Xiaobai has already raised its fat palms and walked towards the backyard with elegant and steady steps, leaving only the regular sound of hooves until it disappeared into the backyard.

"Auntie?" Jiu Li walked over a few steps and approached her, she smelled the faint smell of syrup on her body, she turned her head and stared at her mouth.

Sure enough, there were light red traces on the corners of her lips, which smelled sweet.

A white handkerchief was pinned to my great-aunt's chest, and one piece was stapled to each dress.The handkerchief was made of high-quality cotton, and Jiuli gathered it up with a clumsy needle and thread, and stapled it to my aunt's clothes.It is to prevent her medicine from dripping down from her mouth and staining her clothes.

At this time, she picked up the handkerchief, wiped the corners of her mouth for her, and said in a coquettish tone, "My aunt is stealing candied fruit again."

The aunt seemed to have just realized it, she quickly covered her mouth, shook her head and said, "Where is it? I just thought it smelled good, and it stained the corners of my lips on purpose."

"Hahaha." Jiuli hugged her and laughed.

Sankui was carrying a heavy basket on his back to enter the main room, maybe he thought of something, he stopped, then turned and went to Jiuli's room.

He put the pannier on the ground and opened it slowly.

It contains her small medicine box and many daily necessities she bought.There is brown sugar, which is the material for making candied fruit, which my aunt loves to eat; there are also fried chestnuts in sugar, which is his favorite; there is white flour steamed buns, which Qilang likes to eat.When Sankui saw this scene, his heart was warm.

He rummaged inside vigorously until he took out all the silver taels inside, but he didn't find any beef jerky.This is her favorite food.From the first time he bought her beef jerky, he found that she loved it very much.Whether you go out or go up the mountain to collect herbs, you will bring a few pieces.

With so much silver in her back basket, she thought of everyone except herself.

Sankui squatted there, the tears in his eyes finally fell uncontrollably.It fell on the white silver in the back basket, making a "slap" and "slap" sound.

It was at this time that Jiuli opened the door and came in.

Sankui heard the footsteps and hurriedly wiped away the tears on his face.He stood up, looked at the pile of silver on the table and said to Jiu Li, "Where did you get so many taels of silver?"

Jiuli didn't answer his question, but stared at his eyes, which were red and slightly swollen, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

Sankui pursed her lips, and she had a wicked smile, which was really moving in her eyes.He said in a light tone, "Several small bugs flew in and fell into my eyes."

Jiuli turned her head and looked at the small courtyard shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun. Occasionally, flying insects flew by, leaving behind a series of 'buzz' and 'buzz' sounds.

"There are indeed flying insects. Another day we will hang a big threaded tent in the yard to prevent flying insects."

She took every word he said into her heart, and Sankui's heart was overwhelmed, which made him feel even more sad.

Jiu Li walked over and collected the silver taels.The wooden boxes Qilang made were only used to hold silver taels, and he made six of them.

At that time, Jiuli said to make a box to hold silver taels, Qilang specially made a small and delicate box.Flip top can also be locked.

Jiuli said it wasn't enough, and later made six more boxes that were three times as big, each of which was very delicate and grand.She drew the picture and Shichiro did it.

At that time, Qilang was still wondering, are so many boxes used to hold stones?

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