Chapter 99 Visiting the Bamboo House
[Laughing, guest contestants: Is this open? ? ? 】

[So the door of the bamboo house is opened like this? 】

[Guest contestants: The eyes can see it, but the hands can't. 】

After everyone was stunned for a moment, someone followed behind.

Last night, because the shelter was blown down by the typhoon, everyone was still in shock and couldn't take a good look at the bamboo house. Now it is daytime, the light is good, and we are in a good mood.The more I looked at it, the more I felt that the bamboo house was built really well, I wish I could pack my things and live in it!
[Everyone rubs their little hands and eyes with golden light, don't you want to live in it? 】

[I still remember that before the typhoon came yesterday, some people said that the bamboo house was not strong, but the typhoon knocked down the shelter they built, and now they want to live in it again. 】

【I want to live in too!It's a pity that the program group is not open for registration. 】

"Xia Xia, your door is quite special."

"Yeah, we also want to build a bamboo house! Xia Xia, please guide me!"

"We shipped back a bunch of bamboo."

Before Gu Banxia could respond, someone observed her words and said from behind: "Okay, Xia Xia is already very tired of saving people, let her have a good rest first, let's talk about building the bamboo house later."

When everyone heard it, there was nothing wrong with it, so they shut up.

Gu Banxia also breathed a sigh of relief, these people are getting more and more interesting.It seems that getting along is not as difficult as before.

Everyone stopped at Gu Banxia's bedroom with some regret.

Gu Banxia opened the door of the bedroom in a similar way to open the door.

Everyone who was about to leave: "..."

The feet are stuck together.

The eyeballs were glued together.

Seeing the hangers in her bedroom, the bed, the meadow, and even the bamboo stool they had sat on last night, they were reluctant to part and took a few more glances.Only then did they supervise each other and exit the bamboo house.

The mind suddenly became alive.

The hanger is so beautiful, it can hang clothes, hats, and pants all at once, and rotate 360 ​​degrees, just like a flower tree.

The bed is firm and spacious, even if a person rolls on his head alone, he can sleep soundly and soundly.

And that meadow, wow, it doesn't feel prickly to the touch, it's neither soft nor hard, and it's really comfortable to the point of bubbling when used as a mattress!
All of these were made by Gu Banxia himself?Didn't the program group have a backstage and cheated to transport it?

It's all to blame for that Hu Lanlan, who just babbled in their ears when nothing happened, insisting that Gu Banxia is neither good nor that, making them mistakenly think that Gu Banxia is really nothing and nothing Understand the vase.

If they had known earlier, they would have established a good relationship with Gu Banxia. Now, they don't have a share of these things, do they?

After exiting Gu Banxia's bedroom, the contestants' eyes were red, and they scolded Hu Lanlan bloody in their hearts. Many people hated her to death.Hmph, when she comes back, she will be pretty.

Originally, everyone went to get bamboo so that they could enjoy the treatment of sleeping in a bamboo house starting from tonight.

But who would have thought that not only did the bamboo fail to get back, it was even attacked by a crocodile halfway through, and now it was able to come back intact, thanks to Gu Banxia.

"What are we going to do tonight?"

Build a shelter?Or not, a collapse experience is enough.

Then go chop bamboo and roll down?I just got out of danger after being chased and bitten by a crocodile. Everyone was terrified, and they haven't fully recovered from it until now. They dare not do it again in a short time.

[It seems that survival in the wilderness has taught everyone a lesson. In the face of nature, compared with other animals, human beings may not necessarily win. 】

[I want to see what everyone will do tonight. 】

[I remember that the program group also has supplies such as sleeping bags and tents, and you can exchange points for them. 】

[However, except for Gu Banxia, ​​everyone's points are not high. After basically exchanging sleeping bags or tents, they become paupers again. 】

[So your director is still your director, no matter how good your guest contestants are, you can't escape the Five Fingers Mountain of the Tathagata Buddha of the program group. 】

[Hey, once Gu Banxia goes to rest, she won't be broadcasting live, and the director is not afraid of everyone slipping away. 】

【Eh?Where is Dr. Tao?Obviously it was still there just now. 】

After this reminder, other live viewers who followed Tao Zhengze also noticed, [Yes, Dr. Tao is not here anymore.I want to see Dr. Tao. 】

[Why isn't Dr. Tao a guest in this episode?Why didn't the program team find Dr. Tao? It's okay to be a flying guest. 】

【Yes, we don't choose. 】

The director is a bit emo: Do ​​you think I don't want to?

After looking at the sleeping bag tent several times in a row, my mood improved.After the batch of one-time supplies were exchanged, most of the points he had spent on Gu Banxia would be recovered.

The director stared at the silent Gu Banxia's live broadcast room, is it so easy to earn points?No, I have to think of some new tricks!

Just in time, the staff of the program team came to report their work, and the voice said excitedly: "Director, director, we found Gu Banxia's suitcase!"

The frowning director regained his spirits, "Where is it?"

"Under the cliff, but it got stuck in the trees and rocks." The staff then asked for instructions, "Director, what should we do next? Do you want to salvage it for Gu Banxia and send it to the bamboo house?"

As soon as the voice fell, he received the director's gaze.

death stare.

The staff gulped.

What did he say wrong?
What does the director mean, is he not going to help Gu Banxia salvage it, or does he not need to help Gu Banxia deliver it to the bamboo house?

The staff members looked at their colleagues for help.

The colleague patted him on the shoulder sympathetically, there are thousands of mistakes, you shouldn't have said the second sentence!The current Gu Banxia is simply a thorn in the director's side, dare to ask for help?
The staff was at a loss, what happened to him?
Fortunately, after the director glanced at him, he didn't look at him again.

The director went to watch the footage transmitted by the drone in real time.

From the top of the cliff to the suitcase, it is very steep, almost vertical, and it is as high as a 20-storey building by visual inspection.And the suitcase to the water below the cliff is at least ten meters high.

It is the easiest and cheapest way to hang it up with equipment.But the equipment needs to be purchased, transported, and...

Staring and staring, the director suddenly opened his eyes and smiled. He patted his thigh and shouted: "Planning team, come here! Everyone!!!"

This loud voice, everyone in the planning team, was taken aback and thought something serious happened, so he hurried over, "Director."

A little trembling with fear, smelling a hint of danger that the rice bowl is about to pour down.

"Aren't you all flaws?" The director smiled like a king of Hades, "Here! Ideas! Here we come!"

He pushed the picture frozen in Gu Banxia's suitcase to the staff of the planning team.

All the members of the planning team were sweating, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes lit up, "The director is the director, this is a good idea, we will plan it right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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