Jiuli took a deep breath, she was intoxicated by the fragrance of this flower, this is her favorite camellia.

In the place covered by the camellia, a figure slowly appeared.He stood at the railing on the second floor, poked his head out of the flowers, and looked at Jiuli like this.

He was dressed in white, with a thin body and fair features, and a long red rope was tied into his jet-black hair.Hidden among the flowers, it seems to be the patron saint of this flower.

When Jiu Li saw his figure appear, she guessed who he was.

His voice was very special, different from normal people's, he was breathless and weak.He had some kind of congenital condition and she had seen him before.

He is Huo Qian, the young master of Qingqian Villa.

When Huo Shiyu let the dog bite her, she was almost ashamed to see people, and her clothes were torn to pieces.It's still thanks to this young master, if he doesn't shout out, I'm afraid she won't be able to escape either.

She has an instinctive liking for him.

"You are the young master of Qingqian Villa?" Jiuli yelled at him, and said, "You don't raise your body in your Qingqian Villa, why are you here?"

"How do you know I'm recuperating." He coughed violently before he finished speaking.Almost bent over with a cough.

A few guards came up from behind, put clothes on him, and helped him in.He waved his hand, as if refusing.

Jiuli yelled at him, "Drink more ginseng soaked in wolfberry, and add some astragalus."

"Will it work?" He stopped coughing and shouted at Jiuli downstairs.

Jiu Li waved his hand at him and said, "Try it, it works."

The young master turned his head and said to the guard behind him, "Go and make me some tea, do you hear me?"

Someone ran into the house at a trot.Little Hou Ye anxiously looked outside, looking in Jiuli's direction.Jiu Li had already got on his horse, tightened the reins and was about to leave.

Young Master Hou called anxiously from behind, "When can we meet again?"

Xiaobai turned around on the spot, Jiuli kept staring at Huo Qian on the second floor, she was smiling.He said to himself, "You Huo family members, I want to see you so much? I have met your father, your sister, and your mother. Since I came to this world, even though my surname is Ruan, my relationship with the Ruan family is not as good as yours. Huh? I have contacted all of your family members, without missing a single one. What kind of fate should this be?"

So she just laughed, she wanted to say, better not see.

Sure enough, Jiuli didn't say anything, turned around and left on the horse.No matter how the little lord behind him called her, she didn't look back.

After walking a long way, the scene just now was still circling in her mind.

I don't know why, the little duke and she are not related, but when seeing him, she has a feeling of sympathy, as if she can feel all the injuries on his body, and she also knows what he is thinking.

When she arrived just now, she was very happy. He was obviously frowning just now, but when she appeared, it seemed that he suddenly became sunny.

When she left, she had a heartache feeling that it was his heartache.

Jiuli stopped the horse, stroked his fur little by little, and said slowly, "Xiaobai, even you belong to the Huo family."

Xiaobai paused for a moment, then shook his body, as if he understood and was very happy.After a long time, Jiu Li's mood calmed down.

Da Ma came towards Xianxia Village.

Soon, Xiao Bai stopped at the door of his house.

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