Chapter 112 Wild Species
Hearing Da Lang's 'Oops', he suddenly covered his cheeks.His mind sank, and he suddenly leaned back from the bullock cart, making a 'gudong' sound.

Sankui also leaned forward at that moment, but there was a strong man on the bullock cart with quick eyesight and quick hands, so he grabbed Sankui.Sankui's body just shook a bit, and he sat safely on the bullock cart again.

Before everyone had time to look at Sankui, they all looked at Ruan Dalang who had fallen headfirst, lying on his back on the ground, with one hand covering his cheek, his body twisted a little, as if in pain.

Jiuli stretched out his hand and took out a wild fruit from his pocket, pointed it at the cow pulling the cart, and gently flicked it towards the cow's buttocks.

The cow received a bullet from an external force and strode forward.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Uncle Zhao yelled a few times, but the ox cart did not stop. There were still several people in the cart who were going to the town to see a doctor, and they were in a hurry.Uncle Zhao just looked back regretfully at Ruan Dalang who was lying on the ground.Still drove the bullock cart away.

Jiuli stood at the head of the village and smiled.

She unconsciously looked at Ruan Dalang who was lying on the ground, the second lady of the Ruan family and Sang Ma had already come over at some time.They ran towards Da Lang desperately.

"Dalang, what's the matter?"

"Dalang, why did you fall off the bullock cart?"

Dalang was helped to sit up, he covered his cheek with one hand, turned his head and glanced at the bullock cart that had gone away, his face turned green, and he choked up, "It seems like someone hit me with a stone, and I just got out of the bullock cart." fell off the car."

"Hitted by a stone?" Mrs. Ruan and Mama Sang couldn't help repeating, and turned their heads to look at Jiuli standing there at the same time.

With her hands clasped, she was dressed in a purple dress, with a faint halo in the morning light, as if this person came from the sun.So dreamy, so unreal.

The hearts of several people tightened unconsciously.The second lady Ruan quickly helped Da Lang up.He asked with very bad words, "Who threw the stone?"

Dalang didn't speak, but turned to look at Jiuli standing there.

Jiuli just stood there without moving, with a smile all over his face, not sure if it was gloating or something else.

Sang Ma gave Jiuli a hard look.

Jiu Li didn't say anything, but curled her lips and turned her body slightly.Walk in the direction of your own yard.Just after taking a few steps, I heard Mama Sang curse viciously behind me, "You little devil!"

Jiu Li's body paused for a moment, but she didn't stop. She took out a wild fruit from her pocket again.With his back to them, he flicked out softly.

Hearing an 'oops' sound behind her, Mama Sang slumped on the ground.Someone behind him repeated in a low voice, "It really is her!" It sounded like Da Lang's voice.

"Oh my God! My dear mother, grandma, I'm dead! This little fool always bullies us! You see, there is no way for anyone who bullies our family to go to the academy." The second lady Ruan was sitting He pinched his ankle on the ground and cried.The sky is dark and the sky is dark.

Attracted a lot of passers-by and idlers in the village.

"His second mother, don't cry, we are normal people, we can't be like fools." Someone began to comfort Erniang.

Da Lang hurriedly added, "She's not a fool, she's a bad breed!"

Someone hastened to persuade him, "Dalang, how can you say that, after all, she is the seed of your Ruan family. If she is a bad seed, wouldn't she be scolding herself?"

Da Lang's voice instantly increased, and he shouted angrily, as if deliberately speaking to Jiuli, "She is definitely not the Ruan family's seed! I don't know where the wild seed came from!"

(End of this chapter)

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