Chapter 98
【I also have this feeling. 】

[Interpretation is too much, Xia Xia is just too tired to save people. 】

Not long after, the guest contestants came to the gate of the bamboo house, and someone volunteered, "I'll open the door!"

As a result, get started and push.

Emmmm, the door of the bamboo house has not moved at all.

The operation caused the audience in the live broadcast room to smile crookedly, [They don't know that Gu Banxia's bamboo house has a mechanism, unless there is violence, only Gu Banxia can open it? 】

[Guest contestant: So embarrassed to ask three times, who am I?where am I?What am I going to do? 】

The guest contestant who opened the door laughed dryly, "Hehe, I'll open it again..." secretly concentrating on finding the secret to open the door.In the end, after trying several times, the door was still tightly closed, and the bamboo lines on it seemed to be mocking myself for being ridiculous.

The companions smiled half-smiles, an expression that I understand.

For the sake of the camera, you even acted on it!It's just a door, how difficult can it be to open?

The guest contestants curled their lips and took turns to go up. Unexpectedly, without exception, all of them returned home.

[Haha, I suddenly feel that these guest contestants are so stupid! 】

【Gate: It depends on how you open me. 】

[I jio, shouldn't the door be opened only by saying "Open Sesame?" 】

[It's useless to call Zhima to open the door, you have to call Xia Xia to open the door. 】

Gu Banxia couldn't continue pretending to be dizzy anymore, mainly because she was not familiar with this business.

She raised her hand and patted Zhou Zheng lightly.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I realized that my voice was almost hoarse, "Zhou Zheng, put me down." I'm afraid it will be difficult to make up for the consumption this time.Next time, hold back next time!Don't move to save people from fire and water...

Zhou Zheng felt a gentle slap on his shoulder that seemed to tickle, and for a while suspected that he was hallucinating.

He was stunned for a few seconds before he came to his senses. He quickly turned his head joyfully, and carefully put Gu Banxia down on the ground: "Miss Gu, are you awake?"

Hearing Zhou Zheng's voice, everyone froze.

Gu Banxia woke up?
She finally woke up?
Carrying hearts and hanging gallbladders slowly returned to everyone.

Seeing that Gu Banxia really opened his sleepy eyes, they all felt relieved, "Xia Xia woke up."

"It's good to wake up, it's good to wake up."

"You don't even know! How worried everyone is about you."

"Yeah yeah."

Well, all eyes were on her again.

Gu Banxia forcibly resisted the pressure brought by these gazes, and gave a vague "hmm".

As soon as he landed, he immediately felt top-heavy and unable to stand upright, as if his feet were stepping on cotton balls, Gu Banxia almost couldn't get on his feet.

Zhou Zheng was startled, and quickly raised his arms to support her, "Be careful!"

Gu Banxia's head was dizzy for a while, and he slowed down on the spot supported by Zhou Zheng, and then he recovered a little.After her vision regained clarity, she found that several hands appeared in front of her.

One, two, three, four...a bit too many to count.

Zhou Zheng's was supported by her, Pei Yunmo's was wrapped in white gauze, Tao Zheng's was bending his elbow and offering his arm... and other guest contestants stretched out theirs.

[It's so warm! 】

[Just watch and cry. 】

[Gu Banxia's eyes are all dazed haha: Am I being handed out a group favorite script? 】

[After Xia Xia rescued everyone from the mouth of the crocodile, the atmosphere of the whole wilderness family is different, so warm. 】

【This is what a big wilderness family should look like. 】

Gu Banxia: "..."

She could feel that some kind of emotion surged out of this body, causing the sides of her head to feel slightly sore, and the sockets of her eyes were also astringent.

The original body probably never thought that one day, he would be loved by so many people.

Calm down, there will be more love like this in the future.She comforted in her heart.

Gu Banxia stabilized his figure, and withdrew his hand from Zhou Zheng's arm.

Then he moved towards the door of the bamboo house.

But suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the atmosphere behind him, Gu Banxia paused in his heart, resisted not looking back.

If you turn around, you will see——

Pei Yunmo was trying hard to hold back his thin lips, while Tao Zhengze's coldness melted away, Zhou Zheng showed eight bright white teeth, and other guest contestants were also trying their best to hold back their smiles.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't have so much restraint, [Puff ha ha ha ha, Xia Xia must not know that he just walked, so he turned! 】

[I almost couldn't laugh. 】

[Xia Xia is really cute. 】

[I really want to hug my daughter goose mua. 】

[Help, Xia Xia is too cute! 】

Soon, the GIF animation of Gu Banxia walking with one hand and one crutch went online, and it was also listed in the real-time attention of major online social media.Some young people who were at the forefront of the social trend directly started the fighting game.

Many passers-by and netizens didn't know why, so they clicked in to find out, and then they were directed by enthusiastic netizens to enter the live broadcast room of the wilderness survival program where Gu Banxia was.

The more witty grandma made a second creation, cut a few poses of Gu Banxia, ​​and published them on Station D, triggering a wave of craze.

As a result, the number of people in the live broadcast room increased again and again, and the live broadcast of survival in the wilderness also increased accordingly. The director and the program team laughed until their mouths were a little tired.

It's just walking with the same hands and feet, can this be on the hot search? ? ?

Netizens these days must be mentally ill!

Hu Lanlan was so angry that she smashed the tablet.

Manager Xiao Huang walked away, picked up the tablet and walked over, "Hu Lanlan, this is the contract termination letter." He dug out the documents and pen in the bag, and handed them to Hu Lanlan on the hospital bed.

Hu Lanlan's mouth was still seriously injured, except for the sequelae left over from previous plastic surgery, which was caused by Tao Zhengze's anesthesia needle.Now, she can't speak at all, and she tears in pain when she moves.

After hearing the manager's words, Hu Lanlan's heart instantly fell into an ice cave.

Of course Xiao Huang could see that she was reluctant, and he curled his lips and sneered, "Why, did you think your benefactor would help? Hu Lanlan, you are no longer of any use value. If you are sensible, let's get together." It's not good for you to break up and tear each other's faces."

Hu Lanlan raised her eyes to look at the manager, her eyes were full of disbelief, tears were shining but she couldn't shed them.

Xiao Huang stuffed the pen into her palm, "Sign it."

In the end, Hu Lanlan could only sign to terminate the contract. If she didn't cooperate, she would also be hidden in the snow.When Xiao Huang was about to leave, he said something meaningful: "I'm leaving, so please take care of yourself. From now on, keep your eyes open and make friends."

Seeing Hu Lanlan who was tightly wrapped up in a daze, Xiao Huang shook her head slightly, not knowing whether Hu Lanlan would listen or not.

The ward returned to silence, only the sound of the live broadcast room came from the tablet computer.
Gu Banxia walked to the gate of the bamboo house, stretched out his hand to push somewhere, then pulled it down, and pushed it left and right.

Then, everyone heard a "click!" a slight sound, and the door of the bamboo house that was tightly closed was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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