Chapter 62 Hello, Doctor Tao
[I really want to wear the screen and drag it out to beat Hu Lanlan! 】

【Did Hu Lanlan forget that it was live broadcasting?Being seen by so many people, are you not afraid of bad influence and delaying your stardom in the future? 】

[Black and red are also red. There were no people in Hu Lanlan's live broadcast room before, so it was a little more than the original Gu Banxia, ​​I remember. 】

[Why do I think that Hu Lanlan is deliberately delaying time so that the rescue team will not go to rescue Gu Banxia? 】

【I also feel that something is obviously wrong with Hu Lanlan just now when the rescue team mentioned that they are going to visit Gu Banxia. 】

[If this is the case, Hu Lanlan is too bad, right? 】

【ah?The person who is doing bad things secretly is Hu Lanlan, right? 】

[Just her?Don't say I insult Hu Lanlan, does she have such an IQ? 】

[Tear it up, tear it up! 】

The barrage became inexplicably excited.

The rescue team also received news from the program group, and decided to stay and continue to treat Hu Lanlan, while the rest went with the captain to Gu Banxia's bamboo house.The faces of the remaining team members turned dark several degrees, and even the heavy protective gear couldn't stop it.

Those who were transferred all had relaxed brows and brisk steps, as if they had come to the wilderness for a leisure vacation.

[Light a candle for the little brothers and sisters left behind, and observe a second of silence. 】

The blood stains on Hu Lanlan's face have been cleaned and medicated, and local anesthesia and sutures will be required later.

Bacteria and viruses infected by wild animals need to be transferred to the hospital for further examination with equipment before they can be confirmed.

Miss Rescue doesn't like Hu Lanlan, so I didn't say that for the time being.

There are nine scratches in total, each of which is deeply visible, and just seeing it makes one feel extremely thrilling.In addition, Hu Lanlan had plastic surgery on her face, and those few surgeries were not bad. Now it is a new injury plus an old injury, tsk!
A light flashed across the eyes of Miss Rescue, and she couldn't stop gloating in her heart.

This is disfigured by monkeys.

But Hu Lanlan didn't realize this. Since she knew that the rescue team was going to rescue Gu Banxia, ​​she panicked and lost her position.What's more, her manager and management team were so worried that they lost a lot of hair, urgent public relations.

As soon as Hu Lanlan's dislocation was reset and her sight was restored, she immediately went over to stop the captain.


As soon as she moved, the anesthetic needle was drawn across her face, causing her to scream in pain.Hu Lanlan snatched the syringe, turned around and stabbed the rescue lady's thigh, "Bitch!"

Even the barrage hurts, the previous sentence, [Thanks to Miss Sister for wearing thick clothes. 】The last sentence is,【I can't defend against it, the equipment on the legs is too weak! 】

Hu Lanlan let go of the syringe, and immediately stretched out her arms to stop the captain, "I pressed it first for rescue, and you want to leave before I've healed my injury?"

[Is Hu Lanlan crazy? 】

[What is the show crew doing? Why didn't they fork her out? 】

[Didn't you see that the little sister who rescued her had blood on her thigh, and fell to the ground in pain? 】

[Is this trying to delay the rescue team from going to Gu Banxia Bamboo House at all costs? 】

[Hu Lanlan hates Gu Banxia so much? 】

[Tsk, what a terrible friendship. 】

Some also said, 【Gu Banxia is not in a hurry, I went to see it, but the director asked the rescue team to check the poison in the porridge. 】

[That is, Hu Lanlan was scratched by a monkey, thinking that she was disfigured, and she did it a little too much in a moment of urgency. If the rescue team were more patient, Hu Lanlan wouldn't be like this? 】

"Be patient."

At this moment, a male voice suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards, "Chi!"

There was a short sound, and the syringe that was plunged into the deep thigh by Hu Lanlan was pulled out calmly and decisively by the man who appeared suddenly.

The rescue lady was sweating profusely, and her complexion finally turned from pale to flushed. She sat on the ground and thanked the other party: "Thank you senior..."

Annoyed in her heart, in order to show her figure, she might broadcast live to show her slim and good-looking. Therefore, she did not listen to her colleagues' suggestion and insisted on her own opinion. She only chose a part of the equipment and protective gear below the waist.

He never expected to be hurt by Hu Lanlan, a little Internet celebrity!

After seeing the blood, the bacteria and virus on the monkey had already been transmitted from Hu Lanlan to her, right?The more the rescue lady thought about it, the more frightened she became, her body was shaking.

"No thanks," the man who appeared out of nowhere said again, "I'm late, sorry."

After speaking, he stood up, turned around, and faced the camera of the drone.

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room went blank for a moment.

【Ah, who did I see? 】

[Wow!Wow!It's Dr. Tao! 】

[It's really Doctor Tao!Live Dr. Tao, Dr. Tao really came to the show, last time he said on the bullet screen that he would come, I thought it would not be so soon. 】

[Wow, Doctor Tao looks so gentle in the live broadcast!He is more handsome than what he saw in the news! 】

[Hello, Doctor Tao. 】

After a while, the barrage was full of Dr. Tao, and Hu Lanlan was dumped by everyone in an instant. Everyone agreed that only the newcomers laughed and the old ones cried.

The person who came was the certified Doctor Tao who had appeared in the barrage before.

He knew that he was being watched by thousands of viewers at the moment, so he smiled and greeted the camera politely, "Hello everyone." At the same time, he bowed his hands.

[Ah, hello Doctor Tao. 】

【Doctor Tao greeted me. 】

[Dr. Tao instantly brought spring to the studio. 】

The nymphomaniacs also cheered up, just like when Pei Yunmo appeared on the first day of the show.

After Tao Zheng said hello, he turned around and walked towards Hu Lanlan's place.

【Is Doctor Tao going to treat Hu Lanlan? 】

[That would be too irritating! 】

He is here, he is here, he is stepping on the green grass and walking towards me with a fragrance!
Hu Lanlan took a suffocated breath, and her eyes reflected Dr. Tao's figure like pines and cypresses.

Hu Lanlan immediately adjusted her appearance and mentality, showing an expression that she thought would attract Tao Zhengze the most, and greeted Dr. Tao: "Dr. Tao, seeing you in person is really too high..."

Before the word "Xing" was uttered, Tao Zhengze raised his hand and stuck a needle near her mouth.

Everyone: "..."

Only then did I notice that Dr. Tao had been holding it just now.

Hu Lanlan only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and Dr. Tao's face was crushed towards her like a hazy shadow.

There was pain at the corner of her mouth, and her whole face quickly turned numb!
Before his consciousness was completely lost, Tao Zhengze approached slightly, and Hu Lanlan heard him say in a cold voice: "Miss Hu, I advise you not to provoke Miss Gu again, otherwise..."

Otherwise, what would happen to him?

Will you kill yourself?

Hu Lanlan could clearly feel that she was stepped into the gate of hell by the opponent's foot, and the coldness shot from the center of her feet to the top of her head in an instant.

Why was even his heart taken away by Gu Banxia? !
 Dr. Tao: Here comes the replacement you want.

(End of this chapter)

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