Chapter 123 Gambling
The guy on the roof looked at this scene very anxiously, pulled shopkeeper Liu and hurriedly said, "Sir, should we go down to help? Someone will die then. Can Renhe Medical Center not afford it?"

Shopkeeper Liu glared at him, with an expression of disgust for his talkativeness.

Another guy rolled his eyes at him and said, "Idiot! Is this a human death that happened in our hospital? Who killed who? What does it have to do with our hospital? It's better if you don't go out, if you go out , our clinic really can’t tell.”

Shopkeeper Liu nodded and said, "Who do you think we are helping if we go down?"

The two guys bowed their heads and remained silent.

After a while, shopkeeper Liu looked at the guys behind him and said, "Think about how to clean the toilet when you go back."

After that, he walked downstairs with his hands behind his back.Because Jiu Li just came towards the gate of their medical center with a basket on his back.

Several guys followed quickly.

Jiuli had just stepped into the gate of the medical center, and before he reached the lobby, shopkeeper Liu ran over with a smile on his face, and said in an extremely sweet voice, "Miss Ruan, you are here."

The guy behind staggered and almost fainted.Is their shopkeeper Liu so gentle as water?They see it for the first time.

Jiuli weighed the heavy pannier, shrugged his shoulders at Shopkeeper Liu, and said, "Shopkeeper Liu, is there any distinguished guest who is willing to spend so much money?"

Shopkeeper Liu's face instantly pulled down, it was very long.If it weren't for the few unpleasant confrontations between them, how could he have spoken directly.

But now he didn't, and said to himself, "I have also found a genius doctor. As for whether I show it to you, I don't care. Who let you get to know each other in this way?"

He pointed to the lounge not far away, and motioned Jiu Li to go in and wait.That's the VIP lounge, and ordinary people can't get in.It was specially prepared by shopkeeper Liu, and it was cleaned every day, and there were very few people who went in and sat in it.

A few of the guys thought that shopkeeper Liu had too much money to make ends meet.

Now it seems that it is necessary.

Jiuli didn't understand this, so she went straight in.There are many refreshments and meals inside.After Jiuli sat in, she didn't feel any discomfort, but sat on the soft chair with her eyes closed and rested.

She didn't think much about it either, she just felt that the patient from a long distance hadn't arrived yet and she needed to wait.

Jiu Li leaned on the soft chair and fell asleep unconsciously.Shopkeeper Liu sneaked a few glances at the door, and then left in peace.

Where has Huo Shiyu outside been so embarrassed?
Jiuli is not a royal princess or princess, if she is of high status, everything will be easy to talk about.There is no need to be so embarrassing.In Huo Shiyu's eyes, she was just a lowly person, even worse than the servants in their house.Being teased by such a person, how could she swallow this breath.

Even if there are not many guards left around her, she is not afraid.

She stood up and said to the few remaining guards driving the car behind her, "Set off fireworks! Send a signal."

The Hou Mansion has a self-made firework signal, as long as the people of the Hou Mansion see it, they will come over, at least the guards of the Hou Mansion on the top of Xianxia Mountain will come over.

The guard was very obedient, and ran towards an open place, and then a white firework appeared in the sky, blooming in the air, like a bird, straight into the sky.

When the people in the market saw this, they immediately whispered to each other, and said with a serious face, "Did you see it? Is it over if the little fool hits him? They have moved the rescuers."

"Yes. This girl has a background."

"Little fool really poked a hornet's nest this time."

Everyone whispered here, most of them said that Jiu Li couldn't afford to mess with him.But what was the result, Huo Shiyu felt that he had finally won the round and gained a little face.

(End of this chapter)

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