Chapter 135 restless
Huo Shiyu and Shao Yao didn't leave. The dozen or so dogs on the carriage were piled up in such a hot day, and they all smelled faintly. She still hoped that someone could cook her dogs well.

Besides, if you stumble so hard here, if you don't get up here, you will have no face to come back to this place in the future.

In addition, they sent the distress signal here. I believe that no matter whether it is the people from Qingqian Villa or the people from the Hou Mansion nearby, if they see it, someone will definitely come.

Jiuli has been away for so long, and no one has come yet.They didn't leave either, they were all staying in the carriage at this time.A few guards were dozing against the carriage.

They drove all night last night. They didn't close their eyes all night. They fought when they opened their eyes in the morning. They have been torn up until now, and they haven't eaten. They are hungry and tired.

After Jiuli left, the guys at Renhe Medical Center asked them to go in for dinner, but Huo Shiyu refused.The meaning of Huo Shiyu is very obvious.The monk can't run away from the temple if he ran away, didn't Jiuli escape?The Renhe Medical Center is still there.Can't the people in the Hou's mansion set up a small clinic?Is that still called Hou Mansion?
Therefore, she didn't appreciate Shopkeeper Liu's overtures at all.Of course shopkeeper Liu didn't show up, he was lying on the bed all the time, no matter whether he was well or not, he didn't get up.He felt that this was not the right time to get up.

It is true that people sit at home, and disasters come from heaven.Huo Shiyu, a god, he didn't know when he got into it, it was like a dog's skin plaster, if it got on it, he couldn't get rid of it.

"Have the carriages outside left?" Shopkeeper Liu asked, leaning on the bed, his brows furrowed.

A guy who had been standing by the window came in and shook his head and said, "Master, there is no sign of moving!"

"Hey!" Shopkeeper Liu sighed and shook his head helplessly.

After a while, he raised his head and asked again, "Is Miss Ruan gone?"

The buddy said dumbfounded, "Master, I'm counting with you. This is the ninth time you've asked. Miss Ruan has already returned to Xianxia Village."

Shopkeeper Liu lay down on the bed again, restless.

After a while, he said again, "Xiaoqi, can you go to Jiuli's house?"

The guy named Xiaoqi was originally a firefighter, so he worked as a helper with Jiuli, and now shopkeeper Liu has taken a fancy to him.Haunting Xiaoqi life and death.

Xiao Qi approached the bed and whispered, "Master, it's not been a day or two since we've been dealing with Miss Ruan, she's not the kind of person who doesn't care about us like that."

"Oh." Shopkeeper Liu nodded hard.

Shopkeeper Liu tried his best to turn over from the bed, sat up again, held Xiaoqi's hand tightly, and said tremblingly, "Xiaoqi, go to Xianxia Village to buy something tomorrow, and send it to Jiuli's house .”

"Oh..." Xiaoqi slowly let go of shopkeeper Liu's tightly gripped hand, and replied meaningfully, not knowing how to answer shopkeeper Liu.

After comforting Shopkeeper Liu, he continued to lean against the window and watch the situation outside.

Two tall and mighty men dressed in elegant clothes came to the field at the entrance of the medical hall. Xiaoqi saw many people here.These two are not native.It looked like they were from the capital, and they had the accent of the capital.

"Master, two mighty and tall strange men came to the door, and they seemed to be coming towards our medical center."

Shopkeeper Liu was shocked and sat up suddenly from the bed.He looked in the direction of the window lattice in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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