Chapter 137
How did Huo Jiang come here?
He came here originally, but after Xiao Shulin was rescued by Jiuli, he was hung on a tree.The binding is strong and safe.

But when he woke up, it was already afternoon.He was hung on a tree and couldn't get down.

Looking at his attire, the occasional passers-by would not dare to save him, and it would be very troublesome to save him.Because the rope is tied to the top of the tree, you must climb up to untie the rope. Even if you climb up the tree, you may not be able to untie the rope with one hand. You must hold the branch with the other hand, otherwise you will fall.

There was once a man who tried to save Huo Jiang, climbed up a tree, but failed to save him after a long time of drumming, and almost fell from the tree himself.Standing under the tree, he shook his head and sighed, "I don't know what kind of person tied it up, and ordinary people can't untie it."

Huo Jiang looked up just now, the rope that hung him was the one that Jiuli rescued him from the trap.He couldn't help but cursed, "This stinking girl!"

Others cannot be saved.Huo Jiang said to the people passing by, "If you see a young man riding a tall horse, tell me that I am here."

People who heard this sentence were very confused.But I had to agree.

In this way, one word was passed on to ten, ten to one hundred, and the word spread quickly, and it reached the ears of the dark guard Jiang Hai.After hearing this, he rode over and ran over.

Jiang Hai also came here for the first time, even if he took the main road, he had to make a big detour.The most important thing is that he met a carriage on the main road, which looked like the Hou's mansion. After all, he didn't dare to follow closely, so he could only follow from a distance, but when he entered a place with a lot of people, he lost it.

It took him too much time to follow the carriage, and he didn't see Hou Ye Huo Jiang at the meeting place, so he went back to search, until he found the grove.Standing in the grove and shouting for a long time, I didn't hear Hou Ye's reply.

He had to circle back again.

It was at this time that he met some enthusiastic mountain people. They told him that walking north along the grove for a mile, there was an old tree in a clearing near the main road, and there was a middle-aged man dressed very well. People are hung from trees.

When Jiang Hai heard this, he was a little dazed. He heard the description that he looked like his master, Lord Hou. Is this something wrong?

Lord Hou is a general who guards the frontier?A fierce general.

Not to mention being number one in the world, defeating him, especially hanging him from a tree is impossible for most people, especially in this small town, it is even more impossible.

He just walked around the town, and he didn't see any particularly powerful experts.

Full of doubts, he rode his horse and ran away.

When he came to the small venue and looked around, the red military uniform was very obvious. Who is it if it's not his master Jiang Hai?
He quickly got off his horse, ran over, and said in astonishment, "Master Hou, why are you here?"

"Hey!" Jiang Hai sighed for a long time, and said meaningfully, "You should save me quickly."

Jiang Hai jumped up, stood on the top of the tree with a 'swish', then pulled out the sword behind his back, cut off the sword on the branch in a second, and then flew down, jumped under the tree at an extremely fast speed, stabilizing Steadily caught the falling Lord Hou.

Those mountain people who watched the excitement nearby sighed 'tsk', 'tsk', Jiang Hai jumped and fell just now, as if a god had strayed into this place by mistake.

Many people can't believe their eyes, thinking they are dazzled.

By the time they realized it, the two tall and mighty men had already disappeared.There was only a cloud of dust on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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