Chapter 113 Hope
When Jiuli heard it, she paused slightly and slowed down her pace, but she finally didn't look back.Continue to walk towards her yard.

It was getting late, and when Jiuli came out, Qilang had already pushed his aunt to the backyard to bask in the sun.

At this time, the courtyard was quiet, Jiu Li picked up the pannier next to the door, carried it on her back, stepped over the threshold, closed the door smoothly, then turned around and walked a few steps.

"Jiuli." An extremely high-pitched voice came from behind, Jiuli paused, she knew it was Qu Feng's voice without turning her head, she was in a good mood today, as if something happy had happened.

Jiuli didn't want to talk to her, ever since she knew that she was going to the official's house to complain behind her back, she didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Unexpectedly, since Jiuli gave her a new dress, Qu Feng has come here every day. Although there is nothing delicious in her house, if there is something delicious, she will think of her aunt.

Jiuli didn't hate her that much anymore, after all she knew she was wrong.

Jiuli turned around slightly, looking at Qu Feng who had already caught up with him.She was wearing that new dress today, that long gray dress, the same one she made for her aunt.These days, she has been reluctant to wear it, and she only wears it on important occasions.

Could it be that something important happened to her today?
Jiuli stood there quietly, waiting for her to speak.She was beaming with joy and dancing, chasing Jiuli as if to tell her the happy event.

She approached Jiuli, very close to Jiuli, quickly looked around, stared into Jiuli's eyes, then lowered her voice and said, "Let me tell you, we are going to adopt a child today, and when we come back tonight , we will have one more person.”

After finishing speaking, she rubbed her two little hands happily, with an expression like a child who got her beloved toy.

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Jiuli to answer, she looked at the sky again, and immediately changed her anxious tone, and said, "I won't talk anymore. It might rain, we must go up the mountain now."

After she finished speaking, she picked up her skirt, took small steps, and ran towards the path up the mountain.

Jiuli stood there in a daze, watching her leaving back.She remembered her dream again, did she adopt a little monk Xiao Yuanzi in the dream?
Then it was pushed down the mountain again.

Thinking of this, she was shocked, and hurriedly chased after Qu Feng.

Jiuli stopped at the small intersection up the mountain, and she realized that she was one step too late.Qu Feng had already boarded the carriage, and there were many women in the carriage.

The carriage was staggering up the mountain road, and the chatter and laughter of several women floated out from the curtain of the car that was blown open by the wind. It was all their laughter and their longing for the future.

Jiu Li wanted to catch up with Qu Feng, but she stopped.

This is what Qu Feng is happy for. If she is not allowed to do it, she will never feel at ease and will hate her for the rest of her life.

Jiuli just watched the carriage gradually go away, until she couldn't see it on the mountain road, she moved her steps and walked towards the market.

In fact, the bullock cart to the town was also her choice, but she was reluctant to take it.After all, he is young, and he has practiced his legs and feet well.

Thinking that there was still something to do in the medical center today, she quickened her pace with her back on her back.

When she arrived in the town, it was getting late, and there were already a lot of people going to the market, which was a bit crowded.Now there is no place for her from the fat aunt, so she has to find a place to put down the basket by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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