Chapter 103

Huo Shiyu yelled at him, and said, "When did I pretend?!"

Her voice is very loud, very powerful, with a kind of lethality.Before turning the corner, Mrs. Hou and Mother Chun heard Huo Shiyu's roar.

"Young lady's voice is loud?" Sister Chun couldn't help saying.

Mrs. Hou was a little surprised. When did the usually gentle and reasonable poetry become like this?It's just the mountain people scolding the street?
Since the capital moved here, Mrs. Hou has seen many scenes of mountain people swearing and arguing in the street, and she is deeply touched.

The young lady of her family doesn't want this.

"You're not pretending! You're always like this." Huo Qian looked at her, his eyes seemed to have explored behind her, and suddenly the corners of his lips curled up, with a smile on his face, and said, "Mom, are you here?"

Huo Shiyu trembled at that moment and froze suddenly, then she immediately changed her smile, turned her face to look behind her with a happy face, and called out softly, "Mother"

Before her words came out, her face immediately changed. It turned out that Huo Qian was fooling her?Where is the shadow of the mother?

She turned around suddenly, pointed at Huo Qian, and angrily said, "You lied to me!"

Huo Qian leaned back and forth with a smile, and said while laughing, "If not, how could I see your true face?"

Because of the continuous laughing and non-stop talking, Huo Qian kept coughing.He bent over and kept coughing, his face flushed from holding back.

Huo Shiyu just stood there coldly, without even stepping forward to help.

When Mrs. Hou and Madam Chun turned the corner, they saw this scene. Huo Qian was coughing desperately, almost coughing out his intestines.And Huo Shiyu was laughing, very carefree, with a gloating expression.

Mrs. Hou and Mother Chun saw it clearly.

"Qianer? Qianer?"

"Little Lord? Little Lord?"

Madam Hou and Nanny Chun didn't care about Huo Shiyu's expression anymore, and they ran towards Huo Qian desperately.Madam Hou supported Huo Qian.Sister Chun tapped his back lightly to ease his cough.

His face was flushed, and his lips were a little purple.

When Huo Shiyu saw Mother Chun and Mrs. Hou running over, she stopped instantly.He also ran over, changed his tone, and said, "Qian'er, Qian'er, don't scare my sister. What's wrong with you?"

She moved to the side of the two of them, wanting to lend a helping hand, but was pushed away by Mother Chun, and said, "The more people there are, the more chaotic they will be!"

Huo Shiyu had no choice but to step aside resentfully.

The two were in a hurry, and Huo Qian's cough finally stopped, and his face slowly returned to normal.Mrs. Hou was already sweating profusely, she didn't know whether she was scared or tired.

Huo Qian will repeat it every once in a while, as long as the chance of losing his temper is reduced, basically it will be much better.

It was more serious today, if Mrs. Hou and Mother Chun hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

A few maids and servants came over to support Huo Qian, and helped him walk towards his yard.It's just that when he passed by Jiu Li's body, Huo Qian suddenly turned his head, slightly hooked his lips, and said, "You can take off your performance now, everyone has seen it."

Huo Shiyu stomped his feet lightly, turned around slightly, eyes full of grievances, and looked like he was about to cry, coquettishly said, "Mother, do you think he ever let me go?"

(End of this chapter)

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