Chapter 125 Scared to Piss Pants
Huo Shiyu turned his head and glared at Shopkeeper Liu, who was kneeling there trembling, with a questioning tone.

Shopkeeper Liu knelt there, buried his head very low, and didn't say a word.

Jiuli walked forward with her head held high, walked out of the lobby, stepped out of the gate of the medical hall, and quickly disappeared at the corner of the medical hall, rushing into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

Huo Shiyu walked into the VIP room quickly, and looked around, but it was empty, without a single figure, where is there any miracle doctor?

She rushed out angrily, pointed at shopkeeper Liu who was limp there, and scolded, "Are you very courageous? Where's the genius doctor? Lie to Miss Ben, don't you want your head?"

Shopkeeper Liu is from the capital, and the aristocratic family is all in the business of practicing medicine. Who in the capital does he not know?When Huo Shiyu sent a signal to the sky, Shopkeeper Liu saw the shape of the fireworks through the window. It was the Huo Mansion, one of the four famous families in the capital.

I heard that Mrs. Hou lived a dignified and virtuous life. It was a sequel. She gave birth to a pair of twins. The original partner already had three sons. Because Huo Qian, the male fetus in the twins, was congenitally in poor health. With military merits in his body, he has made Huo Qian the little lord since he was a child, a hereditary lord.

For a long time, he lived in Qingqian Villa on the top of Xianxia Mountain, that is, the Hou Mansion on the top of the mountain to recuperate.

And the female fetus among the twins is Huo Shiyu, who grew up in the capital held in the palm of Lord Hou, pampered and spoiled, without distinction of grains.

When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation.

He, who runs a medical clinic, cannot afford to be offended, so he just collapsed on the ground and pushed everything away.

Seeing Shopkeeper Liu huddled on the ground in panic, she immediately ordered several guards to say, "Catch me!"

Only these three or two guards were by her side, and the others had to watch the carriage. Before so many guards couldn't do anything with Jiuli, how could these few people catch up to her now?
Several people looked at each other and walked forward hesitantly. Before they walked out of the lobby, Huo Shiyu seemed to have thought of this, and said to them, "Stop!"

Several guards stopped and turned to look at her.

Huo Shiyu turned his head, looked at shopkeeper Liu who was kneeling on the ground, pointed at him, and said in a stern voice, "Hang him up at the door of the medical hall, we can't deal with that genius doctor, so we will torment him! The genius doctor won't come for a while, We will not give up tossing for a while!"

When shopkeeper Liu heard this, his pants were wet.The ground was wet, and the guys kneeling on the ground had their foreheads pressed against the ground, not daring to breathe loudly, let alone look up.The urine just flowed towards them, and the forehead was covered with urine.There was a strong smell of urine, and none of them dared to make a sound.

Several guards chased Jiuli but couldn't catch up, and it was effortless to deal with shopkeeper Liu who had no martial arts at all.They set him up and hung him on an elm tree by the door.

Shopkeeper Liu's hands were hung, and there was a pot of fire underneath, slowly roasting him like a whole duck.

Huo Shiyu ordered someone to move a few chairs, and sat under the shade of a tree not far away. The guys brought some refreshments and watermelons.Shao Yao held the fan for Huo Shiyu so as not to beat the flies.

Several guards stood not far away.

A harmonious picture of rich old ladies going to the countryside to enjoy a better life.

A lot of people gathered in the market, they dare not come forward, they can only stand and watch from a distance, whispering to each other.

"What a life like a fairy?!"

"You don't need to cook a pot, you don't need to cook, you don't need to worry about rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. You can use your clothes to stretch out your hands to eat. There are still people waiting around. You can see such people in your lifetime."

"Reincarnation is very particular."

(End of this chapter)

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