Chapter 104 Schadenfreude
When Huo Qian left the garden, he didn't forget to make a face for her, then turned to Madam Hou and Madam Chun and said, "Mother, Aunt Chun, was there any difference when you entered the yard?"

Nanny Chun and Mrs. Hou looked at each other, but they didn't understand what it meant.

Huo Shiyu couldn't help trembling, her face was a little strange, she lowered her head, and glanced at Mrs. Hou through the gaps in the hair scattered on her face.

"Has there been any changes?" Mrs. Hou turned to look at Mother Chun and asked, "Has there ever been?"

There was only a slight pause.

Mother Chun then said cautiously, "Ma'am, barking dogs, why did we hear one or two barking dogs when we entered the door before? Why have we been standing here for so long, even a barking dog Didn't you hear it?"

Mrs. Hou was also puzzled, she nodded, and said, "Where's our dog?" After finishing speaking, she seemed to suddenly think of something, looked up at Huo Shiyu, and asked, "Shiyu, our dog?" Where's the dog?"

Huo Shiyu stood there awkwardly, scratching her head slightly.

As the eldest lady of the Hou Mansion, although she has conflicts with Huo Qian every time, she has never been able to gain the upper hand.But the Huo Mansion's love for her is unquestionable, especially Lord Hou, who is the apple of his eye.Hou Ye loved Huo Shiyu far more than Huo Qian.

It was only then that Mrs. Hou favored Huo Qian a little bit.

Madam Hou also loves Huo Shiyu a little more.

She can have whatever she likes.For example, if I like dogs, my family has more than a dozen of them, and they are all famous dogs. Many of them were rewarded by the emperor to Concubine Ming, and concubine Ming gave her.

She is very smart, proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and is deeply loved by the concubine Ming in the palace. Basically, she has what the concubine Ming has.

These dogs may be worth more than the lives of slaves in the Hou Mansion.It was so quiet today, I couldn't hear anything.

Huo Qian lived on the top of this mountain to recuperate from his illness. The fresher the air with his physique, the better; and Huo Shiyu came to raise dogs. When she came here from the capital, she brought a dozen dogs with her.

The dogs raised by her here are simple and strong. Usually these dogs bite whoever they want in the Hou Mansion, even if they eat the servants, no one dares to say a word.

Both Mrs. Hou and Huo Qian hated dogs very much. Thinking of the mountain tops that are inaccessible, it would be nice to have a few dogs.As long as a stranger passes by the door, there will always be more than a dozen dogs barking, like the irritability of cicadas in summer.

I hate it, but I'm used to it.

Unexpectedly, there was no sound today.

"Oh" Huo Shiyu hesitated and didn't know what to say.

"Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice." Huo Qian didn't know when he came back again, just now the boys just supported him and walked around the yard, and he turned here again.In fact, it was all intentional by those boys, and only the young master in the whole Hou mansion could handle Huo Shiyu.

All the dogs were killed by Jiuli. Except for Huo Shiyu, everyone here is gloating. I wish I could see Huo Shiyu's sad face a few more times.

When they turned around, they heard Mrs. Hou ask her something, and he replied, "I just stepped on a peony plant of hers, and then released a dog to bite her to death. Unexpectedly, she stretched out her hand a little bit, and took her All the dogs were hacked to death."

"You!" Huo Shiyu was so angry that he stomped his feet on the ground, but he couldn't do anything with him.

Huo Qian put his hands on the corners of his mouth, gestured like a kitten, closed his eyes tightly, opened his mouth wide, and made a grimace.

Madam Hou looked at the servants angrily.The boys trembled in their hearts, and ran away holding Huo Qian.This time I really left and didn't turn back.

(End of this chapter)

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