Chapter 124 The Miracle Doctor Is Resting

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Huo Shiyu walked slowly towards the gate of Renhe Medical Center. Even after going through so many things, she still did not forget what she was here for.

Rescue her pet dog.

Although Shao Yao's nose was bruised and her face was swollen, it didn't affect her steps. She followed closely behind the young lady and strode into the lobby of the medical center.

Shopkeeper Liu still maintained his due courtesy and politeness, and stood in the lobby waiting for her early.

Seeing her coming in, she greeted her with a smile on her face, and the guys behind followed closely.

"My lord, you are here." He greeted warmly.

But the guys behind could hear that this greeting was obviously not as enthusiastic as Jiu Li.It's like being forced, some reluctantly.

Huo Shiyu wouldn't care about him, she didn't understand the meaning of what she said just now, she stood there with a slightly arrogant tone and said, "Where's the genius doctor?"

She didn't even have a title, as if he was not worthy of respect as a doctor.

Shopkeeper Liu slightly pointed to the guest lounge, and said with a smile, "My lord, the genius doctor is already waiting for you inside."

Huo Shiyu didn't even say a word of thanks, and strode towards the VIP room, but after a few steps, she stopped, then turned around, stared at shopkeeper Liu, and said in a condescending manner, "You still have a little bit of eyesight .I won’t settle the score for you yet!”

After this morning's ups and downs, shopkeeper Liu basically understood what kind of temperament this girl was. He was not as nervous as before, but bowed his body slightly and bowed deeply to Huo Shiyu.

The guy behind also bent over, not daring to say a word.

Huo Shiyu was already standing at the door of the VIP room, Shao Yao and two guards followed closely behind her, and the group just stood there.

Huo Shiyu brewed his emotions for a while, then turned to look at shopkeeper Liu and said, "What's the name of that genius doctor?"

Shopkeeper Liu paused, coughed, adjusted his emotions, and said slowly, "You can call her Dr. Ruan."

The two guys behind trembled slightly, their faces were full of doubts, and they didn't dare to ask.

Huo Shiyu didn't knock on the door, but said to the guard behind him, "Go and open the door, and invite Dr. Ruan out."

The guard knocked on the door a few times, but Jiu Li was sleeping inside and didn't hear it at all.

The guard knocked a few more times, but still no one responded.

Huo Shiyu stared at shopkeeper Liu with some doubts, looked him up and down, and said in a very bad tone, "You're not playing Miss Ben, are you?"

Shopkeeper Liu's face dripped with sweat instantly. He knelt on the ground and stammered, "My lord, I wouldn't even dare to lend me ten guts?"

When he said this, he lowered his head again and touched the sweat on his face.

Huo Shiyu turned her head and said to the guards, "Push the door open!"

The door opened.

No need to push, it opens automatically.

Jiuli, carrying a basket on his back, slowly came out from inside.She was sleeping just now, but how could she fall asleep with such a big commotion outside?
She woke up.

When the guard was about to kick the door rudely, she slowly opened the door, then raised her head, and walked out while wiping the body of the guard and Huo Shiyu, without even looking at them.

The group of people were stunned immediately, Huo Shiyu pointed at Jiu Li, and said angrily, "Why is she here, you bastard?"

(End of this chapter)

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