Jiuli asked Sankui to record today's silver taels on the bill, and the total income was 180 silver taels.

When Jiuli took the bill in her hand, she couldn't help being surprised, Sankui's handwriting was astonishing.This is what he wrote inadvertently.

Such as a dragon jumping over the gate of heaven, a tiger crouching under a phoenix, a kind of majestic spirit of a king.

She just collected the bill silently without saying anything.

The dinner was made by Jiu Li, and everyone agreed that her cooking was more delicious, as long as she was around, she would do all these things.

Sankui was a helper, either choosing vegetables, or going to the backyard to water those vegetables, which was usually done by Qilang when the two of them were not at home.

The family sits around and eats together.The aunt was basically responsible for adjusting the atmosphere. While eating the scallion pancake made by Jiuli, she said with great interest, "Qu Feng hasn't come here for a day."

"Oh." Jiu Li put down the chopsticks in his hand, became interested, and said enthusiastically, "Hasn't she come back yet?"

The aunt looked up at her, her bright eyes seemed to be able to see people's hearts, and asked very plainly, "Where did she go?"

Jiuli just looked at her aunt like this, not knowing what to say, when she went to the market this morning, too many things happened.Ruan Dalang bullied Sankui and was cleaned up by her, and he was still lying at home at this time.

Qu Feng went up the mountain in a carriage with some young wives, saying that he was going to adopt a child, didn't he come back?
Jiu Li looked up at the sky outside, the night had already enveloped the entire mountain village, and the lights in the house were well coordinated and bright.The people in the room are so soft and kind in the dim light.

The feeling of home is very good, she has never had such a warm moment in her previous life.

"Maybe he's already back." Jiu Li didn't answer the aunt's question directly, but turned a corner.My aunt didn't seem to stop there.

She was still chewing her rice and said slowly, "At noon today, there was a cry of a child in her house."

Jiuli put down his chopsticks suddenly, and said nervously, "The child is crying loudly?"

Qu Feng is the neighbor of Jiuli's family, but not next door.There is not only a road between the two homes, but also a small open space, which can still accommodate another family.

If the aunt could hear the cry of the child at home, it must be a very small voice.

"Heartbreaking crying." The aunt said lightly.

Jiuli picked up the chopsticks and kept pushing the rice into his mouth, but he didn't eat a single bite.Sankui gave her some vegetables, but she didn't respond at all.

Sankui saw a big fennel that was pulled aside by his aunt, picked it up and put it in Jiuli's bowl.Jiuli also pulled it into her mouth, but she didn't see it at all.

"Huh?" She exclaimed, spitting out the fennel in her mouth.He gave Sankui a hard look.Then everyone was there laughing.

Sankui also smiled.

Jiuli returned to normal, and started to eat and eat vegetables again.When washing the dishes, my aunt motioned for Shichiro to do it.

Without using my aunt's wink, Shichiro entered the kitchen with the bowl and chopsticks.

Jiuli did not refuse.Just stood up, walked into the yard, and slowly walked around to the backyard.He stared straight at the direction of Qu Feng's house.

The night wind blew, and her clothes fluttered and danced in the wind.Outline her thin and emaciated figure.She unconsciously wrapped herself tightly.

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