Chapter 126 Dodge
People in the market were discussing here, only one person saw this scene, quickly dodged and slipped into the crowd.

Who is it?

Ruan's mother Sang.

The division of labor for the women of the Ruan family is very clear. For example, Mrs. Ruan Er mainly works in the fields, and she needs to take care of light tasks such as the vegetable garden. Occasionally, she also goes to the market to sell some vegetables and eggs.Because the eldest lady is not very comfortable, she mainly cooks at home and cleans up inside and out.

And this Mama Sang mainly goes to the market, she will come to the market every three to five days, one is to sell something, and the other is to buy something that is missing at home.

She basically doesn't come to the herbal medicine market very often. She used to come here occasionally, but since she knew that Jiuli often sells herbal medicine here, she basically never came here once.If you have to come, it must be when you are sure that Jiuli is not there.

The reason why I came here today is to see that the opposite side of the Renhe Medical Hall is very lively, and several magnificent carriages are parked. She has never seen such a luxurious carriage in her life. She came to see the scene.

I just didn't expect to run into this scene again.

When she came over, she happened to see Jiuli and Huo Shiyu confronting each other. At that time, a figure flashed past in front of her, and she didn't see the key part.When she saw it clearly, Huo Shiyu collapsed on the ground, with broken swords scattered around her.And Jiuli stood there aggressively.

She ran away quickly, intending to leave the place of right and wrong quickly, and she came back after walking for a while.She must know what happened. What if the Ruan family is involved again?
So, she came back again.

She's been here for half a day, and even though she hasn't seen many things with her own eyes, and everyone is talking about it here, she can piece together what happened.

Anyway, Jiuli is looking for trouble again.

Seeing shopkeeper Liu being hung up and roasted on the fire for an hour because of Jiu Li's incident, she almost collapsed to the ground.

It's fortunate that they cut it with Jiuli early, otherwise it would be their Ruan family who were roasted by the fire?

She let out a long breath of relief, and slowly combed her chest.

The two fists clenched vigorously, adding some energy to the body, and then squeezed out of the crowd.

Just as she was striding forward, someone called her from behind and said, "Sister Sang" with a thick voice, you don't need to turn your head, Mama Sang knows who she is, isn't she the quick-talking woman in the village?Who else but her?I'm afraid that no one will know she's here.

In an instant, many eyes shot at her 'simultaneously', and she felt that her clothes had been stripped off.

This time she limped into the crowd and never appeared in the herbal medicine market that day.

After Jiuli came out of the guest room of Renhe Medical Center, she didn't go directly back to Xianxia Village, but went to other markets.First went to the cloth shop.

I also pulled some fabrics to make clothes for my aunt, and then bought some daily necessities for the family. After wandering back and forth, there was a lot of money in the small basket, and it was full at this time.It took an hour.

After finishing these things in the market, she did not go home immediately.

She agreed to shopkeeper Liu, and she will sit in the clinic for an hour every day, but she just posted some unpleasant things in the VIP room, which has nothing to do with shopkeeper Liu.

She planned to come over for another hour.

So she came back again.

Xianxia Mountain is very famous, and there are many people who come here for sightseeing, and most of them will live in Xianxia Town, so Xianxia Town is more developed than other towns.The scope is greatly expanded.

(End of this chapter)

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