey, it was Gu Banxia who attacked first by Monkey, and Gu Banxia was defending himself. 】

[Self-defense is protected by national laws, so Gu Banxia is not breaking the law as Hu Lanlan said. 】

[Gu Banxia didn't directly touch the monkey the whole time, except for the last critical blow. 】

[Hu Lanlan is going to be miserable, she was caught by a monkey, and she can't wash off all kinds of viruses and bacteria on wild animals. 】

【Let me just say that the equipment of the little brothers and sisters of the rescue team this time is obviously different from the last time and any previous time.Wrapped more tightly. 】

【It’s good to be blind, it’s useless to have these eyes. 】

Little brother from the rescue team: "Miss Hu, you are not blind!"

Hu Lanlan squeezed his arm hard, the flesh under the clothes was burning hot.The little brother couldn't bear it anymore, and with an instinct, he threw away Hu Lanlan.

Hu Lanlan never expected it, and was suddenly pushed back.

After she was stunned for a second, she groaned again: "You pushed me? You pushed me? Are you doctors so heartless? Aren't you angels in white? How can you push me? They have already It's bad enough not to see..."

When the barrage saw this, he yelled and scolded.

Hu Lanlan's agent and the company couldn't help scolding, "Is it a pig's brain?" Manipulating the navy to whitewash and whitewash Hu Lanlan.

But this year's netizens led by the navy are not so easy to fool.

[This kind of person, let her go to the Palace of the King of Hell to report directly, there is no rescue value at all. 】

[The little brothers and sisters of the rescue team are patient and loving enough. 】

[Emma, ​​I have such a temper, I almost slapped the board on the ground! 】

[I really want to push her. 】

【Saving her is a waste of rescue resources. 】

[Understood, this is a habitual offender. Just now he incited everyone to hate Gu Banxia, ​​and now he is now inciting everyone to hate the doctor and nurse rescue team!A set of moral kidnapping is used with great proficiency. 】

[Why didn't the program group fork her out and wait for the New Year? 】

[Pfft, Hu Lanlan is not a pig, she is waiting for the Chinese New Year to get fat enough to be slaughtered. 】

[Good scolding, isn't she just a pig? 】

The rescue team frowned, holding back their disgust, thinking about Gu Banxia, ​​how attractive he is!
Why is there such a big gap between people?I don't understand how Gu Banxia became good friends with this Hu Lanlan before, the two obviously didn't get along.

The captain said coldly: "Miss Hu, if you don't need our treatment, then we're leaving first. We have to rush to see Miss Gu."

[Yes, hurry up! 】

[I wanted to say this a long time ago. 】

[I came here purely to confirm how miserable Hu Lanlan is. Now that I have confirmed it, I can transition with confidence. 】

There are quite a lot of people eating melons, and as soon as there is a barrage call, they are ready to quit Hu Lanlan's live broadcast room.

Hu Lanlan's manager was anxious and angry, and couldn't help scolding Hu Lanlan for being a waste, even this can't keep people!

Unaware that her performance of excessive force caused more people to reject her and lost a large amount of investment in the company, Hu Lanlan's mind changed sharply.

Looking after Miss Gu?

Gu Banxia?
Why is she everywhere? !

Wait... Could it be that something happened to Gu Banxia?Is it serious?
Otherwise, the tone of the rescue team would not be so impatient!

If Gu Banxia cannot be rescued in time, then...

Hu Lanlan's mood immediately improved, and her vision seemed blurred.

"Wait, who said I don't need it anymore? Didn't you see that my eyes are blind, my face is disfigured with stickiness, and my arms, woo, it hurts me to death... Come and save me Hurry up! I'm dying..."

The audience in the live broadcast room was speechless.

[Although it looks miserable, it is still more than a thousand miles away from dying. 】

[Too bad, Hu Lanlan's acting skills are too exaggerated, why didn't I see it before? 】

The rescue team was even more speechless.

"Miss Hu, you just have blood stains on your face that block your vision, so you can't see. It's not that you're blind."

Hu Lanlan cried, "Really? Why don't you hurry up and help me clean up the blood?"

The rescue team was annoyed.

Are they not hurrying?They began to rescue them as soon as they arrived. It was you who pushed and scratched the rescuers yourself. You abruptly delayed the rescue, but you put all the responsibility on them.

She should have been allowed to stay a little longer and suffer a little longer!
A lady from the rescue team came in as a substitute to clean up the blood on Hu Lanlan's face. Hu Lanlan opened her mouth and said, "Take it easy! Don't you know that the most important thing for an actress is her face? Rubbing so vigorously will disfigure her face in the future, you Can you afford it?"

The lady from the rescue team swallowed her anger and moved a little lighter, but Hu Lanlan said again: "Did you not eat? You are so weak, you want to tickle him to death. Where is your captain? I want to complain to you!"

The little sister who wiped Hu Lanlan's blood couldn't take it any longer, so she resolutely said, "I'm quitting this job, love someone!"

The rest of the rescue team was also annoyed, but what to do?I can only advise.You can't, just lose your job and career for the sake of a small Internet celebrity.

Although Hu Lanlan couldn't see clearly, she could hear clearly without delaying her.

Immediately she scolded: "What did I do to you? I just asked lightly, and you put on a face for this wounded patient like me, and abandoned the patient. Is this your medical ethics? Believe it or not, I will sue you from the Medical Association, Let's see who else dares to hire you in the future?"

Rescue Team:"……"

The fists are collectively hardened.

Monkey, why don't you just strangle this woman to death?
[Is Hu Lanlan swollen?Broken cans? 】

【Oh my God, this is her nature, right? 】

[Miss sister and little brother obviously do their best to rescue people, but she still accuses them like that, it's too much! 】

(End of this chapter)

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