Jiuli patted its forehead lightly.

It might not have been waiting for her there just now, but it smelled the unique aura of the people in the Hou Mansion nearby, so it came over there.

The place where it was at that time was the place where several guards were shot dead.

Unexpectedly, when it came over, it happened to see that scene, the scene where Jiu Li buried them.Or it hid in the back, guarding them until someone buried them, and then it came out.

Jiuli's strength in stroking the fur increased slightly, and she couldn't help saying, "Much better than your young lady."

One person and one horse, one in front and one in back, left the dilapidated courtyard.Turn onto the path just now.

The white horse walked around Jiuli several times, letting her ride on it.They were all rejected by her.

Later, the white horse simply half-bent down and let her go up.

Jiuli first went behind it to check its wound, since the toxin had been eliminated, the wound was basically healed.

It would be fine for an ordinary horse to rest for a day or two, but for Xiaobai, it may not be necessary.It has accompanied its master through life and death on the battlefield, and has seen too many scenes of bullets and sharpening knives. This small injury is nothing to it.

Jiu Li had no choice but to go up.

The white horse carried her on its back and shuttled along the path like lightning.The birds, small trees, and houses around me were all left behind.

Jiuli's black hair was blown up in the wind, and the warm afternoon wind was blowing gently on her body, Jiuli's mood was extremely good, and it had been a long time since she was so self-willed.

She galloped the horse and let the horse soar across the field.After running for an unknown amount of time, Xiao Bai suddenly stopped.

Jiu Li was resting with his eyes closed.

She opened her eyes and looked around. She didn't know where Xiaobai had carried her, but she could judge that it was near Xianxia Town based on her perception of the route just now, and she didn't deviate too far.

So when Xiao Bai was running, she didn't care at all, instead she closed her eyes with peace of mind.

Not far in front is an inn, which was purposely built in the suburbs. The environment is very good and the scenery is not bad.There are big characters of "Yuelai Inn" on the gate of the tall building, which is simple, unrestrained and unrestrained, floating in the world, leaving the world and independent.

Although Jiuli often travels between Xianxia Town and Xianxia Village, the route is relatively simple, and this is her first time visiting this place.Didn't she expect such an elegant inn to exist in this place?

She turned over and got off the horse, and took a few steps forward.

There was no one around, Jiuli was puzzled, and turned to look at the white horse beside her. She also gave her a name, which was easy to understand, and called it 'Little White'.

"Xiaobai, what did you bring me here for?" After Jiuli finished speaking, he added with a sense of loss, "There is no one living in such an elegant inn?"

As soon as Jiuli finished speaking, he heard an extremely long and deep voice not far away saying, "Who says there is no one?"

Jiuli looked around again, and took a few steps forward, she heard the voice, and it was very familiar, where she heard it before.Why is there no one?

"What about here?" The voice drifted out again.

This time she heard clearly, but actually saw clearly.There is a blooming camellia in the courtyard of the inn. In fact, the camellia should have withered long ago in this season.It's just that the temperature here is a little lower than other places.At this time, the camellias are still competing to open.

A breeze blows, and a little bit of flower fragrance comes.

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