Chapter 134
Jiu Li just walked around the door leisurely, and the people watching the excitement around seemed to be involved in it, and none of them spoke loudly.For fear of missing a key word.

I don't know how long he lingered, Jiu Li suddenly stood up straight, his eyes were calm, he stared into Huo Shiyu's eyes, and said word by word, "I don't agree!"

Huo Shiyu thought she heard it wrong, she half opened her mouth, and asked in confusion, "What did you say?"

Jiuli smiled slightly, and repeated again, "I can cure your dog, but I won't help you."

Huo Shiyu still didn't give up, and explained, "Are you not satisfied with my terms? You can bring it up, and we can talk again?"

Shaoyao next to her seemed to be angry, pointing at Jiuli's vicious tone and said, "Do you know who she is? Don't think that just because you know how to punch and embroider your legs is very powerful, trampling you to death is as easy as trampling an ant to death!"

Huo Shiyu tugged her, signaling her not to say more.

Jiuli snorted coldly this time, looked at their master and servant with disdain, shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in anything about you, about you, in your house."

After finishing speaking, she turned around with her back on her back and walked towards the crowd. When she was about to get close to the crowd, she paused, as if thinking of something, then turned her head to look at her and said, "I am not the doctor of this medical center." It has nothing to do with shopkeeper Liu. If you want to find me, you can go directly to Xianxia Village in Xianxia Mountain. The relationship between me and you is just between me and you. They will kill you!"

After Jiuli finished speaking, she walked into the crowd.Everyone in the crowd looked at her with a 'swish', like a flash of lightning.Jiu Li didn't say a single extra word, and quickly got out of the crowd with a heavy pannier on her back, and disappeared around the corner of the alley.

Jiu Li disappeared for a long time, but the people who were stuck here still did not disperse.They feel like today is a dream.Watched one after another, always wonderful.

Now I still have endless aftertaste, and no one has the heart to do business.

After they woke up, they began to talk about what happened just now, about Jiu Li, shopkeeper Liu, and Huo Shiyu, the lady from the Hou Mansion.

But the most talked about Jiuli.

It was the first time they saw Jiuli like this, and they were lucky enough to sell herbs with her.It's a pity that I sold herbal medicine next to her and didn't notice her.

The obsession with and puzzlement of Jiuli, as well as Huo Shiyu's discussion, slowly dissipated in that sunny afternoon.It seems that the previous transaction has resumed in the market.

Just when everyone thought that this matter was about to disperse, they suddenly saw two people riding tall horses galloping towards here on the avenue to the north, and dust was raised behind them.The two came on horseback, as if they were walking together in the clouds, majestic and majestic.

These people who were standing there bored setting up stalls were suddenly attracted by the sound of horseshoes, and they turned their heads in unison to look.He looked enviously at the two men in fresh clothes and angry horses.

A burst of dust and smoke dispersed, and they had already arrived here.Immediately, there were two tall and burly men, well dressed, who could be seen as dignified people.

One is a middle-aged man, and the other is a handsome and resolute young man.

They rode their horses and stopped at the side entrance of Renhe Medical Center.One of the middle-aged men pointed to the empty space in front of the hospital, "Is this where the signal came from?"

"Yes, Lord Hou, just now I went to check, and the signal was sent out near here." The young man replied decisively.

The middle-aged man nodded, and looked up at the plaque above, where the four characters of "Renhe Medical Center" were neatly written.They turned over and got off the horse neatly.

(End of this chapter)

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