Chapter 138 Xiaobai Missing
In the beginning, Huo Jiang and Jiang Hai rode a horse together.Such a tall man, how can a horse stand it?This horse had come from a long journey.

"Master Hou, where is Xiaobai?" After Jiang Hai rescued Master Hou, he looked around several times, but he didn't find Huo Jiang's war horse. It was a fine horse with white fur all over. A miscellaneous hair, psychic and recognizes the master, will not easily go with others, everyone calls it 'Xiaobai'.

"I don't know." When Huo Jiang said this, he paused for a moment, and said, "When I fell into the trap, I held up my hands to prevent it from falling in. Afterwards, I stayed in the trap for a long time, only to hear 'da The sound of the horse's hooves ''da''da' became more and more distant. I was in a critical situation at the time, and I didn't notice which direction he was heading. At this time, I think I should have found someone to rescue me, otherwise that person The girl may not necessarily find me in such a remote trap.

"Oh." Jiang Hai snorted, nodded and said, "What about Xiaobai now?"

The Huo family shook his head vigorously, with a strange expression on his face, and said in a distressed tone, "I really don't know. But I shouldn't lose it."

"I hope!" Jiang Hai responded, and then kept looking sideways at both sides of the road.Finally stopped at the door of an inn.

The entrance of that inn was a stable with many horses tethered inside. There was one Jiang Hai really liked. It was incomparable to Xiaobai, but he could ride it.At that time, he got off the horse, pointed to the fat and fat horse, and said, "Master Hou, how about that horse? I bought it and you ride it first. Xiaobai, let's find it slowly."

Huo Jiang nodded and said, "Go!"

Jiang Hai bought this horse from a second-hand dealer and gave it to Huo Jiang.

Huo Jiang patted its mane, and it shook its body, very docile, as if it had a temper with Huo Jiang, Huo Jiang smiled and said, "This horse is not bad." Then he hugged the horse neck, said a few words affectionately before turning over.

The two rode away towards the place where the message was sent.

Later, it was determined that the location was the venue at the entrance of the Renhe Medical Center, because the air was always filled with the smell of fireworks, and that kind of unique smell was unique to the Huo family.

The two came to the Renhe Medical Hall following the unique information, then got off their horses and walked quickly towards the gate of the medical hall.

At this time, Huo Shiyu, who had been hiding in the carriage, suddenly lifted the curtain of the carriage, and said with joy, "Look, Shaoyao. Daddy is here!"

"Ah?" Shao Yao pouted and said in a coquettish manner, "Master Hou and Miss are really connected as flesh and blood. Shao Yao has been staring at the outside of the car curtain for a long time and has not seen Master Hou coming. Shao Yao just sat down to rest. Master Hou It’s coming. Miss, what do you mean if this is not a connection of flesh and blood?”

Huo Shiyu smiled coquettishly, stretched out a piece of pale jade finger, pointed at her forehead fiercely and said, "You are the only one with an open mouth, be careful I will tear it to pieces for you."

Shao Yao smiled and said, "Miss, you are not willing to part with Shao Yao."

Huo Shiyu's handkerchief half covered her face, a pair of watery eyes stared at her, and said softly, "That's not necessarily true, be careful that I've betrayed you."

Shao Yao pushed her violently, frowned slightly, and said in a nervous tone, "Miss, if you continue to fight, the master will leave." After she finished speaking, she lifted the car curtain and jumped down.

"Ah." Huo Shiyu felt the importance of the matter, supported Shao Yao's hand, and walked down slowly.

"Daddy!" Huo Shiyu called out hastily.

Huo Jiang turned his head and looked at Huo Shiyu who was flying towards him. His tired eyes instantly brightened, and he forgot all the scars on his body, and he also rushed towards Huo Shiyu.

Huo Shiyu threw herself into Huo Jiang's arms, and said in a coquettish tone, "Daddy, you almost lost Shi'er."

"Master, you don't know that the people from Renhe Medical Center bullied Miss, and almost killed her!" Shao Yao stepped forward and added a sentence in a timely manner.

Huo Jiang's face turned purple.

(End of this chapter)

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