Jiuli turned over and dismounted.

Sankui appeared at the door in due course and led the horse for her.

Jiuli glanced at him, she was obviously anxious just now, but the moment she saw her, her brows and eyes instantly stretched.

It's not like he just came out when he saw her coming, but he just kept coming in and out of the door.

"Qilang?" Sankui yelled towards the backyard, and Qilang ran over from the backyard with a 'gudong' 'gudong', his head was covered with sweat, and there were some faint mud stains on his face.

Jiuli smiled the moment he saw him, and said, "Qilang, what are you doing in the backyard?"

"Sister!" Shichiro scratched his head, looking a little shy.

Sankui looked at him and said, "Take the white horse to the backyard."

The moment Qilang saw the white horse, his eyes lit up instantly. While taking the rein from Sankui, he said in surprise, "Sister, did our family buy a horse?"

Jiu Li shook his head and said, "I just picked it up, and I will return it in a few days."

"Oh." Qilang said, leading the horse towards the back yard, and kept saying, "What a beautiful white dragon horse."

Sankui took the pannier from Jiuli's body.The moment Jiuli handed him the pannier, she added in a low voice, "Be careful."

"It's so heavy?" Sankui entered the courtyard with a basket on his back, Jiuli followed closely, and closed the courtyard door tightly.

"What's in it? It's bulging." Sankui said with a smile while talking, "Why do I feel like a stone?"

Jiuli smiled and said, "It's a treasure inside, or a stone."

Leading the horse, Qilang had already reached the center of the yard, and excitedly called out, "Auntie, come out and have a look. We have a new guest at home."

My aunt just took the medicine, Sankui coaxed her to take it, and she was secretly eating candied fruit in the house.Sankui only gave her one, and she secretly hid three.

The moment she heard Jiuli open the door, she had already swallowed two.Qilang yelled in the yard, and she wolfed down the last one.

At this time, he stood in the yard with a cane, like a serious elder, standing there majesticly.It's just that the moment she saw the white horse, her eyes lit up instantly.

She stared at the white horse for a long time.

Then she unconsciously walked into the yard and got close to the white horse. She raised her hand and touched its thick, satin-like mane, from the neck to the horse's buttocks.

It seems to be reluctant to part, or it is the feeling of seeing an old friend.And the white horse stood there motionless, letting her stroke it.

"Auntie, Baima seems to like you very much?" Qilang couldn't help adding.

"Really?" My aunt's voice was very slow, as if she was thinking, or trying to recall the story in her memory.

Many stories seem to be filtering through my mind, but I can't remember them.

Shichiro led the horse towards the back yard, and the horse stood there motionless.No matter how hard Shichiro tried to pull on its rein, it wouldn't move.

It just approached my aunt and rubbed against her body vigorously, like a child seeing a relative, leaning on her arms and acting like a baby.

Jiuli and Shichiro stood behind.Watching this scene in astonishment.

Jiuli said, "Xiaobai knows my aunt."

Sankui stood there, with long eyelashes flickering, a tall nose bridge, narrow and long phoenix eyes, and deep eyes staring at this scene tightly, like an ancient jade.

As a man, he was breathtakingly beautiful.

He didn't hear what Jiu Li said just now, he was thinking.

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